Downsizing from 1 br apt. to 6'x4" Truck bed/camper

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2016
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Far Northern California
I got to meet Doug and Paulette, and am so happy I finally went up to meet them.  Can't say enough about how comfortable I felt around them.  It was a little hard to go, too long in one place, same people every day.  Refreshing to meet folks though, that are doing something with their lives.  Lovely people :heart: but many of you already know that ;)

I keep looking around my apartment thinking about what I "need" to sell, or give-away, in order to fit into a small place with things I know I need.  I downsized a lot over they years luckily, no furniture that wasn't either given to me or thriftshop, and got a bit carried away on some decor, but most of that was second-hand as well.

Funny, but one of my biggest concerns is my sister or niece having to come down and get my nice things.  It's so far for them to come and probably not even worth it.  The most important thing is to be organized, no matter where I live, everything in it's place.  If the Covid restrictions lift (which they have some) I could have people up for a moving sale.

Love to hear from those living in maybe a small truck like mine, and how you are doing, even if just part-time?  I'll just keep figuring just the bare necessities and see how much stuff I come up with.  Too much, trim it down again.
WOW...i'm excited for you Denise !!!    I know for a fact that Doug & Paulette are good people  :heart:  :heart: :heart:

I'm going to take the leap myself very soon !   I'm scared shittless !
I'm scared too, but but it doesn't out-weigh my dream to "just do it" ;)

I think once I start down-sizing, and realizing I don't die from parting with "material" things that really don't make me happy, I will become less and less scared ;)
I have no problem with leaving all my stuff behind….my problem is I don’t wanna suffer anymore….and I imagine I will be very uncomfortable living in a car… and not knowing what the hell im doing …lol
Everything on the inside of my apartment is comfy, and familiar, but it's stepping outside that is uncomfortable because of the environment. I'm reading in Bobs Blog again this a.m. and finding the ways to keep cool in higher temps. Also, making a new list of what I think I "need", keeping in mind what space I'll have in my truck Camper ;)
Gypsy - sounds like you need a caravan or at least a mentor to get you started. Maybe a month with others and you’ll know what the… You’re doing. As far as living in a car or a very small space I am too fat and disabled to do that I have a van which I can very close to stand up in. And of course I pay for it in mileage.

Golden girl- Downsizing was very hard for me. To separate with my library was the biggest thing. I had to do it in steps and I still have more downsizing to do.. Over a year of living in a van and I have a few things I haven’t even touched in the year they need to go. I think it would be great if a person could leave the sticks and bricks for a month to experience with living in the vehicle and then go back and downsize. You certainly will know better what you need and what you don’t need.

I come from a family of collectors. Might be a nice way to say hoarders but everything is organized nothing is dirty there are just things everywhere. So many of those things are family things. There’s Beautiful cradle made from old wide boards in the years right after the Civil War by a great great grandfather. There’s old butchering equipment that was in the family for generations. And that’s just the beginning of it all. There are even a few pieces that are really museum quality. I had dump some of that stuff on my kids hoping that they will eventually learn to appreciate it. Or they will get rid of it without my knowledge making me Free from the pain.

One of my worst fears is walking through an antique mall and finding my grandmothers dry sink and grandfathers desk among hundreds of other things. I don’t know why I go to antique Mall‘s except for entertainment I can’t afford to buy anything plus I don’t have space in my van. I bet the vendors there don’t appreciate me because “I’m just looking.” There are days I feel really good about being free of that stuff. There are other days when I sit and cry about it. I am working towards the goal of having more of the good days and less of the tearful ones. I often encourage myself by saying I’ll be dead soon and who gives a darn where the stuff is then.
Hi Nature Lover, I know many readers want that hard-copy book to read but I'll share my experience with that. I read a lot and when the NOOK readers came out, I just got one kind of for the heck of it. I like to try new devices and this has been such a blessing. No more hauling books because I am not the type that wants to read a novel twice. I pay 20 dollars every 6 months to Houston Public Library to have a non-resident library card for digital books (ebooks).

It's wonderful for my needs, and if you live/or stay near a library you can also get a card there for digital checkout. I use the Overdrive app, and be glad to help anyone with getting started. I have a Kindle Fire 7" with a book-cover type case, see pics below. It's just like holding a book so I didn't have any withdrawals ;)

Yes, I will know more after I am actually staying in my camper which will be before I "check out" of the Hotel California!! LOL!! Denise PS forgot the pics, I'll get them up here soon ;)
nature lover said:
>> As far as living in a car or a very small space I am too fat and disabled to do that I have a van which I can very close to stand up in. And of course I pay for it in mileage.

>> Downsizing was very hard for me. To separate with my library was the biggest thing. I had to do it in steps and I still have more downsizing to do..

>>One of my worst fears is walking through an antique mall and finding my grandmothers dry sink and grandfathers desk among hundreds of other things. 

I am too old and out of shape to have anything less than a minivan.  I mean, I could do it if I had to, a car or truck, and even a minivan is pushing it for me.  Good thing I'm only a part timer as of now.

Nature Lover, I went through my library last year, kept maybe 1/4 of the books I absolutely could not let go, gave over half of what was left to my kids and took the rest to the Veteran's Warehouse in town and when I dropped those boxes of books off, I cried most of the way home.

My ex, my kids dad, died of Covid last year.  It's a long story but his wife of nine years ended up as estate administrator because the sister he had named couldn't do it.  It was the ugliest, nastiest estate probate you could imagine and the kids and I will be feeling it for years to come.  I went to the local Goodwill one day and there were a few pieces of furniture in there from his house and it just floored me for the day.  It was awful seeing those in there.
You can read these books offline and only have to be sure to download them while you have wifi ;) Denise

Here's the reader in the book-cover (Kindle Fire 7" cover) ;)1.jpg2.jpg


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My ex gave me a Kindle for Christmas around 2005 or so. I didn't even know what it was when I opened it. lol

It's fine, but I love to have a book in my hand. And near me. If I don't have a book close to me at all times I get anxious.

Yes, I'm weird. haha
wanderingsoul said:
I am too old and out of shape to have anything less than a minivan.  I mean, I could do it if I had to, a car or truck, and even a minivan is pushing it for me.  Good thing I'm only a part timer as of now.
I think I can do this camper-build my "engineer" and I are chatting about, but time and experience will tell.  I know I almost died (well, I do exaggerate) tent-camping, loading, unloading, loading unloading and the worst part not being organized for me anyway.  I had help with the most confounding tent I've ever bought, from an Angel this last time and I bet if he sees this he wouldn't like being called that.  Nevertheless, if felt like a God-sent when he didn't hesitate one minute to help ;)

I know there are lots of ways I can help other Nomads, and look forward to sharing some of my skills and talents.  No laughing, I actually have some :D :p
G0ldengirl68 said:
I think I can do this camper-build my "engineer" and I are chatting about, but time and experience will tell.  I know I almost died (well, I do exaggerate) tent-camping, loading, unloading, loading unloading and the worst part not being organized for me anyway.  I had help with the most confounding tent I've ever bought, from an Angel this last time and I bet if he sees this he wouldn't like being called that.  Nevertheless, if felt like a God-sent when he didn't hesitate one minute to help ;)

I know there are lots of ways I can help other Nomads, and look forward to sharing some of my skills and talents.  No laughing, I actually have some :D :p
You don't know it yet, but I'll bet you have what it takes to learn how to live in a truck camper....or to build it!
Yeah @ Nature Lover all new things in the's scary until you are experienced....i know i'm a fast learner though, so that helps....i also have a ton of beloved books....i will just tell my kids to help themselves with whatever they want....they can sell what they don't need or want....i'm not going to even take the time to do that....things can always be replaced....

I'm in very bad shape physically....overweight...lots of aches & pains....a few years ago i was healthy & strong...when i got my van initially i was still healthy too.....since i've moved back with the ex i started falling apart......the van is long gone too....and my credit is all i have is a car on it's last

i hope to cram my comfortable twin mattress in the back....i know i will be comfortable sleeping on that....i'm going to make screen covers this week.....and hopefully find a big fan that's battery powered to stick in a window to suck the hot air out.....
I miss the feel of a book in my hand - not surprising, from the day I learned to read, I've had a book in my hand, so that's 70 years, give or take. It really hurt to give up my books.

Nevertheless, I am still always reading. I use a Kindle and this service -

Check to see if your local library is on it. Even if you don't use your local library much or at all, if your library is on Libby, you'll be glad you have a library card.
LOL! You're one of my biggest encouragers KK, and I can't thank you enough for it. We have the same, size rig pretty much, and if you are doing it, I can too ;) Of course you are what, 22 now?? ;) One thing I see with you as you are busy still working a job, and, building more things into your Camper. That's the ticket if we can just keep moving (physically active) health-permitting of course.

I did live in a smaller 5th wheel, and I did great for I think it was 2 years plus. The nice thing about being "out there", especially boon-docking, is stepping outside into all, that big "yard" lol ;) Neighbors yes, I want neighbors, just not wall to wall. Special get-togethers, I feel the more the merrier ;)
jacqueg said:
I miss the feel of a book in my hand - not surprising, from the day I learned to read, I've had a book in my hand, so that's 70 years, give or take. It really hurt to give up my books.

Nevertheless, I am still always reading. I use a Kindle and this service -

Check to see if your local library is on it. Even if you don't use your local library much or at all, if your library is on Libby, you'll be glad you have a library card.
Yes, I have access to the Libby App, just haven't used it as I am used to the Overdrive.  So that's super that you have that option, just when you want to travel light ;)
It took me 2 months to curate my belongings. I brought what I thought I might need, and also things I didn't need but wanted. I left when so much stuff that I had to open the doors VERY slowly. After 2 months, I'd offloaded everything I didn't need and made my space efficient and comfortable. 

Just be patient with yourself. It's not an event, it's a process. It's just life, lived from a slightly different angle.
Gypsy - sounds like you need a caravan or at least a mentor to get you started. Maybe a month with others and you’ll know what the… You’re doing. As far as living in a car or a very small space I am too fat and disabled to do that I have a van which I can very close to stand up in. And of course I pay for it in mileage.

Golden girl- Downsizing was very hard for me. To separate with my library was the biggest thing. I had to do it in steps and I still have more downsizing to do.. Over a year of living in a van and I have a few things I haven’t even touched in the year they need to go. I think it would be great if a person could leave the sticks and bricks for a month to experience with living in the vehicle and then go back and downsize. You certainly will know better what you need and what you don’t need.

I come from a family of collectors. Might be a nice way to say hoarders but everything is organized nothing is dirty there are just things everywhere. So many of those things are family things. There’s Beautiful cradle made from old wide boards in the years right after the Civil War by a great great grandfather. There’s old butchering equipment that was in the family for generations. And that’s just the beginning of it all. There are even a few pieces that are really museum quality. I had dump some of that stuff on my kids hoping that they will eventually learn to appreciate it. Or they will get rid of it without my knowledge making me Free from the pain.

One of my worst fears is walking through an antique mall and finding my grandmothers dry sink and grandfathers desk among hundreds of other things. I don’t know why I go to antique Mall‘s except for entertainment I can’t afford to buy anything plus I don’t have space in my van. I bet the vendors there don’t appreciate me because “I’m just looking.” There are days I feel really good about being free of that stuff. There are other days when I sit and cry about it. I am working towards the goal of having more of the good days and less of the tearful ones. I often encourage myself by saying I’ll be dead soon and who gives a darn where the stuff is then.
Hi. I know this is an old post, but wanted to tell you that I fear seeing family stuff in an antique store also. I have family heirlooms and photos I will not part with. Some furniture also. It is a horrible thought to think I will be browsing somewhere and see photos of my relatives! I am really the only one in the family that cares so it comes to me. I can't nomad full time and that is ok. My and the hubby like our creature comforts, but like to get out and explore too.
I'm assuming you're making this move out of necessity. If that isn't the case, there are other options besides hitting the road full time. Lots of people maintain a residence used on a part time basis. There are ways (ie. getting roommates, renting a tiny space, RV parks) to do it affordably if that's something you want.

If it is emotionally difficult to part with your stuff, consider putting it in storage (its cheap compared to an apartment) and see if you miss it. I'm new to "van life" and have no aspirations of being a full time wanderer. But over the past 15 years, there have been a dozen times when I've been away from my house for 4+ months, carrying only enough belongings to fit into the back of my car. What I've learned is, everything I need to live indefinitely somewhere, can fit in a duffel bag or be purchased at my destination. Though I like the stuff (furniture, appliances, books, clothes, fitness equipment, etc) in my house, I don't miss not having it when I'm not there.

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