I forgot to check back here after returning north earlier in the year. My dog was totally underwhelmed by Quartzsite. Anything he sniffed had stickers involved and that desert pavement was a poke in his paws every step of the ways. Really, that is some sharp stone, ready to twist an ankle at any step. Can't say I loved it either. Dust. Must be an acquired taste. Toddled on to Tucson where the very beautiful Gilbert Ray campground had been recommended. Holy ****. There was not a centimeter off the paved roadway that wasn't filled to the brim with cactus and other startling plants. I never saw such density anywhere else. Don't know if this was planted or simply encouraged. Beautiful but .... ACK! Anyway, it was a no go. Asked a ranger about solutions and he said to go up. Prickly stuff peters out at altitude. Useful info and we had many lovely days/nights at about 5000 feet. Didn't run into the goatheads until Texas and they were sneaky. My dog breathed a huge sigh of relief when we stopped at my cousin's in Sun City Georgetown, TX where there was thick glorious manicured grass! He is a child of the North.