Domicile FLA vs. TX for this Northeasterner

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Dec 1, 2016
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Preparing to retire and I am moving my domicile due to income taxes and vehicle registration/inspection rules.  As someone with his entire family in the Northeast, I plan to be here at least one a year, likely more to see family.  I have some family in FLA, but I'm not close with them, no family in Texas.

Seeing as how nationwide health insurance plans are dwindling on the ACA, I think I should base my decision off where I'll be more often to get check ups and whatnot.  Florida's scenery doesn't appeal to me all that much, but how quickly I could shoot home in a day or two is appealing during the WINTER.  Are there other factors I should be considering?  Things that come to mind:

- Travel distance for family to come to my aid if I needed for a procedure (FLA)
- Proximity to where I'll spend my winters (Most likely Arizona, so TX?)
- Longer registration renewals / inspection (no clue in FLA vs. tx.)
- Cheaper vehicle costs (registration, inspection, insurance.  Would use in Clay County if I pick FLA)
- ACA Health Insurance Rates

It almost seems that most preventative care stuff like physicals, prescription drugs, eye exams, dental work will be done with cash....possibly in Mexico. So I would not use this insurance unless a major problem?
Florida does not have vehicle inspection laws, but I think Texas has returned to having them. I'm a Florida native (gg grandfather born in Escambia County in 1824) so naturally I am biased!
GypsyJan said:
Florida does not have vehicle inspection laws, but I think Texas has returned to having them. I'm a Florida native (gg grandfather born in Escambia County in 1824) so naturally I am biased!

Ah, good tidbit of info there.  I'll have to look into that.
I would go to the Escapees site as they have perminent address mail services in both states and a counsler service I believe or at least a lot of posts in their fourms.
Florida doesn't have the inspections but the last time I looked at how much insurance was for Vans and bigger, the insurance rates were incredibly outrageously expensive. For that reason I decided not to register in Florida. The inspections are what really gets me and I'm looking for a county in California that doesn't require them. Most do. But there are a few that don't.

My worry about registering my vehicle in another state is... Will they ever require me to do it in person? in other words if I register for DMV tags in Ohio where a friend of mine lives, will I have to go there in person every year or every 2 years or every 4 years? So far I've looked at Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Virginia. Those States all have inspection requirements every two years.

Vehical maintenance seems to fluctuate between East coast and West coast. I wouldn't say the difference is huge but there is a small difference, with West coast Bean slightly cheaper depending on the area. Street parking and sleeping in your vehicle seems to be a little more friendly on the West coast (again depends on the area.) However, there are definitely quite a few areas on the East coast that have free or low-cost camping with no rules about vehicle sleeping.

I have Medicare so it's national but in some states, the co-pay is higher, or at least that's what I'm told. You may want to call your medical insurance and ask if the co-pay is higher in some states. Also, a lot of big cities have sliding-scale health care clinics. If you have something that is important but not an emergency, you can probably get into a sliding scale based on the fact that you do have a national medical insurance carrier.

Sent from my 5049Z using Tapatalk
New Mexico does not have inspection . I just renew the truck and car online .
Arizona only has inspections in 2 metro areas Phoenix and Tucson.

in California if the county population is under 50,000 then there is no inspection.

I thought I had checked New Mexico so I guess that was a mistaken. Good to know about Arizona & California.

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I wonder if it is the length of registration or inspection for certain states that keeps away fulltimers? Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming do not impose an income tax...and yet it's always TX, SD, FL that are mentioned for fulltimers.
yeah, but you don't want to register your vehicle in California. trust me it's very expensive. insurance is very expensive too. highdesertranger
]I can definitely verify that California insurance is kind of scam-y in my opinion is not as high as Florida but it's a pain in the ass. I've changed insurance carriers twice since I've got my van because of them putting fees on my renewal and saying that I didn't follow up with them.

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sierranighttide said:
Florida doesn't have the inspections but the last time I looked at how much insurance was for Vans and bigger, the insurance rates were incredibly outrageously expensive. For that reason I decided not to register in Florida. The inspections are what really gets me and I'm looking for a county in California that doesn't require them. Most do. But there are a few that don't.

My worry about registering my vehicle in another state is... Will they ever require me to do it in person? in other words if I register for DMV tags in Ohio where a friend of mine lives, will I have to go there in person every year or every 2 years or every 4 years? So far I've looked at Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Virginia. Those States all have inspection requirements every two years.

Vehical maintenance seems to fluctuate between East coast and West coast. I wouldn't say the difference is huge but there is a small difference, with West coast Bean slightly cheaper depending on the area. Street parking and sleeping in your vehicle seems to be a little more friendly on the West coast (again depends on the area.) However, there are definitely quite a few areas on the East coast that have free or low-cost camping with no rules about vehicle sleeping.

I have Medicare so it's national but in some states, the co-pay is higher, or at least that's what I'm told. You may want to call your medical insurance and ask if the co-pay is higher in some states. Also, a lot of big cities have sliding-scale health care clinics. If you have something that is important but not an emergency, you can probably get into a sliding scale based on the fact that you do have a national medical insurance carrier.

Sent from my 5049Z using Tapatalk

Wow, just checked, you weren't kidding about car insurance rates for 32043 where St. Brendan's Isle is for mail forwarding and domicile purposes.
I read you have to pay an extra processing fee when you use Escapees out of Florida as all mail comes to their Texas location first.... What do you pay for their services?
Texas requires vehicle safety inspections and vehicle registration renewal once a year (for most vehicles) but brand new vehicles can go for two years before renewing the inspection. Proof of insurance (paper or electronic) is always required for renewal.

The safety inspection is about $7, and yearly registration for most normal, average, cars, vans, pickups and smaller motorhomes is usually around $50-$75, depending on the county, and the value and age and weight of the vehicle.

Only certain counties require a yearly emissions test, these are the counties surrounding the larger metro areas, but out here in the sticks, there is no emissions testing required.

I have never lived where I had to renew the emissions certification, but I found prices online in the $30-$40 range.

And, if you are out of state when your vehicle registration and inspection renewal is due, you can contact your local tax office for your county and get your renewal by mail after confirming you are out of the state. A vehicle safety (and possibly emissions) test must be passed within 3 days of re-entry into the state.

These are the counties where emissions testing every year is required for most gasoline-fueled passenger vehicles:

Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Area: Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery Counties

Dallas-Fort Worth Area: Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, and Tarrant Counties

Austin Area: Travis and Williamson Counties

El Paso Area: El Paso County

That's about 17 counties out of 254 counties in Texas that require emissions testing, but again, all of our counties require a yearly registration and safety inspection. 

Texas does not have a state income tax, but they make up for that with property taxes and sales taxes, our taxes are some of the highest in the nation.

That's why I often refer to living in Texas as living in the State of TAXES.

Only have to switch two letters around to discover the truth.

AntiGroundhogDay said:
I read you have to pay an extra processing fee when you use Escapees out of Florida as all mail comes to their Texas location first.... What do you pay for their services?

There are three levels of service...….Annual fees are less than $150 for the mid-tier...…...PLUS postage deposit

You get TWO addresses...…..Florida and Texas

You use the Fl address for your Drivers / Tag / Vehicle Insurance and Banking......Medical ?...…….

You pay a BUCK EXTRA for each piece to be forwarded from FL to TEXAS...…….and then a flat-rate box $ to receive your forwarded mail...….and SOMETIMES you need to pay at the receiving end/rental PO Box/Handling service

I went PAPERLESS at all possible chances...………This month's package...….all I expect to receive is my Tag Renewal Sticker and some Past-Due open poll traffic tolls from Mass..

You use the TEXAS address for family and friends or for any other snail mail

Good Luck......doug
... when auto insurance rates went up in Fla. , I switched to a mailing service in South Dak. 
     I full time and have family in the Northeast [NY]  , renew everything on line [except license] ,
    spend winters down south , Tx. - Fla.  ... safe travels ...
Insurance is ridiculous in Orlando. I am stuck here until June 2020 now though. Aside from that, you need a physical address for your concealed weapons permit. They mail the permit to you; which I think is stupid. OTOH, no state inspections, tags can go 2 years but the price is the same as doing it annually. I plan to switch to South Dakota in 2020.

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