I have no experience with Sundanzer, and honestly i thought they were in that ridiculously priced category. I was surprised to see it not much more than the other 12v compressor fridge options.
That huge amount of insulation just screams efficiency, and they claim 10AH per day or something( without giving ambient temps)
The compressor appears to be the Danfoss/secop bd35f, which is a big plus in my book as it is quiet, and one can easily add another fan which cycles on with compressor, to help assist heat removal from condenser. The cooling unit vents need to remain unobstructed, which might hinder the use of interior space within vehicle, so this extra fan might allow more options on installation and still allow and or perhaps increase adequate airflow over condenser/compressor and compressor controller, increasing efficiency and compressor and controller lifespan further.
The detractions are the larger size for the interior space due to the thick insulation and somewhat unsexy appearance, but function outweighs fashion in my book and the sundanzer would appear to easily be the most efficient 12v fridge/freezer offered to the consumer.
With it, One should require a smaller solar system and lesser battery capacity, and not have to worry about adding more insulation to the fridge. If the electrical system is already in place, well, that leaves 10 to 15 more AH each day for other electrical appliances, and if not used, then it just means a happier longer lived battery.
As a comparison, my extra insulated/well ventilated upright front loading 1.8 cubic foot fridge averages about 16Ah consumed per 24 hours at 70F average. I would estimate 40% less efficient than the SunDanzer if their consumption claims are accurate. Without my extra insulation and hyper ventilated cooling unit I would expect the consumption to be in the 24Ah per 24 hour range.
I could make improvements in this number with improvements to door seal and door insulation, but consumption is not an issue, and it has no issues maintaining temperature no matter how hot the ambeint temps get. I would do it mostly for increased compressor life but it would reduce AH consumption too, and in the winter my solar cannot hold absorption voltage for long enough to fully charge the battery, requiring other charging sources applied earlier in the day, to keep it mostly happy.
Dometics now use a Waeco compressor, which appears to be a Danfoss/secop bd35f clone. I do not know how it compares to the danfoss, in function or sound.