Dog sitter wanted

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Dec 12, 2010
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My friend Steve has run into some health problems that have laid him up. I had planned to leave here 10 days ago and start my summer trip up north but his health took a dive and he needed me to stay and watch after him. You don't abandon a friend so I've been taking care of him. He's going to have to go into the hospital for 10-14 days to get more care and that leaves the problem of what to do with his dog Zeke.

Zeke is a great dog, one of the worlds best! If he has to he will leave him in boarding but that's a last resort when you love your dog. He'd like to have someone come and watch him and he will pay you $10 a day. Zeke needs the minimum of attention, like Steve and I, he lives wild. The door to Steve's trailer is always open and Zeke comes and goes as he pleases. Steve was in the hospital once before and I watched Zeke for him. The only thing you have to do is give him food and water once a day!! That's all, otherwise Zeke is totally self-reliant. He would like it if you petted him and threw his ball or frisbee  but he can live without it.

Zeke will not leave the trailer other than to go poop and pee, he is totally devoted to Steve and he will stay here until Steve comes home even if that is the rest of his life.  I've never seen such love and devotion! For awhile he will howl every night, calling for his loved one, you are just going to have to get used to that!

We are in the Prescott NF just off Highway 89 about 30 miles north of Prescott and 17 miles north of Chino Valley. So shopping is far away but it's free camping and we haven't seen any Rangers, it's too early for that. We are at 5200 feet so the weather has been just about perfect, 70s during the day and 40s at night. It's a pretty area and the internet is acceptable if you have a Sleek amplifier and antenna.

I know most of you are too far away but we are just taking long shot in the dark that it might work out okay for somebody. If not he will board Zeke for 10-14 days and get his health back on track.
Bob, if I was any closer, I'd drive there and do it for free. Speedy recovery to Steve and I hope someone is able to help out so Zeke doesn't have to be trapped in unfamiliar surroundings.
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Steve or you Bob and though I can't be of any help this time I wanted to send sincere prayers and best wishes for Steves speedy recovery and reunion with Zeke. gramakittycat
This breaks my heart. I can't imagine how hard it would be on both parties, if Zeke had to be boarded. I really hope someone is nearby and steps up. Sending healing thoughts to Steve, and love to Zeke. And much respect to you, for understanding, and practicing, true friendship.
Zeke is a great dog, one of the worlds best!
I can vouch for zeke as a great dog. If I were there I would help out. Best wishes for speedy recovery to Steve. 

I enjoyed camping with you all for two days as I passed through. 

I might be able to help.....getting ducks in row, can you text me?
Vonbrown said:
I might be able to help.....getting ducks in row, can you text me?

UH Mike, He said Dog, not ducks..,  :p  Good to see you around!
 We're far away too or we'd be there.  Zeke's a great dog and I hope someone can come help out so he doesn't have to go a kennel. Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery for Steve.
Vonbrown said:
I might be able to help.....getting ducks in row, can you text me?

OK supply nearly done, just groceries when I leave. Ready to help!
Vonbrown, it would be great to see you again!! If you get here tomorrow you can have tacos with  us! Here is a map. Just go to Prescott and head about 30 miles north on 89 NOT 89A. At mile-marker 344 slow down because the turn is about a block past it to the left. It actually has a stop sign on it. Once you are on that road the turn in to our camp is a little hard to spot so check the odometer. There is a gate over the road so open and close it.

Steve had to charge his phone so he will text you soon.

I have to say the people on this forum are about the best I've come across! If I weren't clear across the country I'd help but I will wish the best to Zeke and especially Steve who I hope comes through this well.
This is so great!!! :D Wishing Zeke and Vonbrown a wonderful time together while Steve is looked after, and wishing Steve a speedy recovery and return to his buddy Zeke. This is heartwarming. :heart: Thanks for sharing and caring Bob. So glad it's worked out. :)
I'm at camp....things are going smooth, assistance is underway.
Coffee is perking and spirits are high.

Thanks to everyone for all your support!
Thanks for the update, VonBrown!
I am glad I have found such a good community.  GET WELL SOON Steve and I am sure Zeke will miss you and be very glad when you return
  Vonbrown, thank you for stepping up to the plate for those of us who could not.  Sounds like great camping spot and weather.

Mmmmm! Smell the coffee!
B and C said:
I am glad I have found such a good community.  GET WELL SOON Steve and I am sure Zeke will miss you and be very glad when you return
  Vonbrown, thank you for stepping up to the plate for those of us who could not.  Sounds like great camping spot and weather.

Mmmmm! Smell the coffee!

My sentiments exactly!

Well, except for the coffee... :D
I'll stick to water or tea thanks!

I've met caring online community groups before but this one takes the award of excellence.
VonBrown, what a kind and compassionate person you must be. Steve and Zeke will be able to make it through this rough patch with less anxiety and a quicker recovery. Bless all of you. Jan 
akrvbob said:
With 4 men in camp, whoppers are being told, and women are being discussed!


I've overheard some of those '4 guys and a campfire ring' sessions...never pretty.... :rolleyes: :D :D :p