Disappearing Caravan

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May 17, 2018
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Have just arrived at Bouse campsite hoping to meet with Caravan 1 for a few days before I leave for some personal business in Yuma.
There are people here waiting for Caravan 1 to arrive.

I just found that the caravan has moved to Ehrenberg!  WHAT!!!!!  I checked the schedule 2 days ago and it came up the same.

Someone needs to post an official video on YouTube and announcements on the Forum.

This should be done at least a week before changes.  I am very disappointed at the lack of communication and information.

Best to you all.
I just checked and it was announce 4 days ago 12-8-18 on the official caravan 1 thread. highdesertranger
Yes, on page 3 of a bunch of chat about FB. That should have been front and center and/or announced on video. I checked the Caravan list the night before last, and Bouse was still listed. As I said, I am not the only sitting here. And I am not the only one upset about this.

This is the second time this has happened to me personally. I found myself driving into someone's private camp just after dark, and trying to find out where the caravan was. I had been out of internet range for several days, so I had made a copy of the list and co-ordinates. Nobody there. No sign.

Honestly, there needs to be at least a week notice before changes, and they need to be clear, and not in the middle of a conversation about something else. There should also be a sign posted clearly at the old site. This is supposed to be for newbies, and new people joining up need to be considered.

Simple courtesy.
In the future, be sure you are looking at the no chatter thread and at the most recent post
Again, I ask you please look. It is on page 3 of the no chatter pages, NOT page 1, and there is a PILE of stuff about FB which is of no relevance to where the caravan is and that is what I saw.

I am not picking an argument. I am asking for courtesy. I sense neither the people who are with me nor myself will get courtesy due to those joining later.

My rig gets 8-10 mpg and I am on a tight budget.

Again: Announcement in clear place or video one week before or posted in Caravans locations a week before.
Sign at Campground saying where the group is.

None of this was done, as I checked the Caravan Locations less than 2 days before I arrived at the wrong place.

As for me, I have to leave Friday morning and making the connections I wanted to is now out of the question.

Please consider others coming in when making your plans.

Thank you.
Shelby said:
There are people here waiting for Caravan 1 to arrive.

That means you've created your own mini caravan. :D
I certainly understand the situation, I also experienced the same and this explains how it worked out. On day one I arrived mid-afternoon and setup camp trying out a new setup first run. I was happy with the spot and didn't know what to expect with the group. I saw others spread out but not a defined group and resolved to check further the next day. I met two others there looking for the group and we became connected and still in contact. The group had relocated in order to be closer to each other as a group so next day we did join up and setup camp there. It worked well and no regrets but the question remained about relocating. ( I liked my first solitude camp) but I met great people which made it worthwhile,  the whole reason for the caravans was some enjoyment as a group. Acceptance was my lesson for those beginning hours - so my suggestion would be go easy on yourself either way enjoy the fresh air and open spaces.
This is the first year I believe for "organized" caravans made up of volunteers and people that normally stay away from groups. No body has done this to much before and probably no one could afford or would think to volunteer to travel extra to put up a sign which is probably not allowed anyway. One of the major reasons to be a Nomad is freedom from responsibilities and obligations to others which makes it easy to not remember how groups are managed. It's like making a pet out of a coyote. Most of more experienced nomads here won't even stop by to say hello normaly even if you offer them a free hot shower. This is a one time a year and for some a once in a life time event. You have just recieved your first lesson in becoming a nomad because nothing is gonna get done unless you do it.
Shelby said:
Yes, on page 3 of a bunch of chat about FB. 

Simple courtesy

Go to the first unread post by clicking on the green arrow, before the thread subject and author's name. The leaders of the caravan have been on point when it comes to updating locations. I'll edit and include a picture for clarification when I am on my phone

The leaders of the caravans may not have data or a signal or the inclination to produce videos. They're already giving so much of themselves to lead these caravans.



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agree with bullfrog in that 'what others say is 'set in stone' probably is NOT. Don't truly rely on others unless you have direct contact with someone who can truly help you, tell you real info, etc.

Thru facebook, posts on some forum, etc.....you are winging it in my eyes and while I sure get ya about courtesy and wanting absolute true info set in stone, you won't get it. BEST learn that lesson fast :) Don't ever rely on others and make sure you are doing ALL you can to be sure what you are thinking is going down and happening, no one else will truly ever do that for ya.

It is like herding cats out there in the world :)
But yes I get ya, when one says ABC and it becomes XYZ ya screw over others relying on your posted info, but heck, never rely on anyone ever again. Find your own way to absolutely make sure what you think is going down is truly going down......well, I know I don't rely on stuff I find on the net etc. even if 'it seems' real and perfect. I know I will get screwed at some point HAHA-----but even if I think I get it nailed, some crap in the universe will make sure I didn't get it right anyway HAHA....so...?? :)
Also consider subscribing to a thread if it's important and you'd like to receive updates
Again, I ask you please look. It is on page 3 of the no chatter pages, NOT page 1, and there is a PILE of stuff about FB which is of no relevance to where the caravan is and that is what I saw.

I am not picking an argument. I am asking for courtesy. I sense neither the people who are with me nor myself will get courtesy due to those joining later.

My rig gets 8-10 mpg and I am on a tight budget.

Again: Announcement in clear place or video one week before or posted in Caravans locations a week before.
Sign at Campground saying where the group is.

None of this was done, as I checked the Caravan Locations less than 2 days before I arrived at the wrong place.

As for me, I have to leave Friday morning and making the connections I wanted to is now out of the question.

Please consider others coming in when making your plans.

Thank you.
Hopefully others will see this thread and take responsibility for themselves by looking for the most current post. There are several ways to do it.

I'm estimating, after seeing pictures and driving by the caravans that at least 50 people found them without a problem. That was about 2 weeks ago. That number is sure to have increased

I'm not sure how a video, or listing anywhere but on the official thread would make a difference.

Thread closed.
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