I recieved my SS Disibility about 18months ago, and in doing so I was relieved from "Discharged" my student loans... I had paid on the loans up to when i was unable to work and notified Sallie Mae of my situation... As soon as i was excepted on SSD the student loans were discharged as a hardship because i was deemed unemployable and the money i receive was at about the poverty level...<br><br>Flash forward to March of this year and my meager check was over $200 short without any explanation... I contacted the SSA and after a while I was told that the Dept. of ED/Sallie Mae had put a garnishment on me, my heart sank... <br><br>Contacting either of these agencies was like talking to robots and there was no recourse but to go through the Dept. of Ed hoops... They no longer accepted the SSA decision of my condition, now thats arrogent and over stepping... Asking about what changed and why I was told the Dept of ED had changed policies in Nov. of 2011 and they were going back in there records to collect... The why was the economy and the population defaulting on their loans...<br><br>So if you had discharged student loans when you received your disability be aware and be prepared... Info below you will need...<br><br>https://www1.salliemae.com/after_gr...r_responsibility/understanding/disability.htm<br><br>