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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2015
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Where ever you find me
Well, this is a difficult topic for me.    I would rather not deal with this head on, but I have no choices.

So, here goes.

I came to Colorado to take care of my parents. (Long story).  Within a couple of months of my arrival my father died.   

My Mom had a stroke, and a couple of serious heart conditions .... she needed 24/7 care.

Through the great help of the tribe here, I finally got my RV moved to Colorado last January.   I have been trying to get a day or two each week to put in some work on it.

All work stopped a couple weeks ago (maybe more?  It is a blurrr). 

My Mom is failing fast.   Hospice was brought in 2 weeks ago.   She is not expected to last more than a couple weeks...at most.     Her idea to hit the road with me...well......

While I am doing OK right now, I sort of expect to be a basket case when it does happen.   Honestly, nothing prepares you for it.

So...dealing with this reality head on...the lease on the house expires next month too.   And I hadn't planned to stay in this big house past that time...but..I was expecting to find 2 bedroom house (Mom and I).   Now it will be just me

I am only here till the RV is far enough along to hit the road.   Probably a couple months.

Look as I may...I cannot find temp Housing here (grand valley).  I thought about maybe going to a paid camp site....but I don't have any electric installed yet...and solar panels are still waiting too.   No battery yet....etc, and this is the high desert...think very HOT in summer...living in the RV here this summer is not going to be workable.

I checked on the roommates wanted in Craigslist...but..at 66 years old, these youngsters and college kids don't want grandma around.   

Motel is too expensive...or in places you don't want to live.

Getting an apartment ...well, they all want a year lease.   I can't commit to that kind of money...or to ruin my credit with a civil suit for the years rent.   A few places are month to month....but, I would not be safe in those areas of town.    Looked down as far as montrose.  But, the smaller towns have even less.

I thought about just moving the RV anyway.  But, the amount of work left is just too much.  Plus I have a couple people here paid for some speciality work that won't be ready for a month (maybe more) anyway.   Can't live in it till there is the basic stuff done.  

Can anyone add ideas that I have not thought of?    
My goal is to stay here, work on the RV, and get gone by November.
There has to be an answer that will work. Is it possible you can go month to month where you are until you are in a position to leave?
Do you have a vehicle you can sleep in until the RV is finished? Is there any where within say 50-75 miles that you can stay (in a vehicle) for free until the basic work on it is finished? Are you able to leave it somewhere while you're working on it?

Very sorry to hear about your mom! I will be a basket case as well, and my kids are all prepped to help me get through it! Positive thoughts and prayers for you!!
Are there any short term stay motels such as Extended Stay near you?  Not especially cheap but they will work with you for a longer stay such as a month.  Here in Phoenix it was about what an apartment cost and included everything even internet.
I'm very sorry to hear, Kat. A lot of people don't realize how blazingly hot Colorado gets in the summer. And those temps can last into September, so I agree - you can't do it in a vehicle. 

Maybe talk to the hospice workers? They might have some contacts or ideas. If your parents were active in a church, that might be another place to start.
There are 6 month leases. Well, at least there used to be. I think that with your circumstances, you would be able to talk some of those 1 year leases into 6 months. Might not be optimal time line wise, but with the RV project, it seems there's always something that comes up and delays a project. Call realtors, they know people. Look at surrounding areas. I do think you could find a 6 month lease, best of luck.
So sorry to hear about mom !
Basket case would probably describe me too when my mom gets to that point.
You will have the tribe for support , don't hesitate to turn here.

I don't know about CO. summer temps but from comments so far sounds hot. Would a campground and an ext. cord and a cheapo home AC work if you could get the rig insulated ?

Working on your rig might not be allowed there though.....


Maybe there is a tribe member around you that still isn't on the road yet . Help each other with both builds???

Is the rig road worthy so you could go somewhere else for the build?
So sorry to hear about your mom's declining health. I moved in with my mom last fall. Not looking forward to that part of this journey, at all.

Have you considered placing an ad on craigslist?

Do you have a drive able vehicle? I might drive around more rural areas, not too far out, and knock on some doors. Check with feed and grain stores for farms/ranches that might have room and like the idea of live your n security. They'll have bulletin boards too.

Good luck!
The Colorado GTG in July might be a lot of help on the rig prep , could that be close to you?
I'm really sorry to hear this bad news, much as one might try, you can never be ready for this. :( Prayers and thoughts for your family. :(
I am so sorry that you are having housing issues at the same time you are dealing with so much grief. 

You might be able to find an affordable room on AirBNB especially if you can expand the area you are looking in. Good luck!
If the landloard has half a heart he will understand your situation and work out a 6 month lease rather than a 12 month. Probably at a higher cost but.......

Talk to him/her/them, I used to manage properties and there are almost always exceptions to the stated rules.

If the house lease is in her name...... you can't get money from the deceased.
You may have to get out right quick anyway so be ready to move once the services are over, a few weeks at the most.

Sorry for your pending loss, it isn't easy but time will show that it is for the best. My Mom recently died at 94, I know where you are right now.

My Cousins Sister In Law lived with and took care of her Mom, they lived in a public Senior citizens complex, she was shocked that they made her leave soon after the Mothers death!
She thought she could stay on there! Silly Girl!

Look for house sitting or per sitting or land sitting opportunities on Craig's list or the Caretakers Gazette.  Check out coolworks.com for campground or gift shop jobs nearby that may work in your favor.
This is such a tough situation to be in. Every possible minute is being spent with Mom.

Knowing that the end is coming soon is very hard to deal with day after day like this. It is hard to focus my attention on anything else for more than a couple minutes. I find myself wandering around because I forgot what I was about to do!

I've asked the landlord to give me a couple months extension...still have not gotten an answer back. This landlord does not strike me as being a nice person. No matter the answer, I will deal with it...but leaving me hanging is just rude.

We are already hitting 100 degrees each day now. Staying in a vehicle just doesn't work in the high desert.

I put an ad on craigslist a couple days ago. No responses yet.

I have an offer from a friend to stay on her couch....I may be no up doing that. It would be a hardship for her. Would have to be maybe only the last couple weeks as I get to the end. Months would be too much to ask.
Hang in there .
You have banked a huge amount of Karma doing this . :angel:
And say hi to mom for me.
Im going to say that you do not need much of anything you might think you need in the short term. Even if your RV was an empty box truck.

cooking? soda can alcohol stove - free
water? sold everywhere
toilet? $20 walmart
bed? folding cot
electric? charge phone from alternator and get a D battery powered light for now

lets put it in perspective....people out hiking the AT carry everything they need for 6 months in a backpack
VanKitten said:
This is such a tough situation to be in.   Every possible minute is being spent with Mom.    

Knowing that the end is coming soon is very hard to deal with day after day like this.   It is hard to focus my attention on anything else for more than a couple minutes.  I find myself wandering around because I forgot what I was about to do!

I was in your shoes three years ago, it is one of the hardest things I've ever done.  But once the inevitable happened and I could catch my breath a little, my focus started coming back.  Decision making at this time is brutal, hope you can get a moment to breathe.

Wishing you peace in this transition time and beyond.