I remember when the internet days were young. There were only 2 web browsers at the time (not including AOL). Microsoft's IE and Netscape. Bill Gates in his quest to destroy Netscape put in writing via emails his intentions to decimate Netscape. Those emails later came back to bite his butt. To this day, we should all learn a lesson from Gates. Never put down in writing something that can later come back to haunt you, haha!
As for dial-up, I can't believe I used to pay AT&T for such cr@ppy service back in the day. It was slow and unreliable, plus rather expensive. Plus every time someone called into my landline, my internet connection would get the boot. Nowadays, that would be considered completely unacceptable. My turtle speed 56k connection was soooooooo slow that I was happy just to see a n@ked gurly picture load in less than 60 seconds, haha! I'm talking one single picture, not a bunch!
Nowadays I'm watching online gurly videos in seconds with 4G XLTE and I get uptight if there's even a second of buffering delay. Wow, how times have changed, haha!