Glad to help.
Unfortunately you are dealing with some unknown amount of capacity loss, but ultimately this capacity comes down to will it be enough to meet my overnight needs, and if so, how long will it continue to be able to do so......
Maintaining maximum capacity is all about reaching that 100% true full charge, so in your usage where you do not have solar to do the long low and slow to full or nearly so every sunny day, your batteriea re at a disadvantage.
Also with sulfated batteries, getting from 80 to 100% takes longer, to significantly longer than with healthy batteries, and without this 'longer' applied, they degrade in capacity even faster, and then take even longer.
An Extended EQ charge to recondition the batteries to maximum remaining capacity will also shorten the time requirement to reach full for a certain unknown amount of cycles afterwards.
Really, see if you can plug in somewhere so you can hold 14.8 volts untiul amp taper to the 2 to 2.5 range then bump voltage upto 16.2v perhaps in 0.35v steps, if it requires more than 10 amps to get to 16.2v instantly.
If you cannot regularly achieve the 100% recharge and perform the occasional EQ charge, the additional quality of trojan t-105s over sam's club gc-2s might never be realized.
Your money might be better invested in 200 watts of solar.