My experience here, not a lot of supposition a..."Just the facts, Ma'am!" LOL well maybe a little opinion too...haha<br /><br />My young but brilliant urologist ...(that oddly enough I put my trust in, instead of an internet wrangler or self-styled "healer" who took a weekend workshop on herbal medicine) gave me the good advice to go ahead and try alternative medicine but report to her anything I am taking since many "herbal cures" do little but mask the markers for a particular disease, allowing the actual disease to spread, metastasize and morph into a more invasive form. In my case, mask the actual PSA count and allow the cancer to invade the bones or lungs as a different form that has less or no markers. How many have died, thinking they have "cured" cancer??? Who knows, they aren't here to say.<br /><br />As I said, I couldn't see or feel what it did if anything. My suspicion is that if you are obsessed by what you eat and drink and treat yourself with kid gloves and take a regimen of herbal immune system builders, you may stay healthy as a horse....I didn't do that but instead lived a robust and wild, wacked out crazy life and slid into home a bit ragged and worse for the wear and would not trade one moment of it for something less enjoyable.<br /><br />Your choice...<br /><br />I chose medicine instead of home or folk medicine and you sometimes find yourself at a crossroads of decision. If you can't afford medicine, which many can't here in our advanced society, you go with what you can afford. <br /><br />When my friends ask me what I did with my situation, I tell them and if they are asking, I strongly suggest the proven science, but that is just me....I take science over myth and rumor every has proven well to me and I am at 68, alive, feel great and am pretty damn well and many of my peers aren't. I have lost four men friends in the last couple of years from prostate cancer (you know, the kind they say won't kill you until you are dead by something else in your 80's...and no, don't bother having your PSA checked...bullsh-t! is what this old man sez!) <br /><br />I am 12 years, nearly 13 out from a diagnosis and while I still have it, I take a little white pill every day that gives me a few small side effects that are just irritating (nothing any woman in menopause wouldn't recognize) and I have the best years going on of my entire life ...thank you modern medicine and pharmacology!<br /><br />Just my experience and opinion...and of course, as usual YMMV...<br />Bri