Haha, no problems Gunny. It's the business model of the content scraping business like Chive, wimp and other pop culture link sites - find popular user submitted content, and re-share it with catchy headlines, a little commentary, and paid advertisements. I'm glad that Chive does something nice with some of the proceeds, I had no idea! I see their bumper stickers from time to time on people's cars, too!
I just figured this van-wilder character deserved a little shout out for his work is all, he did such a nice job with his ride! Van posts that make the front page of reddit get a lot of flak in general. You can imagine the average consumer-minded, culturally indoctrinated masses of video-gaming, Cheetos munching goons when confronted with such an affront to their better sensibilities tend to get a just a wee bit touchy!