Coming Out

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Coeur d' Alene Idaho
So... here it is, I am Gay.

I bullied fellow gays for such a long time, because I was afraid of admitting to myself that I am Gay. To all the other LGBT members on the forum here, I just want to say that I am sorry for making fun of you, and that I love you! :)
Chance, I'm delighted to hear that you are finally being true to yourself, life will never be full and complete until you are. Your future won't always be easy for you, but you're still better off facing that than being dishonest with yourself.

Everyone should know that we deleted his gay-bashing posts so very few people would have seen them. Gay-bashing also got him put on moderation.

Any hint of gay bashing will be deleted and the author put on moderation.
Glad that you have made peace with yourself and I wish you all the happiness in the world!
Congratulations Chancebond! I found since I came out that my life got much easier and that was back in '87. I made it clear in job interviews, so I was only hired at places that didn't care and only judged me on the quality of my work. It also allowed me to have male friends who I didn't have to worry about them misinterpreting my friendly behavior. My family took awhile but that worked out as well. Happy freedom.
Best of luck to you Chance! Never in history has it been easier to be Gay... I hope the trend continues and true equality becomes a reality.
Congratulations Chance and kudos for not only accepting yourself but apologizing for previous actions. No matter what 'flavor' your orientation is, steady or changeable, don't be afraid to find out who YOU really are!
where i come from that stuff doesn't matter,if it does where you are at,oregon is a short drive away
Parents will probably be interested in whether or not they will get grandchildren. Someone interested in a sexual relationship might want to know in he\she has a chance at it with a particular person. But I am not sure why anyone else would be interested in what consenting adults want to do in bed.
Someday down the line if he wants a child or two, I can hook him up with an adoption agency I used to work at that specializes in this if he doesn't select another way.
Be true to yourself. That's the only path to a full life.
buckwilk said:
This probably never has the chance of seeing the light of day but i will ask

You're right. It's none of our business to ask. He can share as much or as little as he cares to. In his own time.
Chancebond said:
So... here it is, I am Gay.

I bullied fellow gays for such a long time, because I was afraid of admitting to myself that I am Gay.  To all the other LGBT members on the forum here, I just want to say that I am sorry for making fun of you, and that I love you! :)

On coming out,,,, meh.... whatever.... 

However, apoligizing for being a bully to others will definitiely earn you respect, good job!
I guess I just don't get the whole "coming out" thing. I don't understand how it can be an issue or why anyone would even care. To me it's like saying, "I'm coming out today, I have red hair." Or even, "I'm coming out I'm a heterosexual." But, because it's not an issue to me doesn't mean it's not an issue to you. It obviously must be or you wouldn't have made an announcement. I don't think you'll find that it makes any difference to anyone or that they will even give it a second thought.

Cudos on apologizing for being mean spirited and confused.
Cb, congrats!  A good friend of mine came out a couple years ago after decades of stress, conflict, and his church trying to "cure him".  
Now he's happy as hell and in a relationship.  Finally letting go to who he really is was the best thing that's ever happened to him.  :cool:
disappointing :( I thought this thread was coming out of the closet, as in smoking pot!
Congrats for coming out. I am sure it must have a been difficult decision. I hope you found that some of your stress in life has been lifted off your shoulders. No judgement here.
Lj Unlimited said:
Congrats for coming out. I am sure it must have a been difficult decision. I hope you found that some of your stress in life has been lifted off your shoulders. No judgement here.

Thank you Lj for the support! as well as everyone else! I have felt like since I came out, a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I now feel like I can take on the world head on!
I can understand why you came out. I'm sure you aren't going up to people on the street and saying, "Hey, I'm gay- just sayin'." It's probably more like job situations or similar where that type of racism can cause debilitating conflict.  Much easier to let them know ahead of time and lose a job instead of dealing with a bunch of bigots after being hired.

I had a job where a coworker was a huge racist. If you weren't a healthy, white male, you were in his crosshairs. The level of the degradation was utterly ridiculous to the employees and the customers. I had a serious sit down with the owner and he fired me for being too thin-skinned. If I had an opportunity ahead of time to understand the workplace dynamics in regards to racism, it would have saved both the owner and me from the whole hiring/firing thing.

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