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So my run after Yellowstone was more utilitarian in nature than how it was up until that point. Money was getting low and I had decided that OB San Diego was where I would spend the winter.

I went towards Boise to visit my cousin and stopped at Craters of the moon along the way. Blazed through there in about 2hours. Was cool for sure, but again nit something Id go out of my way for. It is cool however to say that I stood inside a lava tube.

After Boise I met a family friend in Reno and checked out Tahoe while I was there. I didnt get to get a feel for the area the way I would have liked to but Ill go back one day.

After Tahoe I did a one day run down 395 back to San Diego. Got into town just in time for my New York Jets to arrive and play the Chargers. Before I left on my journey I was a Jets season ticket holder and avid tailgater, so I had a bit of withdrawal going on at the time. Got tix to the game and what a waste. They got blown out 31-0 and it was about 115 in the stadium, HORRIBLE experience, and I paid for it lol. Oh well.

I left the truck on the streets and flew back for 3 weeks to NJ to inform family and friends that I was not going to be back for a long time. I kinda told them when I left I was taking a long trip but I was vague and definitely misleading at the time. They just wouldnt have understood. But now they do.

After returning to San Diego I secured myself 2 part time jobs and turned one into a full time in about 2 weeks. That is what I have been doing ever since just trying to rebuild the savings so when I felt the call again I would be ready.
After working in retail for 8 years I had lost my taste for it, however it is the easiest job to get especially with my experience. Its only been a few months but I started having war flashbacks to my previous job and thinking about how happy I was just being out there. Not even doing anything just enjoying the air, smells and sounds that come with the lack thereof.

I always was looking for a way to be out where I want to be, but still have a purpose, and in a perfect world the funds to maintain it. Id looked at campground host, woofing, oil fields etc etc. None seemed right.

And so one night I forget what path of links led me to it, but I came across information that I had read before for certain, but it looked different to me this time. My perspective had changed, it looked appealing. I pulled the trigger.

What Im talking about is the NPS and their volunteer program. I filled out a bunch to all different places I wanted to go. Its basically workamping, but I believe its possible I could swing it into a career if I work hard and impress the right people. Ive already impressed my supervisor because I got the position and he is very excited to work with me.

Do within the next few weeks I will be giving notice to my employers and as of March 31st i will be at the North Pines campground in Yosemite Valley for until November. Im pretty excited about the whole thing, the work and the place I get to live.

Even if it doesnt work out the way I want, It will be an experience. I cant wait.
I loves Yosemite as far as the park goes. The people not so much. The place gets way way way to many visitors for what it can healthily handle. You will love the park but the crowds are a bother. I stayed in the main campground for a couple of days. The bears really are smart. Woke up a couple of times from shotgun blasts (they shoot the bears with sandbags to keep them away). The bear boxes keep them out but they still try to find food improperly stored. Hanging your stash from a tree doesn't work as they figure it out (it is also illegal). Canisters for the backcountry so far are the only things that work. That was the first time I ever got to close to a momma bear and her cubs. She was ok with it but a hair raising experience for me to say the least. San Diego is a great town. Be thankful you are not back in the dirty jerzey. -4 degrees this morning. I can't wait to leave for good!
Thanks for the inside info. Right now im gathering pieces for a cheap solar setup. Just enough to maintain my engine battery, and a small house battery just for my phone, ipod, and beard trimmer. I could probably just use the main battery but right now I have access to free batteries so might as well take advantage.

Ive got a medium sized sealed 24ah 12volt, and ive also got a 24f starting battery that someone turned in as a core. It is good.

I actually have access to upto 6 of those 24ah batteries, some college professor turned them into us for proper recycling.

We also sell cheap solar panels that I get a decent discount on, im wondering if 5 watts will do what I need, im not really using any power.

Has anyone been to the north pines campground? I might be wasting my time, looks like theres a decent amount of trees, any input on the sun coverage there?