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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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So I havent posted very much, mostly because my device is an ipod touch and its a pain. But ill give an update here and Ive got a few questions ill slide in as well.

I got started on this journey last July, the rig is a '97 Standard cab Tacoma 4x4 with standard height camper shell. The shell is fiberglass has a flip down slider where it meets the trucks rear slider and 2 small screened sliders on the sides at the back corners. Glass is tinted and the inside is a carpet like material to provide some insulation.

Basic set up, bed frame just above the wells with under storage and a small 1ft gap on the side for taller items with some hanging storage above it. Very minimalistic set up.

Gear includes hiking equipment,a 15 degree sleeping bag, a 9x9 ez up, a 10x10 screen house, basic 4 man tent, ultralight 2.5 man tent, camping chairs, a small propane catalyst style heater, some fans and tools of course.

The bed sits on plywood, then an old sleeping bag, then a 2.5'' memory foam mattress, and then a down comforter.

Back in July I left from NJ headed towards the west coast because my team was in the National pool tournament in Las Vegas. I had already been prepping for a trip out west and this was the final catalyst as I was provided with money for travel. So I slapped together the rig grabbed done life documents and hit the road.

Went south down 81 through Skyline down to Memphis, then west through Dallas, NM, AZ and eventually to Ocean Beach San Diego. I must say its van dweller heaven here, so many people doing it that as long as you follow the general parking signs you have no worries since on any given street theres at least 4 other vehicles doing the same thing. Its crazy how many people live on the streets here.

After that I went to Vegas for the tourny, our team did well we made it to the money rounds and finished 125 out of 716. I was happy and made it out of Vegas after spending 10 days there with $60 more than I came with. And I did not gamble, that was just the difference from the winnings and my expenses from the 10 days, so no complaints. Just Vegas isnt my kind of town. Favorite part was bouldering in Red rock canyon.

After that I had no where to be so I kept on truckin. Hiked Mt. Charleston, Hilltop campground I highly recommend it. Then I cut back east and hit the Hoover Dam, marvel if engineering but meh, id skip it.

Then I spent a night at the flagstaff cracker barrel, no problems. Went south to Sedona, awesome dropping into the Valley on 89a coming from north to South, went swimming in Oak creek with cathedral rock in distance, awesome.

Headed back north after that and took 180 past Flagstaff headed for the canyon. What a fantastic ride, cant say enough about that stretch. Perhaps it was just because I grew up in the pine barrens of New Jersey, but being around those trees again it just put me at ease.

Got to the canyon, checked it out, too touristy not my bag. However I will not downplay the canyon, it was impressive of course. Followed the south rim east towards the tower and at Grand Viewpoint I hiked down into the canyon about 25% the way. It was there I obtained the perspective of the enormity and true appreciation for the canyon I had expected and desired.

After the canyon, I only spent about 5 hours there, I was headed toward Page and ultimately Denver. However once I got towards Antelope canyon the road ended up being closed....damn! Rather than double back 2 hours I just continued on along 89 I believe and hot to the Marble Canyon/Lees Ferry area. It was getting dark and I saw brown signs so I followed them into the Glen Canyon Lees Ferry area.

I found a nice beach, Paria beach and came to find out that the river I was sitting on the banks of was in fact the mighty Colorado. Just up the hill was the Lees Ferry campground, a great deal at $12 a night. The stars were incredible, the river ever present and the canyon nearby full of adventure and history. I made friends with and older guy named Steve. He had a 2 man Kayak so the next morning we set out on the Colorado. While on the river there were wild horses running free along the banks, following along as if they were studying us the same way we were to them.Incredible what can happen when you just go with the flow, this was truly a defining and justifying moment for me.

I believe Ill need to split this up, tapatalk is running out of room.
I continued along 89 towards Kanab and met up with the rt 12 scenic bypass. I truly believe that 89/12 might be pound for pound the most scenic in the country, of course ive barely scraped the surface on the roads in the country but starting on 89a in Sedona, 180 to the canyon, 89 into Northern AZ/Souther Utah and the 12 with Bryce Canyon and countless other incredible sights cram packed into a small area, I was blown away.

I had NO idea what awaited me in Utah, I had just never really paid attention to it while dreaming and looking at maps all those years. I dont know if that made a difference on the impact of Utah to me or not but id describe Utah as, Dramatic.
I believe their motto is "life elevated" and its very fitting. Anyone ever rake a ride on the hogs back? WOW.

I stopped at Bryce first and did a quick 4 hour hike and continued along 12 past a delightful looking mountain town called Boulder, and climbed the summit of Mt boulder at 9600 ft. I found a Forest rd and put in in 4x4 and headed down into the Quakies to find a suitable place for the night. I met an older couple, Dave and Jill, and we shared a nice spot near a meadow full of wild flowers. Once again I was blown away by the kindness if strangers. They were locals and they shared everything with me, including stories of the area and the west. The Stars that night were the best I have seen. The moon, just a small slicer like a thumbnail was able to light up entire mountain side as if it were daylight. The shadows cast by the quaking pines were long and seemed to dance to an unwritten song. The next day they took me on a tour of the area and even bought me lunch.

I continued on towards Denver, stopping at Goblin Canyon Utah did a hike into the Goblins lair, pretty cool was on the way, cant say id go out of my way though. Met up with I70 and headed east. The climb was not to bad in hindsight but paranoia of breakdowns is something ever present with me as I am worked as a parts professional since high school. I had no issues but the number of people who couldnt complete the climb was considerable. Other than that it was beautiful. Following the river seeing the rafters and the walls of the mountain. Going through the tunnels and past Eagle and Vail was an absolute joy. Those towns on the lakes up there just scream money. Theres something about having the feel of a marina but at the same time the isolation of the high mountain top. Kind of like Tahoe but on a smaller scale.

Made it to Denver and spent some time with some friends for a few weeks. Which was nice and much needed. They had recently moved from back east as well, in fact in my initial run west they were only a days travel behind me, unbeknownst to either party.

From there I cut through Boulder Co, and went for Jackson Wy. I had been there as a kid on our family's cross country trip in an RV. I think thats where I got the bug. I always had wanted to go back, its just a cool town/area.

As I rolled near, it was getting quite dark, I was passing the airport and the sun had set already but I guess there was still a slight grip it had left on the mountain because the Tetons were there in dark skies but as a Silhouette, peak bathed in fog with a deep red glow surrounding its profile and defining the edges and lines of the range.
I spent the night on shadow mountain, it had begin to rain something fierce so I just went up antelope flats road, up the mountain a bit, found a spot and parked. I could of not prepared myself for the surprise that awaited me in the morning, I was positioned perfectly in front of Grand Teton! Not really hard to do I suppose but I didnt know they were going to be there, and it was something.

I went into town and saw a local Elks lodge and being a member went in to check it out. 12 hours later had become friends with everyone in town, or all that people that mattered anyway haha. I had made friends with a guy name Don and we went over to The Wort to check out the band. Swing dancing, fiddles blaring and beers slinging that was a great night.

The next day I went into the Gros Ventre Wilderness (Grovont) and went along tge river to Lower Slide Campground. Incredible area. I HIGHLY recommend coming here. Plentiful dispersed sites easy to get to and wonderful scenery. I was here at the end of September and the colors were unbelievable. Gold and garnet everywhere.

While in the area I also went into Teton NP and did some hiking up to amphitheater lake, not an easy one but worth it. Along the way I came across a Black bear maybe 50 feet off the path. He acknowledged me and I him, he went about his business and I observed him quickly yet it seemed an eternity. I continued on. The lake of Amphitheater is up there, it seemed eye level with the clouds and the reflections of my mind failed in comparison to the crystal clear reflection of the mountain peaks and sky above.

After a week in Jackson I went up to Yellowstone. What an entrance. Winding through the trees from Jackson it was as if you were being led to a surprise party and your friend has their hand over your eyes and then suddenly you exploded into an exciting world of canyons rivers and ridges, fields and meadows, lakes and volcanoes, buffalo and elk. Everything you could want in a park, here it is.

Yellowstone is almost paralyzing in a way, that it has so much and so many ways to go, you do as much as you can and still feel like you did nothing, or did nit take full advantage of your time...something like that.

Arriving in the afternoon with no reservation, not the best idea. There were campsites in hindsight I could have stayed at, but my tolerance had run out at that point and I didnt feel like inquiring around. I headed toward the NE exit and Cooke cuty MT.

Once on National forest land I went up Lulu pass and set up camp. Once again I met a nice couple about 24 and they were on vacation. They were having a pork roast and invited me to join them. Great people and the roast was good to.

The next day I got up early and went back into Yellowstone and got a good campsite right on a creek and meadow where I was able to watch the buffalo roam as if it were one of those moving picture frames. I also hiked the Grand canyon of yellowstone and checked out artist point.
Thats enough for now, sorry theres so much up there lol. I dont really expect anyone to read all that. Ive just kind of been holding it in and have been meaning to put it down, well once I started I couldnt stop lol.

Maybe it will be good reading for someone with time.
I enjoyed it.  Almost like I was along for the ride.  Looking forward to the next "installment".
Your tale reminded me of my 1989 cross country trip. That was a great journey. The simplicity of your travel story speaks volumes. How lucky are we, eh?
Thnx for taking the time to post! I really enjoy hearing what adventures other people are having in their travels. Post more(with pics lol) when you find the time.
Thanks for the great story! Like Cyndi this reminds me of our first trip cross country - the wonder and beauty of the west as seen through the young eyes of east coasters - unforgettable!
Heres some pics from that leg of the trip.



Natural Bridge Va,2nd day out found that carving off the beaten path, and it really spoke to me.


Beale St.


The Set up







Bryce Canyon

Shadow Mtn. Grand Tetons





Gros Ventre Wilderness




Lulu Pass


Yellowstone Campsite



Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

Ive got tons more, one day when I have access to a computer Id like to put them all in the same place along with my videos.
There is powerful medicine in that country, if you'll let it, it will heal and change you forever.

The astounding thing is, as wonderful as it was, you've just barely started to scratch the surface! You can never see it all even if you spent the rest of your life looking.

Thank you all for the kind responses! Ill finish the rest of the update later tonight, but the stuff I put up already was the juiciest part....
Where in jersey are you? I am in the Smithville area right. What a great trip you had. Nothing will give you the bug like a road trip out west. The people are very different from the east in a very fundamental way. Kind and outgoing. Very laid back and quite the opposite from Jersey. That's for sure.
Exit 77 here, Bayville born and raised. Currently im in OB San Diego though.

Smithfields a nice area, the burd sanctuary is there and the 19th hole is a great place to go on St Patties day.

And thanks, it was/is a great trip. I say is because im still on it I guess.
What I mean is that Im here for now because I ran out of money, so Ive been working 6 or 7 days a week 12 hour days since the end of November between 2 jobs.

Ive just about got the amount I need for the next phase which I will get to in a minute. For now I gotta get something to eat.

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