Can't Do RTR 2020 Due to Sticks & Bricks Issues

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2014
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Southern California
My Home Owners' Association is replacing the copper pipes in all the units in my condo complex with PEX piping. The contractor needs access to the units and my building just happens to be scheduled for the first week of the RTR. Unfortunately, I'm limited in how much time my employer will approve at that time of the year and therefore can't take time off for both the re-pipe and the RTR. That means I get to hang around the house with a bunch of plumbers instead of spending a few days with friends at the in the Quartzite area. Oh, and I get to spend $2000 for the privilege since there's a special assessment for this project.
I feel ya. Last year something came up at the last minute that I had to take care of. If I hadn't, it would have made my life difficult afterwords. I had to postpone heading out west by a year. It SUCKED, but I got it behind me and plan on being at this years' RTR.

If anything, I'm more prepared than last year, so there's that.