So, I've been running some numbers, trying to size a solar system currently.
My primary concern here is being able to power a high end gaming laptop for most of the day. This things a monster. From what I've gathered, its got a 330 watt AC adapter, and the battery inside the laptop is 80 watt hours. The battery life itself is pretty poor, for obvious reasons. I believe I'll most likely have to run this off an inverter. It uses a 4-pin DC connector, which is non-standard. Its not the small DC jack like most laptops are these days. So I will also have to factor in the power loss of the inverter. I also have 2 LG monitors that come with 32 watt adapters, that I would also need to run with the laptop. I do graphics work, and need to be able to run these 3 things for at least 8 hours a day.
Is this viable with a solar setup? I am hoping to get 2 300-320 watt solar panels, but am unsure exactly what kind of amp hours I would need in a battery bank. I do plan on hopefully going out west at some point, but for now I'm stuck in the midwest, so I'm figuring only on 3-5 hours or actual sunlight on an average day. Based on some old calculations I did, I was thinking somewhere in the realm of 700-800ah battery bank to try and account for losses and cloudy days, but I'm not sure if this is correct. If I can, I would also consider running one of the smaller dometic fridges and some small things like lights/fans, but these are unnecessary. Whats necessary is the laptop and monitors.
How exactly do I calculate the usage of the laptop? Being that I'll most likely need to run this off an inverter, I'm not totally sure what calculation I need. The monitors I believe I can run off 12v directly, so I don't think I'll need to use an inverter for those.
I also have the small yamaha 2000 watt generator that I had planned to run higher draw things off of. So at this point I'm wondering, is solar viable/worth it, or should I just ditch solar all together and run everything off the generator alone?
My primary concern here is being able to power a high end gaming laptop for most of the day. This things a monster. From what I've gathered, its got a 330 watt AC adapter, and the battery inside the laptop is 80 watt hours. The battery life itself is pretty poor, for obvious reasons. I believe I'll most likely have to run this off an inverter. It uses a 4-pin DC connector, which is non-standard. Its not the small DC jack like most laptops are these days. So I will also have to factor in the power loss of the inverter. I also have 2 LG monitors that come with 32 watt adapters, that I would also need to run with the laptop. I do graphics work, and need to be able to run these 3 things for at least 8 hours a day.
Is this viable with a solar setup? I am hoping to get 2 300-320 watt solar panels, but am unsure exactly what kind of amp hours I would need in a battery bank. I do plan on hopefully going out west at some point, but for now I'm stuck in the midwest, so I'm figuring only on 3-5 hours or actual sunlight on an average day. Based on some old calculations I did, I was thinking somewhere in the realm of 700-800ah battery bank to try and account for losses and cloudy days, but I'm not sure if this is correct. If I can, I would also consider running one of the smaller dometic fridges and some small things like lights/fans, but these are unnecessary. Whats necessary is the laptop and monitors.
How exactly do I calculate the usage of the laptop? Being that I'll most likely need to run this off an inverter, I'm not totally sure what calculation I need. The monitors I believe I can run off 12v directly, so I don't think I'll need to use an inverter for those.
I also have the small yamaha 2000 watt generator that I had planned to run higher draw things off of. So at this point I'm wondering, is solar viable/worth it, or should I just ditch solar all together and run everything off the generator alone?