Build a Legal 12 Gauge shotgun for $15

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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This is a very reliable shotgun and I consider it even more reliable than my Remington 870.  

A fellow enthusiast plugged up his barrel and shot a 3.50"  turkey load  without bursting it.

You can flip the barrel around and shoot the first spent shotshell  with the second round.

No need to eject.

Stealthy when taken apart.

Looks like plumbing.

Very interesting. We made various types of these. You should be aware that federally they are classified as pipe bombs and could get you hard time.
well as a kid I built a few different guns. I even built one that would fire arrows. so I am not against homemade firearms, however most of these are considered zip guns. while zip guns are not forbidden by the feds they are illegal in many municipalities. if you read further down on the forum(homemade gunsmith) you posted a link to, it discusses this. I would rather carry a shotgun that is legal then try to explain why I have a homemade gun. but I do reserve the right to have the knowledge to build one in case of a SHTF scenario. highdesertranger
well you can sit along the side of the road for hours explaining to the LEO's that of course it's legal. but I just as well avoid the whole situation. highdesertranger
Interesting ideas that have been around quite a while. The biggest problem I see, (besides the raised eyebrows of LEO's) would be accidental discharges by simply forgetting to hold the barrel while raising the muzzle for supposed safety. Just imagine the ensuing fiasco if confronted by a LEO when you were about to shoot it? You are nervous and raise the muzzle to point it in a safe direction and it goes off? That could even be deadly for you.
Ballenxj said:
Interesting ideas that have been around quite a while. The biggest problem I see, (besides the raised eyebrows of LEO's) would be accidental discharges by simply forgetting to hold the barrel while raising the muzzle for supposed safety. Just imagine the ensuing fiasco if confronted by a LEO when you were about to shoot it? You are nervous and raise the muzzle to point it in a safe direction and it goes off? That could even be deadly for you.

This weapon is extremely safe and reliable.

Keep the barrel away from the receiver.

Plumbing parts at this point.

Where you place the shell is up to you.
A single shot 12ga can be had for $100 or less for used.
OutdoorFT said:
A single shot 12ga can be had for $100 or less for used.
Frugal living to me means that if I can save $85, do it.

My Remington 870 is considered on of the best 12 gauge shotguns.

In a pinch, I would rely on my (almost) 2 shot slam shotgun because there is no safety, and I am certain that the firing pin will set off the primer.

[font=Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]This homemade and BATF legal shotgun was made mostly from black pipe and black pipe grade fittings. [/font]

this thread should be eliminated. lots of bad info that will get people in trouble.
I agree BUT... I have had my posts removed for pointing out bad advice.  

Be careful what you say as you might be the next troll target.  

Getting a Darwin award is the only way some learn.
i'll put it this way

i know one guy missing the two outside fingers on his right hand and another guy missing his right eye from homemade devices
I know a guy who was blinded when he was checking his battery and he accidentally dropped a metal flashlight across the terminals.
My 2¢:

Unless they are into guns, the LEOs I know are not well versed on gun laws.  You might be well within your rights but getting arrested will cost you a lot of time and money.  God forbid that you would ever have to use it in self defense, but imagine how a prosecutor would describe it to a jury.

 -- Spiff
Spaceman Spiff said:
My 2¢:

Unless they are into guns, the LEOs I know are not well versed on gun laws.  You might be well within your rights but getting arrested will cost you a lot of time and money.  God forbid that you would ever have to use it in self defense, but imagine how a prosecutor would describe it to a jury.

 -- Spiff

Absolutely not a problem because in a court the Law prevails, not an uneducated LEO.

Another example:  Any black powder pistol or rifle,

[font=Georgia, Times, sans-serif]1. Can a person prohibited by law from possessing a firearmacquire and use a black powder muzzle loading firearm?[/font]
[font=Georgia, Times, sans-serif]The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) prohibits felons and certain other persons from possessing or receiving firearms and ammunition (“prohibited persons”). These categories can be found at 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) and (n) in[/font]
[font=Georgia, Times, sans-serif]However, Federal law does not prohibit these persons from possessing or receiving an antique firearm. The term “antique firearm” means any firearm (including any firearm with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system) manufactured in or before 1898.[/font]
[font=Georgia, Times, sans-serif]The definition includes any replica of an antique firearm if it is not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition, or uses rimfire or conventional centerfire ammunition which is no longer manufactured in the United States, and which is not readilyavailableinordinarychannelsofcommercialtrade.[/font]

[font=Georgia, Times, sans-serif]You can buy them through the mail without a permit.[/font]
[size=large][font=Georgia, Times, sans-serif][video=youtube]
Boyntonstu said:
Absolutely not a problem because in a court the Law prevails, not an uneducated LEO.

You're missing my point: after arrest, it's the time and money YOU will have to spend in court to prevail.  Depending on the DA and judge: bail, attorney fees, being stuck in Podunksville, Nowhere until resolved (courts make snails look speedy).

 -- Spiff
Spaceman Spiff said:
You're missing my point: after arrest, it's the time and money YOU will have to spend in court to prevail.  Depending on the DA and judge: bail, attorney fees, being stuck in Podunksville, Nowhere until resolved (courts make snails look speedy).

 -- Spiff

I can attest to this first hand.  I had a firearm stolen and reported as such.  Cop didn't believe me and threatened to charge me with filing a fake police report.  Cost me 3 grand and a few months to get this guy off my back.   And I was never even charged!,  I would assume that would have doubled had he done so.
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