Blacking out windows

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<br>Depends on the state, but if you have dark tint, especially limo tint...cops can ticket you and write a "work order", requiring you to remove them in 15-30 days and have it inspected to take off the flag. Otherwise, your van's registration gets suspended automatically, and the next cop pulling you over can impound + lots of tickets and maybe even jail time.<br><br>Better would be to make cardboard cutouts and glue black construction paper on one side. They can be removed easily when you want to have a view. With the tint that came with my conversion van, I found out that I didn't even need to use black construction paper as the beige cardboard looks black from the outside due to the tint.<br><br>Then later, I'll put Reflectic on the other side should you want to flip them for hot weather.
I spray painted my 3 side windows with flat black paint and it has held up so far. I like the contact paper idea, I may try this in the future. Thanks.
I made some &nbsp;dual layered cardboard cut outs and adhered black construction paper to them a few months ago.<br><br>The paper has faded to grey, almost white, and I just spray painted one black again, will do the rest soon. &nbsp;My windows are not dark enough. When the construction paper was black you can;t see it, now from the exterior the &nbsp;construction paper looks purplish/gray and obviously covered from inside.<br><br>Huge heat reductions when the sun is blasting on a window though.
For the back bay windows I <br>covered 2" thick pink foam with black cloth, windows were already tinted
I ended up using a little advice from everyone. The 2 bay windows where I sleep are covered with contact paper. The other big window I sprayed with plasti dip (The contact paper took me so long to get right I didn't feel like doing it again). The 2 smaller side door windows I use reflectix, so I can remove it to see through while driving. The rear windows I used plasti dip on the top, about 5 inches, the rest reflectix. This was because the reflectix wasn't big enough to cover the whole window and I want to be able to see out the back when driving.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Thank you all!