Beretta BB airgun - opinions?

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2012
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<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><br></a><br>Does anyone have experience with this Beretta Elite II C02 BB Airgun? I'm wondering if this might be a good thing to have for self defense, instead of a "real" gun. &nbsp;This thing only costs $59 at the local Sports Authority store. &nbsp;I actually do have real guns, but keep them at home, not in the van. I was thinking a BB airgun might be a viable alternative for a less lethal form of self defense for "van-dwelling"?
Hi, <br><br>I have no experience with that particular weapon, however, I think you need to keep something in mind.&nbsp; Guns have their useful place only as a last resort.&nbsp; You should never resort to a gun unless you fully expect to have to use it.&nbsp; <br><br>The reason I say this is because guns in particular by their nature escalate situations.&nbsp; When a gun is introduced into a situation you never know what the result will be.&nbsp; It may well be that the person you are confronting will back down.&nbsp; It is at least equally likely that the person will fear for their life and do whatever they think is necessary for self defense.&nbsp; The introduction of a gun has the great potential to make a situation far worse simply by its presence.<br><br>I would never presume to tell you how to provide for your own self defense.&nbsp; I was a soldier for a number of years and I fully understand the value of a weapon in the right circumstances.&nbsp; The right circumstances in my experience are as a last resort when all other means have been exhausted.<br><br>Patrick
Caseyc,<br><br>I have no experience with C02 BB airguns. But I do have experience with .22 to .45 caliber handguns. I'm also a holder of CCW permits from several states. <br><br>Having said that I will say this about carrying a C02 BB air gun for a potential self defense situation. If you plan on carrying this type firearm I would rethink this option. In a worse case scenario and you were required to display this item to a potential threatening person this could make a bad situation worse. If the threatening person did not back down you would be faced with the possibility of shooting a few BB's at a someone. This will make the situation that much worse. You would be much better off carrying a "regular" caliber handgun for self defense if you think this is a viable option for you.<br><br>If you're going to carry a firearm you should be carrying one that will save your life. I'm NOT saying you should carry a firearm but if you do make this decision you should carry one that you may NEED to use. Firing BB's at a threatening person will make a situation much worse. I would never carry BB gun for self defense. I would carry a regular caliber handgun.<br><br>coultergeist does bring up some valid points. Whenever you display a handgun you escalate the situation things can become much more serious.<br><br>Just my humble opinion!
less then lethal but will still cause damage is asking for some legal issues if you use it and it goes to court, it's no different then rubber bulets for personal protection. it can still cause serious damage or even kill<br>i beleive the general consensus of lawyers and trainers is: either shoot to kill, or something marketed for personal protection like OC spray.<br>i don't know if a 480fps BB gun would be enough to deture someone form doing something bad, especially if they are wearing a hoody or coat. i would think even a paintball gun would be a better choice size not a factor<br><br>umarex makes good quality stuff, they actually make the H&amp;K and colt 22lr rifles. if it is anything like the umarex i had it's accurate from the bench but the trigger is, odd to say the least<br><br><br>added:<br>and you really should never brandish a firearm or anything that looks like a firearms unless you are willing to kill the bad guy. do not use it as an empty threat
A gun is a gun, I carry a 40 S&amp;W when traveling. If I have to "go to guns" I want an effective weapon.
I have a winchester model 11 co2...... looks and kicks like a real handgun (kinda), but it could never be used to protect yourself....these guns are used to familiarize you with using a real handgun... at best they will really piss someone off after they get shot with it, then your situation can become out of control, especially if they have a real gun. I suggest a real gun, or no gun at all. the second you point a real gun at another person, you have to be willing to take their life, and live with whatever the outcome is
I have to agree with the above posts. Also keep in mind that should you brandish this BB gun in self defense or simply have it in your hands should the police show up (or a well meaning concealed weapons permit holder), you will be the one having a very real gun pointing at you. People have used BB guns like these to commit robberies because, in their minds, even if they get caught it wasn't a real firearm so it's no big deal. What they failed to realize is a police officer simply cannot distinguish this from any other gun and they have lost their lives by pointing a BB gun at someone.<br><br>If you're going to carry a gun then carry a real gun. Follow the laws, be trained on how to correctly handle and fire the weapon, and practice often. Otherwise, find another option for self defense.<br><br>Also, I personally have been shot with a gun very similar to this one at close range. Stings a little but that's about an actual&nbsp;deterrent, should you shoot someone,&nbsp;it would be useless.
Don't carry it. A play thing. You said you have guns, Why not take one of those? <br>If you need a hand gun, find one that you can pull the trigger and hit at 8 feet. <br>It is best to get something that will kill a black bear or gator. That is a 38 or bigger. Mine was less that 1 pound when loaded.<br>Get trained and get the carry PERMIT!! Don't show unless you need to kill. VERY RARE. Less than 3000 to one.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
Cool, thanks guys for your input. The BB gun is still in its package as I try to figure out how to operate it. It sounds almost retarded to say I don't know how to operate a BB gun, but I do know how to operate 9mm and 380 semi automatics. &nbsp;Last time I played with a BB gun was when I was a kid using my dad's pump action rifle with a scope knocking down tin cans. Nowadays, C02 cans are used, which I have no experience with. I don't even know if the local gun ranges allow for a BB gun for target practice. I'm going to check with local indoor ranges to see if they allow for BB guns.<br><br>Yes, I agree with everyone regarding having a gun, even if it's only a BB gun. It's something for a last resort only. &nbsp;I also have pepper spray, and other items that can be used for self defense. &nbsp;I really don't want to bring my real guns into the van, that would be too much of a worry for me. &nbsp;I keep my real guns locked up in a safe at home.<br><br>As a coincidence, I almost sold one of my guns a few years ago, but decided to keep it instead. I ended up keeping my 20+ year old Sig Sauer p228 9mm semi automatic when I found out they don't manufacture this anymore, plus this is the model that holds 13+1 rounds which has since been banned for sale in my state. Only law enforcement personnel can purchase this particular gun nowadays, I found out. So my Sig Sauer is pretty much almost a collectible item! Before my state outlawed semi automatic guns holding more than 10 rounds, I bought a few magazine clips that can hold 20 rounds each. These magazines are probably collectible items too, I imagine.<br><br>Well for now, I haven't decided on anything yet regarding the BB gun, other than trying to figure out where I can take it to for target practice.<br><br>
"I keep my real guns locked up in a safe at home". I don't&nbsp;understand that. What purpose does that serve unless you buy and sell them... maybe collect them. I think you are playing with fire with less than lethal options- ie pepper spray, bb guns etc. The only thing I would consider using less than lethal would be 4 legged pests, not 2 legged ones.<br><br>Take responsibility for your life. If you are worried about having them in the van, get a CCW or have them insured against loss. If you must put a safe inside of your van. Some kind of safe that is easy to get into quickly...
Thank you for your concern. If I really want to play with fire, I also have matches locked up in my many safe boxes.
I hope I didn't come across too gruff. It's just that I am an actual victim of a violent crime. I am 6ft 4 and over 285lbs. I also have over 5 years of martial arts training/experience. Also, I was carrying a handgun... and still lost.... badly.&nbsp;So the thought of somebody having a BB gun for protection just doesn't compute for me. I think you would be better off without a weapon at all if a BB gun is all you decided to use. My 2cents. Good luck with your choice. I still think that a gun safe inside the van would be the best of both worlds for personal protection on the road and safety as well.
Sorry, I hate to be blunt, but it would be completely asinine to carry a BB gun for self defense. If you ever pull that TOY on a criminal, you are in deep S**T. You would be better off to just run... seriously. <br><br>If you are pulling a gun, you are doing to protect your life because that guy is *in the process* of trying to kill you. Will that BB gun stop him when he is already actively trying to kill you? Doubt it. Either get trained and get a real gun (even a small caliber) or do not carry one at all.<br><br>PS - Look up the laws, I doubt you would be within the law to use a TOY in self defense... if you live to be arrested at all.
Thank you. Yes, I do have an electronic gun safe in the van which I got at a locksmith store, the type that requires a pin number to unlock or a key. I just don't keep any guns in that safe in the van. &nbsp;As for protection and security, I operate under the theory that *more* is better. As in more choices for security measures, the better, versus less. &nbsp;I like choices, and having various items at my disposal depending on the circumstance. As for "playing with fire", that's something a parent would tell a kid. &nbsp;I'm sure I could have used that type of advice when I was once a kid, but I'm far from being a kid nowadays.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I guess people don't fully read my posts. Yes, I do own real guns. Yes, I know how to operate real guns for the past 25 years. No, I don't carry around real guns. This thread is about BB guns.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>
I understand caseyc, but carrying a toy for protection is akin to using plastic-wrap as a condom. You KNOW it isn't going to work when you need it the most<br><br>It would be very bad advice to tell anyone that a BB gun is a viable option in self defense. In fact, pulling it will more likely get you killed or arrested then pulling a real gun.<br><br>It is a VERY BAD IDEA<br><br><br>
Cool, thanks. I'm still exploring the idea. Nothing concrete yet of course. Worse case, I could use the BB gun to fend off annoying critters like rats or rodents when I'm out in the boonies, I suppose.
There ya go, and it is still good practice for shooting a real pistol. <br><br>I have a BB gun rifle (cheap pump model) that I plink with when I'm bored out boondocking. But I have my 12 gauge or my S&amp;W 40cal if I need to protect myself.
<span class="st"><em>You</em>'<em>ll shoot your eye out</em>, <em>kid</em>. </span>(A Christmas Story - 1983)<br><br>[video]<br><br>I love that movie!<br><br>Anyway.... I agree with the majority of the previous posts, casey. Use of a BB gun for self defense could only escalate an already dangerous situation. <br><br>I'm not sure if the laws regarding actual firearms wound include a BB gun - but why set yourself up for possible legal complications. You never want to just draw a weapon in an angry or threatening manner - only do this if it's necessary for self defense, and at this time, you do this with intent to kill in self defense. <br><br>If you plan on just scaring someone by brandishing (showing a weapon in an angry or threatening manner) - be prepared to face the laws of the particular state - Florida for one, does not play when it comes to this type situation. Even though I have my CWP the state law applies to everyone - I know if I ever draw my gun in a threatening manner, our state law has this to say about it;<br><br> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">F.S.</span> 790.10<br>
"If any person having or carrying any dirk, sword, sword cane, firearm, electric weapon or device, <strong>or other weapon</strong>, shall, in the presence of one or more persons, exhibit the same in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manner, not in necessary self defense" the person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor in the first degree.
<br><br>The laws regarding weapons are purposely vague, they are left open for interpretation (mostly to benefit the state prosecution)(MO).... ie., Have you heard of, or been following the Zimmerman, Stand Your Ground case here in Florida?<br><br>You'd be wise to forget the BB gun for self defense, casey.... exercise your rights in accordance with state law and use your real guns! <br><br>However, that is a cool BB Gun.. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
It brings up a good point, using a BB gun to practice use of a REAL gun for self defense.<br><br>Earlier this year I bought a C02 BB gun for my son. It is the copy of the very gun I carry; The S&amp;W M&amp;P 40. (amazon link to gun... $30!) He is able to practice it's practical use - drawing from a holster and firing - without the cost of live ammo. <br><br>The real gun:<br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><br><br>The BB gun:<br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><br>Ironic, it is legal to carry my gun on my belt in plain view, but illegal to carry the BB gun in my city. I think you will find many cities outright ban carrying a BB gun no matter it's intended use.<br><br>