Being pulled over

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Every Road Leads Home

Well-known member
Mar 13, 2016
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Plymouth, Ma
I've noticed a common theme that comes up from time to time on various posts is "getting pulled over" whether it be in regards to traveling with weed, firearms, etc etc.  

That being said,  does anyone on here find that being pulled over is a common occurrence in their daily travels?  I've driven in 48 of 50 states and in the last 20 years I think i've been pulled over three times and all three times I was breaking the law.  Two for speeding and one for no seatbelt.  I've always admitted to my wrong doing to the officers, treat them with respect, don't try to insult their intelligence and they have all sent me on my way with no ticket.  I also try and pull over in a spot as far as I can out of the way of moving traffic, open my windows and keep my hands in plain sight, which the seemed to appreciate, especially when in a van, as they all see the horror videos of what can happen when pulling a vehicle over they can't see into during their training.  In two of the instances I had something that shouldn't have been in my vehicle, but they never asked me any further questions that could have led them towards it and I wasn't volunteering the info either.  I don't like big brother watching over my shoulder any more than the next guy but at the end of they day these guys and girls just want to go home to their families like everyone else, in my experience if you don't go out of your way to make their job harder, they don't go out of theirs to make your life harder either.

Anyone have any stories where they were unfairly targeted or harassed by police after a pull over?
I haven't been pulled over once driving my van. I have had a few knocks from the police in the middle of the night, all of which went ignored. They left within 2 minutes, without doing a single thing, each and every time.

I have many stories of being pulled over and harassed in California prior to my van-life. I have been pulled over 3 times in Colorado (not in van) and all three times the police (and myself) are very respectful. I never admit to wrongdoing, and do not answer questions, but in all 3 times they left with a handshake and no ticket issued. Same with a pullover in Arizona (I was passenger that time)... much respect and no ticket issued.  In all CA pullovers, the officer comes to my window already with attitude and ego, so he/she gets no respect from me either. Most times, I simply rolled up my window (after giving up my papers) while he was talking his BS. I have filed a few official complaints, which go on their permanent record and effects their promotion and pay possibilities. Only once did one of the officers try to scare me with arrest. She pulled me out of the car, cuffed me, placed me in her car, all while I laughed in her face. Within 10 minutes I was un-cuffed, "released", and again laughed at her. I made it to the station before her, and filed an official complaint. Called the Captain the next day as well.

Nevertheless, they are humans and have the same human emotions and flaws as anyone else. While I believe that *most* are good people, the few that are not speak louder then the good ones, unfortunately. Luckily, times are changing. Police are being held more accountable then ever before. There is still a long way to go, but at least the tide is going the right direction right now.
It's not a frequent occurrence but it does happen. I was pulled over in Minnesota once because I had a backup camera installed that partially covered the state at the top of my license plate. I saw him pulling out into the road before I reached him so it was clear that he saw me coming and the plate was the only justification he could find. He just told me to get it fixed then started questioning me about drugs and said he thought I was a drug dealer coming from the Sturgis bike rally. He kept asking me what drugs I've used in the van because when the dog gets there he'd smell them. I just laughed and he let me go.

I once got a knock when in San Francisco but it wasn't one officer, it was 6 police cars surrounding me with their spotlights on me.

When I bought my new van, before my plates arrived, I was pulled over because I was driving a new cargo van in an area "known for drugs and prostitution". It was in Las Vegas, so that's pretty much the entire metro area. When I stated I was a poker dealer he laughed, I guess because it has the word "dealer" in it and he had already decided I was a drug dealer. I had to move a cooler out of the way to get my registration out of the glove box and was asked if I had any body parts in it.
I've never once been pulled over in my van despite driving like a crazy person and speeding everywhere. I think the cops are just impressed she can do 80 with laundry hanging out the window.

Reducto said:
I once got a knock when in San Francisco but it wasn't one officer, it was 6 police cars surrounding me with their spotlights on me.

So what was their interest to warrant this response?
TMG51 said:
So what was their interest to warrant this response?

No idea - the officer who approached just asked me to step out and ran my license. Standard "don't do it again" stuff then we all just drove off after I came back clean.
Never once in all the years of travelling since 1976 crossing the US on a motorcycle have I ever been stopped. Old vans, new vans, red vans blue vans & busses & motorhomes...

I was legit stopped once here in Canada for speeding but that's all folks.

Only knock ever was a 5am wake up from a cop with a hot cup of coffee on a very chilly morning in the Seattle university area about 10 years ago. I had flagged down a different cop the night before while walking my cats & explained that the van was me & I was wayyyy too tired to drive. He must have passed me in to the next shift.
I had one knock while sleeping in a closed public park.  They were looking for someone else.  Real nice local LEO.  Told me to find another spot tomorrow.  It was next to Clear Lake and quite nice.

When on the road, no problems.  My sidekick makes me look harmless.


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Like Hippiechk , I've been traveling extensively for almost 40 years now .

I have had to stop at border areas but usually immediately start asking if the officer knows any good scenic alternate roads to avoid cities and traffic with an atlas and a highlighter in my hand.....
They get so busy showing me their local knowledge that they never get to asking me questions......

One time one was trying to look into the window of my truck cap and I told him he was staring at a piece of black insulation 3" from his face and told him I was migrating across the country with everything I owned in the back . we both got a chuckle and he wished me a safe drive.

I have been on the road in the early hours going home from concerts and have been stopped many times for drunk checks but I just tell them I do work where alcohol is everywhere , and frequently free for the band , I have never had any to drink . One time I could smell alcohol on HIM !

Oh My GOSHK , THAT"Skembarrasskin'
I wasn't going to admit this... but here goes.

On my way back from the RTR, I picked up a hitchhiker. Yeah, yeah, yeah... the reason why I did was the exact reason I was always warned not to. I could be murdered. Whatever. I was facing a fear. I picked up someone on the side of the road with no coat and it was chilly out. I was thinking Karma.. and if it was me, I hoped someone would do the same... That was Arizona.

In New Mexico, I was letting him drive, as I'd been driving a lot and was nice to let someone take the wheel for a while. Well, apparently, he was driving crazy and it got called in to the police of drunk driving.

Got pulled over, he made me switch driving since he didn't have a drivers license, there was open containers of alcohol.. I knew I was going to jail. Here is what I did:

I was honest.. I admitted I picked up a hitchhiker to be nice, I did not deny there was alcohol in the vehicle, I admitted I had a loaded gun and where it was. They found the gun, made me pour out alcohol.. and freaking let us go. Really!!! No ticket, no jail.

Was very up front about everything, all of my paperwork was accurate, I said where I had been, where I was going, admitted the gun thing, and was let go without even a ticket.

Now I can say, after being fed for most of my life how dangerous it is, that I was not murdered on the side of the road for being nice and giving someone a ride, even when we were pulled over.

New Mexico, someone called it in, but we were still let go even with horrible things stacked against my favor. Still thanking my lucky stars. AND... I was able to help someone in need. :)
Theadyn said:
I wasn't going to admit this...  but here goes.

On my way back from the RTR, I picked up a hitchhiker.  Yeah, yeah, yeah...   the reason why I did was the exact reason I was always warned not to.  I could be murdered.  Whatever.   I was facing a fear.  I picked up someone on the side of the road with no coat and it was chilly out.   I was thinking Karma.. and if it was me, I hoped someone would do the same...   That was Arizona.

Ha,  I picked up a hitch hiker once in my teens and although not pulled over by cops,  we couldn't get rid of the guy!  It was on fourth of July and he ended up spending the night doing everything we did.  Sort of felt bad and back then I was a little too polite with not wanting to hurt people's feelings.  Kept asking where he needed to go but he just kept using us to run errands!  

Glad you didn't get in any trouble, (from either the cop or hitchhiker) truly comes down to the attitude/personality of the the cop that pulls you over.
A friend and I picked up a hitchhiker back in the "safe 70s"
A half hour later after we dropped him off I was looking in the back seat for something and spotted a super sharp 10" fillet knife laying on the seat where the hitcher had been sitting !!!!! That was the LAST TIME for ME!!!! Karma or no karma..........
Theadyn said:
I wasn't going to admit this...  but here goes.

On my way back from the RTR, I picked up a hitchhiker.  Yeah, yeah, yeah...   the reason why I did was the exact reason I was always warned not to.  I could be murdered.  Whatever.   I was facing a fear.  I picked up someone on the side of the road with no coat and it was chilly out.   I was thinking Karma.. and if it was me, I hoped someone would do the same...   That was Arizona.

In New Mexico, I was letting him drive, as I'd been driving a lot and was nice to let someone take the wheel for a while.  Well, apparently, he was driving crazy and it got called in to the police of drunk driving.  

Got pulled over, he made me switch driving since he didn't have a drivers license, there was open containers of alcohol..  I knew I was going to jail.  Here is what I did:

I was honest..  I admitted I picked up a hitchhiker to be nice, I did not deny there was alcohol in the vehicle, I admitted I had a loaded gun and where it was.   They found the gun, made me pour out alcohol..   and freaking let us go.  Really!!!  No ticket, no jail.

Was very up front about everything, all of my paperwork was accurate, I said where I had been, where I was going, admitted the gun thing, and was let go without even a ticket.  

Now I can say, after being fed for most of my life how dangerous it is, that I was not murdered on the side of the road for being nice and giving someone a ride, even when we were pulled over.  

New Mexico, someone called it in, but we were still let go even with horrible things stacked against my favor.  Still thanking my lucky stars.  AND... I was able to help someone in need.  :)

That's dang crazy and I'm glad you didn't get arrested. I also pick up hitchhikers but I'd never let one drive. Glad it worked out for you.

Where were you hidin' that gun anyway? :p
Theadyn said:
I wasn't going to admit this...  but here goes.


I was honest..  I admitted I picked up a hitchhiker to be nice, I did not deny there was alcohol in the vehicle, I admitted I had a loaded gun and where it was.   They found the gun, made me pour out alcohol..   and freaking let us go.  Really!!!  No ticket, no jail.

Was very up front about everything, all of my paperwork was accurate, I said where I had been, where I was going, admitted the gun thing, and was let go without even a ticket.  

Yes, he was a nice guy to let you off the open-container infraction. Your driving or not played no role in if you broke that law. Even passengers can be cited/arrested in NM for open container.

Your admission to the loaded gun, as much as I would advise against it, admitting to nothing. The loaded gun in a vehicle (even without a permit) is not illegal in NM. Still, admitting to any additional [assumed] crimes can only be harmful to you, not helpful. Use care bud.
TMG51 said:
That's dang crazy and I'm glad you didn't get arrested. I also pick up hitchhikers but I'd never let one drive. Glad it worked out for you.

Where were you hidin' that gun anyway? :p

Yeah, lesson learned, will never let someone drive my rig again, haha.

The gun.. the bottom shelf near the bed, where I can get to it easy. ;)
Got pulled over in Kit Carson Colorado for driving 67 in a 65 zone while sporting California plates Thinking just mail the fee done but noooooo followed me into town and the courthouse where I had to pay or spend the night right on the spot.
wagoneer said:
Got pulled over in Kit Carson Colorado for driving 67 in a 65 zone while sporting California plates Thinking just mail the fee done but noooooo followed me into town and the courthouse where I had to pay or spend the night right on the spot.

They do not like California plates in Colorado.   :dodgy:
Got pulled over in Wisconsin way back when, for 60 in a 55, with IL plates (they're not fond of those) it was either a trip into the courthouse and wait to see the judge or pay the fine. Trooper pulled out a credit card machine (the kind where you put your card down and they put the carbon paper form over it and pull the roller back and forth) stuck it on the hood of his car and said I could pay on the spot.

Back in the 70's and 80's I got pulled over 11 times and got 10 tickets. Thankfully those days are past, they seem to ignore me now that I look like a mom/grandma.
As soon as I traded my Arizona plates for Idaho plates, the ISP stopped pulling me over. The only good running car I could find for $2000 in Phoenix was a pimped out Mercedes.

I knew the seller well, he was an ex Mercedes mechanic. It belonged to his 16 yr old daughter who never drove it. She wanted something sporty and got better than 12mpg in the city.

I blended in well with the rest of the 20 year old Mercedes cars in Phoenix. Not so much when I moved to a small farm town in rural Idaho.

I was everything those guys were taught to profile in Idaho. Late 20's, drug dealer looking rims and limo tinted windows, out of state plates, and driving around like I was lost.

Needless to say, I bought an old Jeep Cherokee with rusty fenders and was never bothered again. The kid I sold it to, mentioned he was also being pulled over for 2-3 mph over the limit. Maybe the car carried a bad aura? Doubtful. I heard having Florida plates in another state is the worst. I guess the Leo's assume everyone from Florida is hauling South Americas most expensive commodity. [emoji12]

I have a silver plane jane 94 Chrysler lhs. If it was lit up like the Goodyear air ship, I still wouldn't be noticed. That's perfectly fine with me. Flying under the radar is what I love.

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Milk Hauler said:
...I heard having Florida plates in another state is the worst. I guess the Leo's assume everyone from Florida is hauling South Americas most expensive commodity.  [emoji12]

I have FL plates and never get bothered, but I'm a mid fifties woman driving a 2014 Subaru Forester... the only thing I profiled for is "old lesbian".  :p
I have Arizona plates. In the 4 years that I have been traveling...I have never been pulled over or had a knock at my door...It's about doing the right thing all the time...!