Would there be any drawbacks to putting a lead/acid battery in a plastic bag? I was thinking of running the wires and a hose (for ventilation) out of the bag's opening. Plastic battery boxes are nice, but a bag would be much more wallet friendly.
I was considering an ordinary kitchen garbage bag. Just something to trap and redirect the gasses that escape the battery while charging. Then run a hose from the bag to the exterior of the vehicle.
I don't intend to do much with the battery, but charge a laptop, cell phone, and maybe run a fan.
I am much more comfortable with a lead acid battery not in a trash bag. The only problem I have with the lead acid is the CO detector will alarm on low levels of hydrogen. On super bright sunny days the solar kicks a bit to hard. Most lead acid will not have that much gasses. Or go with a AGM sealed battery. Avoid over charging any battery.