I have heard and read that deep cycle batteries that are fully charged read 12.7 volts. Yesterday I ran my microwave (about 10 mins total) and small Silverstone fan (.4 amp for 1 hour). When finished, I read my batteries (two 12 volt 35 ah deep cycle batteries wired in parallel) which showed 12.54 volts. I hooked up my 100 watt solar panel but it immediately turned very dark and cloudy so I only left it connected for about 15 minutes, then unhooked it and put it away. Today it is sunny so I thought I would take advantage of that and hook up the solar panel to top off the batteries. Before I did I took a reading on the batteries and they read
12. 75 volts. How is that possible? I am pretty sure the solar panel didn't put very much back into the batteries if anything at all. So overnight the batteries came back from 12.54 volts to 12.75 volts. It's like......they recharged themselves back up. Which is a dream, but doesn't happen. I know when they read 13 or more volts after being just charged fully they come back to rest at a lower voltage after sitting for a few hours. What is the answer for this?
12. 75 volts. How is that possible? I am pretty sure the solar panel didn't put very much back into the batteries if anything at all. So overnight the batteries came back from 12.54 volts to 12.75 volts. It's like......they recharged themselves back up. Which is a dream, but doesn't happen. I know when they read 13 or more volts after being just charged fully they come back to rest at a lower voltage after sitting for a few hours. What is the answer for this?