'At Last'

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No big deal on the pictures ,,I just always ask everybody for them. (It's the thousand words thing I guess)
You just relax end enjoy your new environment, it IS very beautiful IMO.

Keep the fur kids safe from coyotes too,,,,,
The BIG day is finally here!   In 1 3/4 hours, I go to meet my new trailer! I'm so excited I have butterflies in my stomach.  :D

The truck also goes into the shop to have the towing and electrical connections put on and sorted out.  Then she goes to get a tranny cooler put on, and her hoses, belts, fluids etc. checked out.  She's already shown she's road worthy, however after being in the highly humid, rainy environment of the Big Island for the last 5 years, and due to her age (9 yrs) I feel it's necessary to have an abundance of caution concerning deterioration.  I HOPE the guys working on her will let me watch and learn.  Why is it that they try to keep it a secret?  I will have to do all this checking from here on myself and pictures, descriptions and diagrams only go so far.  I'm a hands-on learner. I need to see what is "normal" wear and tear looks like and what needs to be attended to.

Ok, off to feed the animals and eat some breakfast myself.
well it's been a month so far and i have traveled and dry camped from AZ to CO. In KS now at a full hookup campground right in the middle of a giant cornfield. Big trees for shade, a nice breeze all day, songbirds, a sweet old lady who manages the place, laundry and great wifi. Will stay a week here to research my family roots and visit my childhood haunts.
Got a new phone that does better for traveling, getting the hang of using free wifi at Starbucks, Mc D;s etc. but haven;t had a lot of success (keep getting booted off), got the poop in a bag system down pat ( including surreptiously dropping off the bags at gas stations, Walmarts, and waysides trash containers -- I STILL FEEL WEIRD).   :s

Said goodbye to my loved ones this morning. They are leaving for Germany for 4 years, but we have had the most wonderful two weeks together and Reg was able to repair my electric pigtail connection which I so ably partially disabled my first week of adventuring.  :huh:   I will miss them terribly,  but I now have the hang of texting (I KNOW, I'm very old school  :rolleyes: ) and my new phone goes international so planning on meeting in France in two years time to celebrate their 20th anniversary (Paris of course)and take my grandson on 18th century French history tour, a bent of mine since childhood. Looking forward!

Camping at Flagstaff from the 17th-23 (where did everyone go?  :huh: ) proved a good training ground for me (finding and conserving water, trash collection and dumping, bathing, etc. but I was shocked to find everyone gone when I went to the RTR camp. Thank goodness Mike from Minnesota showed up and was a good person to talk to and hang with on my first outing. IT was a bit intimidating at first. But I got the most wonderful spring water on the way to Sedona and I found Flagstaff a really nice town, with nice and very helpful people at the healthfood store and forest service who helped point me in some right directions. Did a couple of short hikes with Kingsley (my dog) to various springs in the area. Will go back to spend more time there, see the GC etc when the kiddies have gone back to school.  Too crowded for me. Did go see some interesting off the beaten path stuff though, rock dwellings, dinosaur prints, beautiful canyons. Super enjoyed the Painted Desert, it still amazes me how every color of the rainbow is in these deserts!  :heart:

Traveled then up toward CO. Stayed at Madden Peak for 3-4 days, got invited to dinner and a place to camp (and enjoyed a shower too) by a local "family" of people when they stopped to help me get out of a jam with turning the trailer around (darn dyslexia!! LOL ).  Crazy women, a very interesting and weird experience overall, but sure gave me a title and story idea to a potential S King type spooky thriller, "The Mad Women of Madden Peak Road".  And you can interpret that 'mad' in both definitions!

After skedaddling out of there next day,and wanting to put the Continental Divide between me and them,  I came over the Wolf Creek Pass. WHEW! was that a looong, steep, mountain for the poor truck to climb!  Thankfully, we stayed at Pass Creek Campground just down the other side where the first evening a sweet doe walked right through camp, sniffed my truck and trailer and then daintily walked down to the little creek that was near there. It was a magical place full of wildflowers and wildlife and I was loath to leave that place (free 14 day limit), but needed to be at Rampart Range Rd by the 26th. Had two solid weeks of fun with my son, dil and grandson, but it is great to have the little trailer to come home to too.  

I am enjoying myself tremendously.
I love the red rocks, mountains, and prairies. The skies are a dark blue in the Pike Nat'l Forest.  They are a light blue across the praires and ever changing across the deserts.  The US is one BIG, beautiful, awesome place and I am so glad, grateful, humbled to be able to travel, see, meet and experience all that I have so far and more to come.  I have no idea why people don't like prairies. They aren
't flat at all.  They are rolling and wide open space which feels so good after being surrounded by green jungles closing in for the last 20 years. The greens and golds and wildflowers everywhere, the sweet smells, the great big blue skies, the fields of wheat and corn, barley, rye and milo, well sometimes these places make me cry, I;m so happy. I've missed them so.  And I love my little trailer. We, two cats, a dog and me are always at home, but always going places and seeing new things. This is the best world.  I'm so glad to be alive.

Happy one month anniversary, me.   :D
Hey GG, glad your trip is going well. Sorry I missed you when you were in my neck of the woods. For some reason I had in my feeble mind that you were traveling through this area later in the summer. If you get back near Colorado Springs send me a PM and I'll but you a cup of coffee, or whatever else you may like to drink. Keep enjoying the journey.
Thanks for the update! It sounds like everything has worked out well and you're having a great time.
This is definitely the best way to live!!
Sounds like you are getting settled into your new life.
Glad you enjoy it as much as so many of us do!

I'm a little confused ,,,is the Mad Woman you or her ????
The open road sure does present many opportunities for a good story ..........
Skuh kuh kuh kuh
rvpopeye said:
Sounds like you are getting settled into your new life.
Glad you enjoy it as much as so many of us do!

I'm a little confused ,,,is the Mad Woman you or her ????
The open road sure does present many opportunities for a good story ..........
Skuh kuh kuh kuh

The "Mad Women" is the family of women who helped me out and then freaked me out. They are a group of women who seem stuck on being very angry at the whole world of men ie they think men are like "nazis" and other negative associations. They are out to "save" other women and then survive the "end of the world" and put a stop to all men's activities, period. It got increasingly weird - like the head gal there thought she controlled fire, could read the future etc. She kept asking me who I am, who I REALLY am, like I was some portent or ghost or ??? When I was trying to leave the next day, they blocked the door, held me in a group "hug" refusing to let me go and just basically scared me. You are going to have to read my book for the details when I write it, but it really goes to show that truth is stranger than fiction. I was on my best behavior, natch, just felt increasingly uncomfortable and was very happy to leave the next day! LOL I survived the mad women of Madden Peak Road.
masterplumber said:
Hey GG, glad your trip is going well. Sorry I missed you when you were in my neck of the woods. For some reason I had in my feeble mind that you were traveling through this area later in the summer.  If you get back near Colorado Springs send me a PM and I'll but you a cup of coffee, or whatever else you may like to drink. Keep enjoying the journey.

MP, I will be back in that area eventually and will drop a pm if the stupid wifi at Starbucks or McD's will let me on long enough to do so. :)
Yeah really scary , glad you got away !
Better stay away from Madden Peak Road.....sounds like it could be plugged into Copperhead Road and recorded hmmmmmmmmm.
Well, all I can say is to just avoid the first private ranch/farm on the left as you go up Madden Peak Rd. A bit too Manson family-like with weirded out folks. 18 increasingly strange hours was enough for this old girl.
Good for you......so glad you're having such a great time. I think the Mad Women would creep me out too, glad you got away from them before they made you drink the Koolaid. lol
Toodling around

Admiring the remaining wheat fields left to be cut

A pronghorn standing fearless let me take her picture.  There were jackrabbits too, but I wasn't fast enough with the camera.  :blush:

Sunflower bloom time is just beginning
The old family farm still looking nice!  :)

Even the old windmill!

Beautiful horses still being kept there too! I feel like a kid again. So glad that some things never change.

Nice cattle and birds on a wire. They were very interested in Kingsley who was hanging out the window and barking his head off.

Wheat fields to the left of me, cornfields to the right,

Here I am stuck in the middle with you! This was the last in a long line of combine and loaders moving field. The rush to harvest is on and it looks to be a good crop this year.  Too bad the market price is so low. Gosh, ya think it's manipulated?  :dodgy:

Time to figure out the next leg of our journey, as we leave tomorrow for more Kansas, and then Nebraska. Gosh, what should we do first?  Go see the World's Largest Ball of Twine?
Or how about the Corn Palace?
Decisions, decisions.   :D
What fun decisions to make!! Glad you're enjoying your meanderings.
This was Kingsley's favorite sight to see today...a monument that looked like a giant dog bone treat lol

We actually went to see Bear Lodge aka Devil's Tower.

Nice little campground there too.
Da Da Da Da Daaaaaa

(get it?? lol..it's a 'close encounters' joke) ;)