Are most traveling alone?

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<P>mockturtle - love it!!&nbsp; make tshirts please</P>
I'm 42 single and female.&nbsp; The last ex broke me from sucking eggs (in southern speak that means never again).&nbsp; It would be dang near impossible for someone else to live in the camper van with me, which was a good selling point for me.&nbsp; Just me and my travel sized mini schnauzer <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I'm in my truck. It has an extended cab. So, maybe 1/3rd of a twin? And of course the bucket thing.<br>At some point, I'll be ready for a relationship again. Not now. I don't trust my judgement. It's not been good for..... well, forever. But it's getting better, mostly because I'm avoiding most human contact, other than business.&nbsp;<br><br>
I'm in the minority, my fiance (soon to be husband) &amp; I are going to be starting out next year.&nbsp; He's in his late 20's, I'm in my early 30's, &amp; we'll be living in a campervan<br><br>Honestly, it was pretty hard to find other people interested in this type of lifestyle.&nbsp; A lot of people buy into that typical life crap (house with a white picket fence, 2.5 children, etc etc etc).&nbsp; <br>I tried to talk my ex into this type of life when we were still together, but he was an idiot &amp; kept spending money he didn't have on a crappy apartment because 'that's what people do'.&nbsp; In retrospect, I'm glad he never went for it, because I might not have met the guy I'm marrying tomorrow otherwise&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
caseyc: Single lady, about to celebrate my 1 year van dwelling (end of the month) with no end in sight. &nbsp;There are more of us out here than you think <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
Tara,<br><br>You should invite all your girlfriends along! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif"><img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif"><br><br>Casey
I have been traveling alone since last years RTR. I guess that makes me a "newbe". I have chosen to live in my van and find it would get kinda crowded with another soul inside. I won't take on a pet because of the responsibility of keeping my home clean. I do get the feeling of being lonely at times but it beats trying to deal with others emotions and habits. I like making friends that are like minded and don't mind sitting around a campfire with positive vibes in the air. I also like my freedom, freedom to come and go as I see fit, freedom from stress, freedom of choice, free to be without the criticism of the world. Heck, I feel accepted just by tapping out this post. I think I need to get a few years under my belt before I really answer this question. Thank you all for helping me find my way.
Go Vonbrown!

Hope you are doing well! I'm doing pretty good, busy week coming up, so it's off to bed for me! I'm still in Ferdy, rocking the California coast!

Be fabulous good sir!

With love,
At the risk of sounding corny, I'm not so sure any here are traveling alone. I get taken along with most of you and I try to take you along with Kate and I. I have regular email with folks I have met here. No, never alone.
I travel alone and that's the way [<i>uh-huh, uh-huh</i>] I like it! :)

Well, not really trusty dog Bucky goes with me.
Well, health problems say I should stick to a home area type situation. I do hope to make one/some of the gatherings near by but available funds will dictate when and where I get to go. As far as the alone part, I guess I will be alone when I do any traveling. This is kinda by choice but not what I really want to do. I hate being alone but don't think I'll ever find anyone that fits me near as well as Cathy did. I'm not the easiest person to get along with in this part of the country. ;)
I am alone by choice.. I like solitude... it makes me crazy for the TV to be playing all of the time....I don't own one... I'll watch a movie on my computer occasionally, if I need to just vegetate. Books are my entertainment of choice. I am also a night owl....I love the sunshine but I also need the quiet of the night too. I don't feel like compromising to suit someone else anymore.

further more...
....I am a care taker by nature. Which means I always ended up with someone who wanted to be taken care of....:rolleyes: ... at this stage of my life I just don't think I have that kind of commitment left. My medical issues aside (and another reason to stay single)...At this point, I have decided the rest of my life is "all about me" and I don't think that attitude would be fair to anyone else.
Just made my bucket much friendlier by cutting a round groove the size of the bucket in a wood toilet seat with my little plunge router whalla a comfy seat. I travel alone because I am selfish, not in a bad way mind you.
I travel alone, because that is the way it is, and love it.
No complications except the ones I create myself.
Everyone here has their own point of view, and I don't think there's a wrong reply. Being alone is a choice. There is someone out there for everyone, you just have to find them. I'm choosing the life of being alone free, and boondocking. The sprits is calling my name so strongly I'm leaving a woman that is a great lady. I've been with her for 10 years. We have a paid for house that is only 7 years old, and a lot of other things that I will not mention, because it just doesn't matter. My point is we all have to do what we feel is best for us. I don't want to be one of those people who is sorry for what they didn't do in 20 years. I've raised all of my children, and sent them to college and served 34 years is the army, so now I'm choosing this life. My hope is that everyone that reads this post finds what they are looking for. I like my alone time with my K9, but I'm glad I have each of you to depend on too. Thank you guys for being here.
As a loner who loves solitude and unlimited personal freedom, I couldn't imagine co-habitating under any circumstances. I guess most need someone, but I most certainly do not. Long live the solitary van dweller!
Are you solitary if you have a dog? Thinking not really.
I would have to second That!!!!!!......if your traveling with a pet , your far from being alone or in control!!!

Be right back , the dog demands out and a cookie!!!.......LOL
I'm relieved to have seen and read this thread. I've wondered about this aspect of the life style. It seems so isolating.

I wouldn't want to be in a relationship, but being able to travel with other van dwellers once in a while would appeal to me. I understand why all the RV people join clubs.