Are most traveling alone?

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Jan 23, 2012
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After looking around at the forums I get the feeling that a large percentage are lone travelers. &nbsp;Am I correct about that? &nbsp;And if so why? &nbsp;Is it pretty hard to find couples that both have a interest in this kind of lifestyle? &nbsp; I am currently not on the road but really have a desire to be. &nbsp;The wife is not even close to 'wanting' to be on the road and I am not even sure she would follow me there ( guess I will find that out soon enough).<div><br></div><div>The questions that I have are:</div><div><br></div><div>Is the community mostly single travelers?</div><div><br></div><div>What is the reason?</div><div><br></div><div>Is it really hard for a long time couple to have the same desires for this kind of life?</div>
Guessing the attenance at the RTR, I'd say about half were traveling with a companion.&nbsp; (So most vehicles had only one person.)&nbsp; Maybe it's just that singles tend to have more time for forums.&nbsp; Couples seem to dominate some groups, and singles-only groups exist.<br><br><br>
Is it really hard for a long time couple to have the same desires for this kind of life?

There are a few old married couples here, and one or two young couples, I think. DW nd I are coming up on our 35th wedding anniversary, and no, it's not hard to want a mobile lifestyle. We always enjoy travelling but have been limited to what we could squeeze into vacation time or weekends. next year we're both retired and, unless something happens, on the road.

We currently have a 19 foot camper van, which we plan to replace with a 28 footer. It would just be nice t have a sleeping area separate from the living area.

Not a necessity however.
<P>I think most couples go the route of RV's instead of vans. You find mostly couples on RV focused forums.</P>
Heidi and I were single vandwellers up to about 4 years ago <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> We still have both vans, one is at my Dad's place and in use as storage, but we live in the other which is 17' and extremely comfortable. We have been married now for almost 3 years and love every minute of our lives!&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>My Mom and her husband thought we were crazy, however last year, she after deciding it seemed like fun, bought a small class A rig and planned on going on the road without him thinking he would have no interest in it. He ended up going with her for the winter and found out he loved it so they are trying to sell their house now and plan to be full-timers at some point. Sometimes they just have to try it to know.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
Thanks Dragonfly <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I am really proud of her for getting out there on the road! She always loved to travel!
I was surprised to learn that most of the van and rv travelers I have come across so far are couples or people in groups. I would have figured on more solo travelers. So theres hope for anyone hoping to one day have a companion with them in the future!
In my experience, the great majority of RVers are older retired couples. They lived traditional lives and in retirement set off for some adventure in their RVs. Wander around Quartzsite and that is what you are going to see the most of. Maybe a 90-10 mix of couples to singles.<br><br>On the other hand, vandwellers (no matter what kind of vehicle they are in) tend to be single, non-traditional people. I'd say maybe a 60-40 mix of singles and couples. I was quite surprised by how many young couples we had at the RTR this year.<br><br>I think the reason their are so many single vandwellers is we tend to be non-conformist loners who treasure our freedom. Their is simply a smaller pool of us to search for a mate in. If I were willing to live in a house I think I could easily find a companion. and Plenty of Fish are full of women who would appeal to me if i could tolerate living in a house. On the other hand there just aren't that many people willing to poop in a bucket and bathe with wet wipes and a spray bottle. Bob<br><br>
<P><FONT size=2>
</P><P><FONT size=2>On the other hand there just aren't that many people willing to poop in a bucket and bathe with wet wipes and a spray bottle. Bob </FONT></P><P>
</FONT><FONT face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif" color=#990000 size=3></FONT></P><FONT face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif" color=#990000 size=3>Ha!&nbsp; This is so true.&nbsp; Yesterday I was helping my daughter make a decision about housing that she could afford.&nbsp; She found a place, it is clean, sizable, has amenities that are beneficial for her at this stage in her life.&nbsp; Neighborhood is iffy, but she has dogs and arms plus 24 hour security.</FONT><BR><FONT face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif" color=#990000 size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif" color=#990000 size=3>As I pointed out that *I* would live there, she looked right at me and said "Yes Mom, however, you&nbsp;are also planning to&nbsp;live in a van or&nbsp;camper and use a bucket for a bathroom, I'm not sure your opinion really counts on this one!"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; So I had to chuckle when I read Bob's post above <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></FONT><BR><FONT face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif" color=#990000 size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif" color=#990000 size=3>~SE&nbsp;<BR><BR></FONT>
<font size="3" color="#990000" face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif">As I pointed out that *I* would live there, she looked right at me and said "Yes Mom, however, you&nbsp;are also planning to&nbsp;live in a van or&nbsp;camper and use a bucket for a bathroom, I'm not sure your opinion really counts on this one!"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; So I had to chuckle when I read Bob's post above <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"></font>
<br><br>I think that qualifies as..."Out of the mouth of Babes!" What part of the country are you in, want to go out on a date!? <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"> Bob (who is just kidding!)<br>
That is funny stuff! Sounds a lot like stuff Daughter Jay would say to Heidi.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Of course the bucket and baby wipes are not the only way to vandwell <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> You can do it with a built-in shower and toilet too of course. Just sayin. I know it can help with convincing a potential significant other to join you in the van. Especially if the shower and bathroom has a door/curtain/divider of some sort! Not everyone likes to be that "friendly"</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 2px;">Quote:</div><div style="border-width: 1px; border-style: inset solid solid inset; border-color: currentColor rgb(232, 232, 232) rgb(232, 232, 232) currentColor; padding: 6px; spacing: 3px;">&nbsp;"<font size="2">On the other hand there just aren't that many people willing to poop in a bucket and bathe with wet wipes and a spray bottle. Bob " and&nbsp;</font><font color="#990000" size="3" face="Georgia"> "Yes Mom, however, you are also planning to live in a van or camper and use a bucket for a bathroom, I'm not sure your opinion really counts on this one!"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><p style="margin: 0px;">Priceless and too true.&nbsp; My Big Guy has been reading a few snippets of some of these exchanges and is horrified. I think I will be travelling alone .&nbsp;I told him Butterfly and a few others reported still living in their vans after returning to their homes. He thinks they are nice people, esp. Butterfly because he has met her,&nbsp;but there is something terribly wrong with not&nbsp;wanting to live&nbsp;in a house when you can.<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;"><b><font color="#ff00ff">Dragonfly</font></b></p></div>
I think that qualifies as..."Out of the mouth of Babes!" What part of the country are you in, want to go out on a date!? <IMG src="" align=absMiddle border=0> Bob (who is just kidding!)&nbsp;
<BR><BR><FONT face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif" color=#990000 size=3>The most humorous part of this is that she asked me to postpone my leave taking for a year so that she can hit the road with me!!&nbsp; She is my gypsy kid and very independent in comparison with the two others.&nbsp; I'd rather be successful alone first, then perhaps take her on some test runs.</FONT><BR><FONT face=Georgia color=#990000 size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face=Georgia color=#990000 size=3>And Bob, I will be quite honored when I get to meet you, considering the enormous amount of work you have done to provide information on living this lifestyle successfully. I'm currently in FL (blech), future destination unknown.</FONT><BR><FONT face=Georgia color=#990000 size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face=Georgia color=#990000 size=3>Dragonfly: Sorry to hear that Big Guy thinks it is horrifying :/ Give him time, he may come 'round...</FONT><BR><FONT face=Georgia color=#990000 size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<BR><FONT face=Georgia color=#990000 size=3>VanTramp: I agree, there are differing modalities to investigate for privy issues. I always check my acceptance of the least appealing and hope for something a bit better <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></FONT><br><FONT face=Georgia color=#990000 size=3>I look forward to meeting all of you in the future.&nbsp; I respect and admire the lot of yas!</FONT><br><FONT face=Georgia color=#990000 size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT face=Georgia color=#990000 size=3>~SE</FONT><br><BR><br><P>&nbsp;</P>
<p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="3" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">A dear friend had a ready reply for those who said "You're Wierd!".&nbsp;&nbsp; It was: "Thank you!"</font></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="3" face="Tahoma">Slight correction, I only sleep in the van in the driveway when it's not too bitterly cold.&nbsp; The rest of my time, I am in the house.&nbsp; Have had some incredibly warm temps this week.</font></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="3" face="Tahoma"></font>&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="3" face="Tahoma">Mikelgilles, my Hubby enjoyed&nbsp; traveling to Quartzsite and visiting w/ everyone...but he's not interested in vandwelling as a lifestyle.&nbsp; He has a huge list of reasons why he won't part w/ the sticks n bricks.&nbsp;</font></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="3" face="Tahoma"></font>&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="3" face="Tahoma">&nbsp;I'm fortunate that he has allowed me to travel alone to Boston area and WY to visit my kids.&nbsp; At first&nbsp;he made me promise I'd spend nights in a motel.</font></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="3" face="Tahoma">I made the promise but&nbsp;I was more afraid&nbsp;to&nbsp;go into&nbsp; a motel alone than&nbsp;I was to curl up in a sleeping bag at rest stops.&nbsp; So that's what I did.&nbsp; </font></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="3" face="Tahoma">Since joining this forum,&nbsp;I have&nbsp;fixed up a&nbsp;cargo van for travel.&nbsp;A real bed in back and much better than the front seat of the truck! &nbsp;I'm very fortunate that he allows me times to go alone...not all husbands would.</font></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="3" face="Tahoma"></font>&nbsp;</p>
I am single.&nbsp; After enough failed relationships, I've adapted and don't miss having a significant other.&nbsp; Also, the van is equipped comfortably for one person - two would be a crowd.<br><br>It's not really that difficult being alone.&nbsp; There are enough hobbies that it more than makes up for being lonely...&nbsp; There is plenty of work, too.&nbsp; I have to do all the cooking, cleaning, earn any money, etc.&nbsp; The nice thing is that by sleeping within 54 square feet (about 6' x 9'), there's not more than a few minutes of cleaning per day.<br><br>As I am going to post on another thread, it would be nice to have a little more company.&nbsp; Today I applied to the State of Iowa Department of Natural Resources to be a volunteer camping host in a state run park.&nbsp; Living costs will be rock bottom and food stamps will pay for almost all the food!&nbsp; I asked to be considered for one of the parks with a trout stream...&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br><br><br>
...alone and living in an RV.&nbsp; Someone said to me I was 'a moving target'.&nbsp; It's difficult to get to know a potential mate, or for that potential mate get to know you, when you're not around long enough for a holiday or happy birthday celebration.&nbsp; <br>Personally, I have been in touch with a woman that has become, over many text and e-mails, a potential road mate. My point is that the rules haven't changed.&nbsp; You have to get to know someone and they have to get to know you in order for there to exist an opportunity.&nbsp; Only an opportunity! guarantee of success!&nbsp; <br>Hell, to many, success was getting away from that 'opportunity' they should have passed up! LOL.&nbsp; <br>Don't laugh too loud guys.&nbsp; There are countless single&nbsp;women out here...and many more planning on joining them/us!<br>There are, and will always be, bumps in the road.&nbsp; <br>Cowboy up!&nbsp; Learn to ride them!<br>
My 38-year-old son lost his house due to the economy and now lives in a 1978 Class B-Plus motorhome in Colorado. He is single and owns his own tree care business. He lives on the same commercial storage lot where he keeps his cut logs and his trailer. I just visited him a week ago and saw his set up for the very first time in person. Just think "compressed bachelor pad" and you will get an idea of how it looks in there.

So anyway, while I was there visiting for a few days, he tells me he has a first date one evening with a young woman he knew from making regular visits to a coffee shop where she works. And get this...she is the one who asked HIM out!

So, I go to bed in my tent about the time he is leaving for his date. I slept very soundly and comfortably.

Next morning, I get up and my son comes out of his RV to greet me. He suggests we go to a nearby cafe for breakfast, which sounded great to me, as he doesn't even have any coffee-making equipment or supplies in the RV. Oh, and by the way (he tells me), he hopes it's ok if we swing by and drop his date off at her place after breakfast. SHE WAS IN THE RV! She had spent the night there with him on their first date! Not only that, but they have gone out together several times since then.

I tell you, that young woman has a lot of respect from me! She had a really mellow personality and was quite pretty, to boot! And she wasn't the least bit put off by the way my son lives. Actually, she reminds me of myself, when I was her age.

Anyway, back to my husband and I have been married for 22 years and we are both going to retire within six months. We plan to travel separately from each other for a while and then meet back up somewhere and boondock together somewhere. I will be in the 1988 Class B-Plus motorhome and he will be in our 2003 Chevy minivan with a brand new tent and probably a used, small utility trailer.

We both sat together in lawn chairs in our driveway today, talking about our plans. We decided that tomorrow will be the day we call a real estate agent to get our house put on the market.

Wish us luck! Anybody want to buy a house in Kansas City?
<span id="post_message_1272504480">He who travels alone---travels lite.</span><br>__________________<br>A long drink of silence is a very good drink.<br><br>"Here here."&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0">&nbsp; You can say that again!&nbsp; lol&nbsp;&nbsp; Don't get me wrong, I enjoy company but not bondage!&nbsp; hahahaha...<br><br>"When a cop arrests a mime, does he tell him that he has the right to remain silent?"&nbsp; (George Carlin)<br><br>Mike:&nbsp; Some people just prefer going solo after having been in relationships most of their lives, they want to take the time to get to know themselves for a change and live by their own Truth.&nbsp; (At least that's been the consensus from those I've chatted with over the years.) They are tired of living for the approval of others and being depended upon to make others happy.&nbsp; I'm responsible for myself only and enjoy extending the same courtesy to others.<br><br>Take "peas" for instance.&nbsp; I can't stand them, but it doesn't make them bad.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0">&nbsp; They're just not for me.&nbsp; I Love people, but prefer being solo.&nbsp; Always have, even as a child.<br><br>Don't break my stride.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0">&nbsp; ♥ <br><br><br><br><br>