Anyone on SSI/SSD and full time vandwelling?

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Well-known member
May 7, 2017
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I am wondering if anyone is full time dwelling in their vehicle and living purely off SSI or SSD.
This may be a bit personal so feel free to pm it to me if you don't want others to see it, How much are you getting per month off SSI or SSD and how is your expenses looking after covering bills and such? 

I get $755.00 a month to live on and am trying to crunch if this would be do able or not.
Lets see.  Saving your rent money.  ~~~  Many members do.  It is the only option left. 

Search the threads in this section of the forum, and see the multiple threads on this subject.
I know many people living on SSD/SSI. One does it on $300/month.
Dwade81  There are many people here living on some type of SS benefits.  Not everyone chooses to disclose there income to anyone else.  I am one of these people.  My family, friends, best friends, neighbors & etc do not need to know my income level.  They also do not need to know what I buy or why I buy it.  That comes under the heading "none 'uns" = none of you'uns business.  This just the way I am and the way I was raised.  This is my choice it's no better or worse than anyone else's.

I sat down and made a list of all my monthly bills,  looking to see what I could change to save $$$$

What I found was that without apt. rent, storage fees ,elec bill and land line I would have $900 more a month to use to pay the loan on my Aliner,  for instance if that is all paid on the trailer in 5 mos it would be paid for and I'd save a few thousand in interest.

I wrote out a list of my monthly bills that will not change and a list of possible added costs due to travel and CG fees.  This has given me a chance to see in black and white  the financial changes that going completely nomadic will be.

There is so much on the internet.  I don't just stick to van dwelling,  there's living in cars, home made truck campers, small trailers, cargo trailers, pop-up- campers, do it your self   in just about any subject you can think of.

Going mobile opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
              Not all of us can do this...I wonder about myself at times.....I'm gonna give it a hell of a try.

It is totally feasible to live mobile on the budget you are talking about. Most times, the hardest part is saving money before-hand since bricks & sticks can consume a good portion of the finances, but I've lived in a long-bed truck w/ a camper-top, and even a little Ford Ranger with a camper-top for a bit, and I learned that once you've cut rent & utilities out of the equation, you can save enough to put yourself on the winning path. The key is to save money every month, not just for unexpected emergencies, but also to upgrade your comfort of living. The back of my Ranger was a short-term stopgap, and I knew it going into the situation, but it freed up the finances I needed to move up to more comfy arrangements. I hope that all goes well for you, and keep us posted, Cotton
Dwade81 ,

Some people on SSI are afraid to discussed their SSI status online because judgment (SSI is judged more worse than SSDI) and the man could be reading these post . I'm not a car,van,minivan ,trailer, 5th wheel or RV dweller but there are SSI dweller on this group and other online groups. We are out there

This book might give you some idea


Secrets of RVing on Social Security: How to Enjoy the Motorhome and RV Lifestyle While Living on Your Social Security Income (Kindle Edition)

$3.99 Amazon
I have been looking into this myself.  From what I've read, I gather that if you are on SSI, you are not "allowed" to live in an RV simply because of the word "recreational" in the title.  That being said, you can vandwell all you want because your vehicle is registered as a Van and not an RV (unless you have a class b RV).  From what I gather, the only thing that SSI needs is a permanant street address for their records.  Find a relative or a friend who is willing to allow you to use their address just for SSI and everything should be hunky dorey.  There are some services available in other states that will allow you to forward you mail and some will even go as far as getting your vehicles registered, drivers licenses issued, and also giving you a valid street address.  The only problem with that is you have to transfer your SSI to another state.  I'm not sure about that part, but from what I gather SSI is state based and not federal.

Hope this helps.
I live full time in my Steppie and on PWD (persons with disabilities). Sure beats a stix 'n brix and the lifestyle is much cheaper. ..Willy.
One thing that you have to consider is periodic reviews, so if you plan on travelling away from your home state that could be a problem. It varies with your type of disability and age how often they will have you come in to check your medical status.

Is right. SSI has two reviews redemption and medical . The redemption review is yearly to see if your income/address/ where you are living has changed. The medical review can be 1, 3 or 6 years (depends on your age over 50 or 60 and disability).
Well when I received Ssi And ssdi I had 2 redemption reviews in a period of 20 years. For medical reviews I have had only one 15 years after I started receiving social security. I am also considered permanently disabled. Your medical reviews are based off of the doctor saying how long they expect you to be disabled for and social security. Instead of saying you are a van dweller just say you are homeless Living out of a vehicle. As long as they can contact tack you that is all that matters. The rule of thumb with Ssi is to not have more than $2000 in assets. A house and car is exempt from the $2000 but I am sure there is a limit with that also. Oh and with the review a lot of times most is done through the mail or over the phone unless they want you to see their doctor.

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Kia how did you receive ssi and ssdi both? One is welfare and the other ssdi are for those that worked the required amount of years to draw it

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If your income is low enough to qualify for SSI, you should also qualify for snap (food stamps) and free lifeline cell phone or landline service (and discounted high speed internet from some providers). In most states, snap eligibility is solely based on income and there is no longer any asset test.
Cammalu said:
Kia how did you receive ssi and ssdi both? One is welfare and the other ssdi are for those that worked the required amount of years to draw it

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Because at the time I wasn’t getting enough from ssdi to get the minimum that the state allows so they substituted the difference with Ssi. Now I just get ssdi. If you qualify for ssdi and do not have enough work credits to get the states minimum they substitute it with Ssi to get that.

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In California

I've had 1 redemption reviews via in person but I haven't had my medical review yet. Because I'm under 50, I know i'm going to have yearly redemption reviews and 3 year medical reviews. I HOPE in the future after my first redemption and medical,i can do the 2 reviews via mail.
I am wondering if anyone is full time dwelling in their vehicle and living purely off SSI or SSD.
This may be a bit personal so feel free to pm it to me if you don't want others to see it, How much are you getting per month off SSI or SSD and how is your expenses looking after covering bills and such?

I get $755.00 a month to live on and am trying to crunch if this would be do able or not.
Please get ahold of me via text message. I have the same situation and bought a van to live in. It’s hard to find information on this. Wendy ##########

[mod edit: phone number removed -tx2]
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Wendy, You do know this thread is from 2017, right? Welcome to the forum :)
I have the same situation and bought a van to live in. It’s hard to find information on this.
The person you replied to is probably gone, and their post was budget related, not really about SSI.

What is the info you are trying to find?
It's best not to give your number out on the forum for safety and to reduce spam calls and texts you might get if it someone adds it to their call list.
Wendy, I removed your number from your post. Posting or exchanging phone numbers on a public forum carries risks both ways. We prefer that you exchange numbers on a PM, Private Message, accessible by the 'Start Conversation' button visible when you click on a members name, and then only when you have developed at least some measure of trust with that person.

However in this case, the member you were responding to has not been active here in more than two years.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me or any of the other staff members directly.

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