Any Veterans on the road?

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2013
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How do you get your medications while traveling? Mine are currently mailed to my home address, but I'll be gone from there soon.<br><br>How about continuing medical care? There must be hundreds of VA Medical Centers around the country. How does that work for travelers?<br><br>Any other tips? Thanks...<br><br>~Reno
Hi Reno, I a vet and&nbsp;receive all my medical through the VA. I had asked this question to my doctor and he said I can go to ANY VA in the USA and receive care, including my scripts. I doubled up on my scripts before I hit the road (ask your doctor to help, tell him you are hitting the road for a while) and as yet, I haven't the need to go to a VA Medical center, but it is reassuring that if I need to, even for my scripts, I can go to ANY VA hospital.&nbsp;
Hi Reno...I am in the same boat. When I leave home for a couple of months I talk to my veteran's liaison lady and she gets me a couple months in advance. Also see if you can get your meds in 90 day increments.Some they won't do that inhalors are the problem for me...expensive I guess &nbsp; and they think I'll die and have too many...LOL<br><br>I have gone to VA's in other states whej I run out of meds and they give them to me...they will always see you through the sick-call center...<br>Bri
I'm retired military and a disabled vet. You can use any VA for your med care. I use a mail forwarding service and get my prescriptions sent to me periodically. Most VA hospitals have walk-in appointments at their Primary Care Clinics.
I'm a vet. I'm registered in TX, NM, AZ and CA. I can be seen at any VA hospital or clinic in those states. I get my meds at any VA hospital pharmacy. Right now I'm on a job assignment in one area and they have a VA clinic in the area and my meds are being mailed to me.<br><br>VanGirl

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