any small evaporative coolers suitable for small rv/solar pwr setup?

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May 18, 2013
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Actually, I have a couple of questions for you'all saavy van dwellers out there.<br><br>1, with air conditioners requiring so much power, are there any small evaporative (and inexpensive would be helpful as well) coolers that could be run from a solar set up such as the 90W one (shown in the video comparison with Harbor Freight's?) &nbsp;(P.S. where do you get one and how much?)<br><br>2, a corollary question might be, if a good fossil fuel generator will cost me several hundred dollars, what is the practicality of having a converter hooked up to my idling tow vehicle . . . spending a little money on fuel as opposed to a lot of money on a generator. &nbsp;Does anybody do this or is it impracticable?<br><br>I am not a full timer, but I do love to camp when I can get away. &nbsp;So many of the ideas on your website are very borrow - able by those of us who are campers not full timers. &nbsp;(maybe someday . . . )<br><br>Thanks fer yer thoughts,<br><br>Kinneyboy
Evaporator coolers work only in dry conditions. You will need to water them well.<br><br>Running the engine for electrical full time needs is not effective, Most camp grounds will not allow it. It will be cheaper just to move to the mountians for cooler weather. I do charge my computer and cell phone for an hour during the day or to cool down the van at night for 30 mins or so.<br><br>Try to work out so you do not need electrical. A small gen is best. then Solar, Wind. <br><br>James AKA Lynx
&nbsp;You can also buy a 'house unit' swamp cooler and replace the fan with a 12v fan. Many of these units use a wick type system and don't have pumps. ..Willy.
I know a vandweller who lives full-time in the desert and he uses one of these in 100+D&nbsp;heat&nbsp;... blowing directly on himself instead of trying to cool off the whole inside of his vehicle.<br><br><img class="bbc_img" src="" rel="lightbox"><br><br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br><br>They are pricey, IMO.&nbsp; But, I&nbsp;picked up one used on ebay for when I'm in hot dry weather.&nbsp; I expect to test it out this summer for myself.<br><br>When I'm in hot humid weather, I run the AC on my hybrid car (where the engine acts like a quite generator, running very intermittently to keep the batteries charged).<br><br>Suanne ... who also uses a 12v portable fantastic fan (Endless Breeze)
Thanks guys for thoughtful response. &nbsp;I will look into your suggestions. &nbsp;On Suanne's elevation suggestion at least AZ is blessed with a lot of high country, so save the hot country camping for the cooler months . . . I like the 12 v replacement fan idea in a small house unit . . .
there are a LOT of instructables on how to make simple evaporative coolers for $20- $50 and since its all the same principle it would work just as well.

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