Any metal detectorists here?

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I went last weekend for the first time at a local park and fair venue.&nbsp; I got brutally sunburnt <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; The only thing we found after about 4 hours was a pocketful of pull tabs and nails.&nbsp;&nbsp; I think it would go a lot faster with one of the pinfinder do hickeys.&nbsp; We used this 90 dollar detector.<br><br>I think it was more fun in theory than in practice <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="bbc_img">
I use a metal&nbsp;<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">gold detector</a> and search old abandoned home steads,crop fields,public parks and beaches in hopes of uncovering some long lost piece of the past. For me it's not about the gold,silver and other's about the rush I get when I uncover something that has been lost for years and knowing that I am holding something that at one time was held by the people who helped form this great nation...whether it be a lost piece of military history or a personal item of a man or woman who remembers what it was like when you had to actually had to put effort into day to day living.
Yes,finding old stuff would be the best thing about it. Of course defraying expenses with your finds is not bad either.
I have a White's DFX 300 with which I prowl the local beaches. I have built the world's biggest collection of pulltabs. Also regularly find change, but never enough to even break even for the parking. The unit is ridiculously beyond my needs and I still haven't figured out how all the options work. I took my grandson on one hunt. In 30 minutes, he had found a 14k earring and a 1932 solid silver quarter. Gold and silver in one day. He's hooked. I got him a Garrett 250 for xmas because I wanted my unit back and was tired of sharing. His parents got him a pinpointer. That Garrett is a decent detector. It's lighter than my White's. It has easy controls and has proven to be pretty accurate. This summer, when he jins us out west, he wants to look for meteorites.
I'm trying to figure out where to store the silly things (I bought David one and hit a buy one/get one free sale). We haven't used them except in the campground... lots of "hits" for pull tabs... I think Roswell was built on a landfill.
I used to keep my metal detector in a pair of heavy velcro straps that were screwed to the overhead ribs. A couple small pieces of foam rubber kept it safe and rattle free.
Glad I found this section. I am new to the forum and getting ready for life on the road. I have been detecting in my home town for years untill for job changed and I dont have as much time for it anymore. I loved it! I dont have top of the line models either, found lots of good stuff. Ever since I have wanted to get out west and do some diggin out there. Hopefully I will get to soon. Maybe even run into you guys sometime.
Bring it on, Roger.
I used like detecting around old house foundations in ghost towns. Found tons of old goodies, nothing of much value. Once I found a semi melted bunch of coins in a group (as if in a bag) at an old burned house. It was close to 5lbs of coin silver.
Barns and old, dead outhouse sites can be good too. Read many stories of some exciting finds.

In S. Az there "potholes" all over the place where people are trying to find a cousin of the Boot of Cortez...
Maybe you'll be the lucky one who does.
Wow! I would settle for half of that in cash ! Thanks for the link, stories like that get my blood pumpin. There is a collection of treasure tales on my computer I have been researching for years that I really want to check out when the time comes. I am so ready "mentally" to hit the road!