Any disabled full timers using SD as 'home'?

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2011
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Today I feel like my brain is going to explode. &nbsp;Hubby is kinda useless for 'practical<span style="color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: small; line-height: 16px;">&nbsp;</span>' matters, so I am trying to figure out RV insurance, possibly repair insurance, and our soon to be resident state. &nbsp;For a bit, we are stuck with Mass as "home", but there is no way in Hades we can deal with this as long term now that I am disabled and hubby unable to get his carpenters license here due to over-regulation (no one here is working full time as they require). &nbsp;Feeling stupid for getting in this mess of Mass as home just to keep medical care. &nbsp;Turns out, unless I can live in the Boston area, there is no one to deal with my rare disorder. &nbsp;Grrr.<br><br>So, after consideration, have a feeling we will soon be South Dakota residents. &nbsp;Still new to all of this and not sure how it will work medically for me, but it seems a reasonable starting point. &nbsp;Other experiences would be welcome.
I have zero experience with the east coast really, but I have disabilities.<br><br>I'm a resident of Pahrump, Nevada, and live outside of Nevada a lot in various places, depending on where my heart takes me, at the moment I'm in Arizona, but headed west to the coast, I miss water. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> (I've never had a house in Nevada and have no desire to live there long-term).<br><br>It sounds like you need to find the state that gives you the best medical coverage for your needs, and make that your 'home state'.&nbsp; Especially since as you say you have a Rare disorder.&nbsp; My disabilities are fairly common, so it's not a big deal for me (Plus I've had them for a while, so I'm very comfortable and used to them).<br><br>Anyways, I wish you lots and lots of successes!<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
I sugest you check with the Social Security. They have programs for disabilities.
frickinducky said:
<br><br>So, after consideration, have a feeling we will soon be South Dakota residents. &nbsp;Still new to all of this and not sure how it will work medically for me, but it seems a reasonable starting point. &nbsp;Other experiences would be welcome.
<br><br>Have you considered the Nashville TN area?&nbsp; Vanderbilt U and St.Thomas are both there and known for treating uncommon illnesses.&nbsp;
Another Masshole! How did I miss that? I'm headed back to Mass, now. But I am taking the long slow road and won't&nbsp; get there until the end of May.<br><br>I don't know anything about SD, but I do know that when I switched my insurance (was Fallon,now called something else) my&nbsp;payments went from almost $400.00 a month to just over $100.00. The coverage is just as good, co pays and prescriptions are less.
Mass has the best coverage public healthcare insurance anywhere. But you pay for it too. Everyone in mass is required to have medical care insurance. Start calling clinics in other states that treat the chronic illness you have. Ask about public healthcare options. You will be shocked that you can't get medical care for any discounted price, and can't get coverage from any other insurances as supplemental to Medicare.

You will have to do lots of research
Lots of research. Unfortunately, I have the third rarest disorder known. The only thing that has provided any relief is tramadol 2x a day. My big problem is that my primary dx is fibromyalgia as most docs could not figure out Dercum's. there is, if you will, a war on chronic pain patients so getting my meds is already an issue. I don't plan on anything more then what I have, but even getting that requires peeing in a cup every three months. I don't see any help for Dercum's in the next 100 years, so tramadol is it. Refuse to do anything harder, but I do need a bit of something.
FM and chronic pain are just&nbsp;two of the disorders for which I am being treated. I don't have any problem, other than pharmacy screw ups and doctor office confusion, when getting my meds at different pharmacies. I have learned to make sure to call the prescription in&nbsp; four days to a week before I run out of meds. Then I call the pharmacy again, to make sure it is being filled. If there's a problem, I then call my doctor. Rinse and repeat until the two ....ahem... professional organizations are on the same page. Then I call again, before I go into town to pick the prescription up.<br><br>This has nothing to do with the meds themselves, it's usually a case of confusion on at the doctor's office end and incompetency/lack of staff at the pharmacy end, as far as I can tell.<br><br>If your having problems getting your meds, because the doctor's have a problem with chronic pain, FM or anything else it's time to find a new doctor. It took me years to find a decent doctor and when I moved out west it was the same nightmare all over again. Keep at it!
Most assuredly time for a new doc. Part of the reason we are on the road. I was lucky enough to get my Rex filled this week. But my doc office says no pee, no meds.
Our fearless leader bob wrote a nice article about medical pharmacies and dental just over the border in Mexico. You might wish to seek out medicine there. No prescription needed. Just the name of the medicine. Not sure that applies for everything and not sure if the quality.
I'm new to the forum so appologies&nbsp;if I missed some of your info!&nbsp;&nbsp;Have you filed for SS disability?&nbsp; That will not provide&nbsp;immediate medical help but will get you Medicare before 65, also in some states makes medicade available.&nbsp;&nbsp;I know you have done tons of research for providers but have you checked out the possiblity of a research program you could participate in?&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;I would be very hesitant to change my state of residence to one I could not get the health care I needed!&nbsp; I would definately look at Universities with medical research facilities as well.&nbsp; I do know (from experience) that a lot of pain medications are narcotics and they are regulated by the federal governemnt as far as quanitites and renewal etc.&nbsp; Best of luck to you!