Air Fresheners

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2012
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I entered the van the other day and was hit with a funky smell&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;I guess from the dirty laundry, cooking, eating and just plain living&nbsp;odors&nbsp;will accumulate. The&nbsp;odor&nbsp;went away after a few but I'm sure my nose just got used to it.&nbsp;I guess it's not THAT big of a deal but still,&nbsp;occasionally I show off the interior to those interested&nbsp;and well I think you get the point.<br /><br />I went out that day and bought some air&nbsp;fresheners and man are they proud of them ($). This got me thinking these will add up over time. Anyone got any ideas on some lower cost&nbsp;alternatives&nbsp;? Like&nbsp;something&nbsp;homemade.
I use incense....I have a brand I like and I use it....I use a gentle kind like Morning Star and I like the green tea scent...<br /><br /><br /><br />I carry some Glad Neutralizer spray for the serious deuce in the bucket...I just take the dog and myself and my donation out of the rig&nbsp; and spray inside one good for me...<br />Bri
&nbsp;Does the incense smell last for a long time after burning? Are the beaded curtains optional&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;j/k. I have been&nbsp;successful&nbsp;at avoiding the duce in the van so far... But I'm sure my&nbsp;time's&nbsp;coming. Thanks for the info!
Hi Rollin, nope it doesn't but on the road I burn it a lot...I love the smell and it takes me to a more meditative place....I have bad lungs but it does not seem to bother me....<br />Yep, beaded curtains and shag carpets along with the blacklights and posters are all optional...provide your own wacky-tobacky too....<br />Bri
&nbsp;I burn Nag Champa incense (THE scent of the 70's).
I'm picturing&nbsp;something&nbsp;like this&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br /><br /><br />
I burn white sage and sweetgrass...&nbsp; sweetgrass smells clean and nice even without burning when fresh. I often pick a few branches of aromatic cedar, juniper, spruce or pine.<br />I&nbsp; keep funky laundry in bags in the storage area of my van rather than living space, open it up and air it out every day, cook outside as much as possible, try to keep it dry inside, use foot powder in my boots. <br />Thirsty has a repurposed&nbsp; heater fan (Fart Fan) that is fitted to blow out the side to quickly change the air, takes lots of amps, but gets the job done.<br />If boondocking- drag bedding and mattress outside and toss on roof in the sun every now and again.(beware of seagulls<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />)<br />Scented dryer sheets tucked here and there help for a day or so (supposedly keep rodents away too)<br />Cleaning supplies with citrus scents help even if you just do a small area each time.
A fresh pot of coffee always freshens up a space, just like baked cookies!,<br />but I use febreeze....
I did some&nbsp;research (google) and&nbsp;Essential Oils get the highest stars for&nbsp;safety (all natural). They come in a bunch of&nbsp;different&nbsp;varieties too. Not cheep but a little goes a long way, so they say. As a side&nbsp;benefit&nbsp;they work like&nbsp;incense as far as calming/spiritual&nbsp;purposes&nbsp;without&nbsp;the&nbsp;smoke.&nbsp;A lot of massage places use it. Not sure besides online where to get any though. Has anyone seen this for sale anywere?
Rollin said:
I'm picturing&nbsp;something&nbsp;like this&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br />Ahhhhhh.. memories.
So what do you do with essential oils? Put drops in your snout? drip them around on stuff?????<br />Puzzled, me.<br /><br />Willie, if you have memories were you really there?????<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />bri
Lately I have been placing a bar of New unused soap in front of one of my intake fans when there is a chance of guests. &nbsp;Some type of Dial antibacterial I get 2 bars at the 99 cent store that I like the smell of. &nbsp;It works well without being overpowering.<br /><br />I think the chemical air fresheners like febreeze and lysol should not be breathed. &nbsp;Our culture is too free handed with chemicals that do not instantly kill or cause rash.<br /><br />I have a &nbsp;rubber backed throw rug which accumulates odors that I occasionally take to the car wash and powerwash. &nbsp;Sometimes I rub baking soda into it if I can't get to a carwash to power wash it.<br /><br />My Laundry bag is sealed pretty well, but dirty laundry is the biggest source of stank in my Van. &nbsp;My feet need to be scrubbed with with pumice regularly or shoes and socks become intolerable.
I use essential oils in my RV and when I was tent camping. &nbsp;Not for smells per se, but that's just a nice benefit. &nbsp;I use them for pest control. &nbsp;Lavender is kind of an all purpose oil. &nbsp;I've used it for sun burn, chigger repellent and more. &nbsp;Lemongrass and citronella are great for the&nbsp;mosquitos. &nbsp;Thyme is good as well. I'd say little bottles of everything and a big bottle of lavender. &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />For the lavender for chiggers, I tipped the bottle onto a cotton ball so that a drop goes on the cotton ball and then swiped the top of my socks and bottom of my pants. &nbsp;Might take a couple of drops but a little goes a long way. &nbsp;Never had a problem with chiggers when I used it.<br /><br />The mosquito repellent, I have a little spray bottle and put a couple of drops of each in with hot water and then just spray away. &nbsp;I have a book that has the "recipe" &nbsp;for all different things. &nbsp;I made some up for ants that I sprayed around the tent and no ants bothered it. &nbsp;The place had tons of ants around. &nbsp;<br /><br />You can get essential oils at Whole Foods or any other natural grocery store. &nbsp;Or any herbal shop would have them. &nbsp;Along with books on use. &nbsp;<br /><br />If I were to used essential oils for smells, I might put a drop or two of my oil of choice onto cotton balls and put those around the place. &nbsp;Or put a few drops in a spray bottle with some hot water and spray that around in the smelly areas. &nbsp;Or both. &nbsp;Just really only a drop or two! &nbsp;You might fall for the ole, if 1 is good 10 MUST be better, but it really isn't. &nbsp;You'd knock yourself out on the smell of 10 drops of most of the essential oils. &nbsp;Lavender is purported to be calming so if you're stressed out, lavender could do double duty as masking smells and promoting relaxation.<br /><br />Now all that said, Fabreeze is less expensive in the short run and works well. &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
wrc68, good ideas thanks. Could you tell me where the intake fans are?

StarEcho, most excellent information thank you .
Nobody&nbsp;uses<span style="color: #ff0000;"><a href=""><span style="color: #ff0000;">&nbsp;vinegar</span></a></span>? Sure it has a smell to it but what it does it grabs all the smells in a room (like a wick)and the smell&nbsp;disappears. I put a small bowl in the middle of my apt. now to do that. Although might be a issue if&nbsp;you're&nbsp;driving. Might have to&nbsp;secure&nbsp;the bowl down&nbsp;somehow. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Rollin, my intake fans are in my back conversion van window slider.<br /><br />
<br /><br />Pretty rare that I need all three. &nbsp;The furthest one has a speed control, but this photo is old, currently the last 2 fans have a speed control<br /><br />The bar soap scent does get less intense after a few days