Air conditioning utility bill issue

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Sep 19, 2018
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Air conditioner utility bill abnormally high as compared to the last month. Does anyone knows the causes behind it and let me know how can I resolve this issue.
Either it was hotter or they changed the rate. There is always the chance that there is something wrong with the A/C unit that causes it to use more juice.
1. Hotter temps
2. Rate change (higher per kwh)
3. A/C unit problem
4. Rate plan change (average billing)
5. Meter problem
6. Meter read wrong
Is this related to the vent not working post a few days ago?
My electricity bill jumped from $20 a month to a whopping $60 suddenly and I couldn't figure it out. I called the electric company and told them everything in my apartment that used electricity (which isn't much). My problem ended up being the refrigerator. I explained to the landlord and they brought me a new refrigerator. My bill went back down to $20 month after that.

I know my situation has nothing to do with air-conditioning but it's an example of what might be causing your higher electric bill.
I have a 12000 BTU window unit at home. I have to clean it twice a year or it gets all gummed up from cigarette smoke and then dust sticks to it. If I don't clean it, it will run the compressor more and more to maintain temperature until finally the coils ice up. Not good for the electric bill.

I have to take it outside, take the cover off and spray it down with degreaser then get a toothbrush or similar and scrub the coils then hose it all off.

They also make a product called coil cleaner that serves the same purpose

I forgot to mention that you don't have to be a smoker for the unit to get clogged up. Oils from cooking (and probably other sources I can't think of right now) will eventually do the same thing
Thank you guys for your valuable response. I’ll definitely go through the suggested steps.
Are we talking in a home or in an rv park? If a park, it's possible someone else was using electricity on your circuit or the meter was misread.