66788: "I'd join you with the tacos, but I just can't let someone medically treat my body that I can't sue..."
By that time, the damage is done, and the money isn't going to fix it. Many American doctors shouldn't even be practicing. Americans can contact the State Board of Licensing to check out a doctor's history, but very, very, very few do so. I suspect the Mexican doctors know that if they foul up, the word across the border will spread like wildfire, and they will be out of business.
American doctors don't really fear anything like that, because their state medical boards usually take no action against them, so they keep their licenses and continue to do damage. And it's extremely difficult to get other doctors to testify against them, even if you hold a gun to their heads. (Probably because they're thinking, "There but for the grace of God, go I".) There is a surgeon practicing locally who has done serious, crippling damage to several people that **I** know about, but he's still practicing.