After 3 years here posting intro

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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Hi everyone. I'm nora and I'm a wannabe. I stumbled on this site about 3 years ago and read it pretty much every day. This is my dream and getting down to (hopefully) about 2 years away. I still have 3 kids home but the last one will be 18 in another year and a half.

I'm 59 and hubby is 69. We just got a little closer as we sold one of our houses and part of our business. We are property rich and money poor. We bought into the idea that property was a good investment. How wrong we were. With taxes, insurance and upkeep we keep going downhill. And when the housing market fell so did our investments. All we do is work.

But we are slowly getting rid of property. A month ago I put our home on Craigslist and it sold in 2 days so things are looking up. We have an old motor home and a high top extended van with with with wheelchair lift (we needed it for our disabled kids) 

My husband wants to take the motorhome. After reading here for so long I want to use the van. Because of Bobs use of the van in summer and van/cargo trailer in winter I would like to use the motor home in winter and just travel a little and use the van for summer travels and leave motor home in storage.

Thanks Bob for the idea. You have all given me great ideas for the van conversion. Thanks to all who take the time to post their ideas, photos and videos. I have been wanting to go to an rtr but because of the kids cannot. But one of these days I will. In the meantime I get to travel with all of you through this site as well as learn all about this lifestyle. You all keep me inspired.

I would like to especially thank all the  women out there who travel alone. I was thinking as I'm "old" my adventures were over but that is not true. Thanks to Bob for this site. He must spend an inordinate  amount of time on this site so I/we can learn, be motivated and talk with one another. Nora
Nora! Welcome to the CRVL forums! Just in case you didn't know, your kids are welcome at the RTR. Each year the number of kids, of varying ages, increases. I've not heard any of them complain of boredom.

You're off to a good start since you already have a moho and a van. Two years will fly by and it gives you plenty of time to prepare.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome aboard Nora , out of the shadows and into the light !
Don't be shy now , ask away with your questions....
Welcome, Nora!

I agree with Cyndi that an RTR could be enjoyable and enlightening for YOU, your husband and any offspring who might come along. It's good for young people to see others living outside the box.

Depending on where you live, even popping into the camp area for a couple of days could give you lots of new ideas. Many folks do not stay the entire time of a gathering.
Welcome to the CRVL forum,  officially !   :) 

It sounds like you'll bring a lot to to the table already. 
Especially by having a Van to travel in and an RV too. 
You may be able to speak from a more unique vantage
to enlighten the newcomers on the pro's and con's of life
in either of those vehicle.
Nice intro, Nora! Glad you decided to join in the conversation.
Hi. Thanks everyone for replying. My 3 kids are all in wheelchairs, which is why we have the handicapped accessible van. They are all too big to travel with. Please don't judge me but when the youngest is 18 we plan on placing them in a family adult foster care home. Then we can hit the road. I have been dreaming and researching for so long but the wait is getting shorter. We live in the upper peninsula of michigan. Like I posted on another thread anyone is free to stop by and park if they are in the area. Just send me a note. Nora
Oh, Nora, we are getting ready for our son, almost 30, to move into a residential placement. He is an adult and we have worked hard to find a good placement which is what has taken so long.

I know how much energy it takes to care for one other adult, so I understand. I am sure that you have taken the time to find a great place for your children and that is a big part of future planning for adults with disabilities at certain levels.

I don't think anyone here will judge you over this. I always tell people not to judge until you have "walked a mile in their shoes".
I have read the post here with interest and feel compelled to say that to place your children into a safe environment where they will be well taken care of does not seem like a bad thing at all but a good thing. Good for you and good for them. I feel that this in a way is there chance To go (Van dwelling). It's a new adventure for them. Know they love you as much as you love them but they need new adventures also which to me is what life's about. We take them where we can. They will be a phone call away and a short flight away if they need you or you need them. Life is good. HoboJoe
Nora, no one is in any place to judge you, ever. Your kids will become as independent as they can, and a new environment gives them an opportunity to grow.
I agree with those who said that you are doing the right thing. I worked with folks with physical and mental disabilities for fourteen years. I know that it is good for you AND them. They will be challenged to grow to the best of their abilities when placed in a home. A good friend of mine has a daughter that is severely disabled. She loves to come home to se Mom, but likes to go back to "her place." Do what is right for you and them.
jaxtonsgram said:
Hi everyone. I'm nora and I'm a wannabe. I stumbled on this site about 3 years ago and read it pretty much every day. This is my dream and getting down to (hopefully) about 2 years away. I still have 3 kids home but the last one will be 18 in another year and a half.

I'm 59 and hubby is 69. We just got a little closer as we sold one of our houses and part of our business. We are property rich and money poor. We bought into the idea that property was a good investment. How wrong we were. With taxes, insurance and upkeep we keep going downhill. And when the housing market fell so did our investments. All we do is work.

But we are slowly getting rid of property. A month ago I put our home on Craigslist and it sold in 2 days so things are looking up. We have an old motor home and a high top extended van with with with wheelchair lift (we needed it for our disabled kids) 

My husband wants to take the motorhome. After reading here for so long I want to use the van. Because of Bobs use of the van in summer and van/cargo trailer in winter I would like to use the motor home in winter and just travel a little and use the van for summer travels and leave motor home in storage.

Thanks Bob for the idea. You have all given me great ideas for the van conversion. Thanks to all who take the time to post their ideas, photos and videos. I have been wanting to go to an rtr but because of the kids cannot. But one of these days I will. In the meantime I get to travel with all of you through this site as well as learn all about this lifestyle. You all keep me inspired.

I would like to especially thank all the  women out there who travel alone. I was thinking as I'm "old" my adventures were over but that is not true. Thanks to Bob for this site. He must spend an inordinate  amount of time on this site so I/we can learn, be motivated and talk with one another. Nora

I too am aiming for an RTR. I can imagine all the tricks, tips, and info I will gain!