51.5 sq ft home.

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Nov 23, 2011
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Hi, Don here.&nbsp; I will move into full-time in my camper on Jan. 3rd.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; My new home is 6x8.5 ft.&nbsp; I have a solor panel and deep cycle power, independant of the truck power.&nbsp; I built it with 110 and 12 volt systems.<br>Air-Lift air shocks on the Rangers rear.&nbsp; It is a V6<br>&nbsp; I have a stereo and 15" TV for entertainment.&nbsp; Catalytic propane heater.<br>I have side entry.&nbsp; Stole the side, front and rear windows from my old fibreglass camper shell.&nbsp; I have solid rear insert for the "vaulted ceiling" when the top is up.&nbsp; With the top up, I can stand and walk around from the wheel wells back.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I need to stay around Arizona until my last hearing on a VA claim, but will head north from AZ in the spring, then who knows where!!!<br>
I like the popup roof- considered a similar idea for a van one time....never happened...yet.<br>Looks like you hinged the sides and insert the back?<br>Like to see your side door set up too, more pics?<br>Made a rear door camper on a Toyota PU and had lots of issues with dust getting in, even with foam weatherstrip and a two step casing to baffle air flow.....and an air deflector on the roof.<br>Good Luck with the VA. and your travels.<br><br>
Thanks for looking at my Mini-Mansion.&nbsp;&nbsp; The rear top insert is still a work in progress...&nbsp; I&nbsp; am presently using 3/4 rigid foam insulation for the rear, but am working on a 3 piece insert that velcro's together.&nbsp; In this rt side photo, you see the screen insert for nice weather.&nbsp; <br>The door is a $25 Home Depot interior door cut down to fit.&nbsp; I waterproofed it well...<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The top hinge is a piano hinge, coved with rubber from a bicycle innertube.&nbsp; Notice my screen door also !!<br>
Nice set up, Don! All that on a Ranger? Any idea what it weighs? I'm wondering because I drive a Ranger and&nbsp;looked at truck campers. I only found a few that were within the weight limits and those weights didn't allow for much else.<br><br>Welcome, too! You're in AZ.&nbsp;Will you be joining us at <A href="http://cheapgreenrvliving.com/Rendezvous.html" target=_blank><b>RTR2012</b></A>, in Quartzsite?<br><br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Hey, Don, Welcome <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif">&nbsp;... nice rig! <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif"></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">You are a creative thinker. </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob</p>
stude53 said:
Hey, Don, Welcome <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif">&nbsp;... nice rig! <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif"><br><br>You are a creative thinker. <br><br>Bob<br><P>
</P><P>Thanks, Bob.&nbsp; I am pretty pleased with it.&nbsp; On social security only, so each month I would make my Home Depot run... Took 2 years.</P>
cyndi said:
Nice set up, Don! All that on a Ranger? Any idea what it weighs? I'm wondering because I drive a Ranger and&nbsp;looked at truck campers. I only found a few that were within the weight limits and those weights didn't allow for much else.<BR><BR>Welcome, too! You're in AZ.&nbsp;Will you be joining us at <A href="http://cheapgreenrvliving.com/Rendezvous.html" target=_blank target=_blank><B>RTR2012</B></A>, in Quartzsite?<BR><BR>
cyndi, I have carried a few heavier loads.&nbsp; This does not weigh as much as people think, due to the framework covered with luan plywood, sealed VERY well.......&nbsp; Yes I am pretty sure I will be there.&nbsp; Thanks, Don</P>
Hi don! I like the build! Look forward to checking it out!
xj700 said:
Cool set up! We all would like to see the interior!<DIV>With the airbags, how well does it handle?</DIV><P>
Thanks, xj.&nbsp; Here are a couple shots of the interior of the Mini-Mansion....</P>My landline phone and internet will be shut off tomorrow, so it may be Feb. before I get a laptop and wifi internet. I will try to make it to the RTR in January.<br>I bought the Air-Lift airbag rear shocks.&nbsp; They hold 100 pounds of air, maximum.&nbsp; I only needed 30 lbs in each to level up the truck.&nbsp; I love them.&nbsp; There is an air valve for each side independantly, so you can adjust each side to your weight distribution.<br>
cameracamel said:
xj700 said:
Cool set up! We all would like to see the interior!<DIV>With the airbags, how well does it handle?</DIV><P>
Thanks, xj.&nbsp; Here are a couple shots of the interior of the Mini-Mansion....</P>My landline phone and internet will be shut off tomorrow, so it may be Feb. before I get a laptop and wifi internet. I will try to make it to the RTR in January.<BR>I bought the Air-Lift airbag rear shocks.&nbsp; They hold 100 pounds of air, maximum.&nbsp; I only needed 30 lbs in each to level up the truck.&nbsp; I love them.&nbsp; There is an air valve for each side independantly, so you can adjust each side to your weight distribution.<BR>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Good job. Thanks for the pics. Looks very livable.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob</p>
Wow, that is a fantastic project. The layout is very efficient and it seems you used &nbsp;every little space in there.
<p style="margin: 0px;">Don, great interior... love it.&nbsp; We can all learn a lot from you.&nbsp; Sure hope you get to RTR.&nbsp; But I guess you won't even get this message until Feb????&nbsp; Still... hoping.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p>

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