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  1. JGwinn

    knitting for fun and profit

    My husband and I are hoping to do a road trip around the states next year, or more likely the following year. We were trying to come up with ideas of ways to make some money while on the road. I crochet and have been thinking of making blankets and selling them on etsy. I don't know if anyone...
  2. JGwinn

    Crocheting blankets

    I appreciate all the ideas and input into this plan. I originally thought of the idea of crocheting blankets as something I could do to help in our finances while on the road. My other hobbies (scrap booking and reading) wouldn't do much in that area. The scrap books would make great...
  3. JGwinn

    Crocheting blankets

    I am starting to make crochet blankets to sell on an Etsy store as a way of making extra income. How feasible would it be to bring crochet supplies on the road? The yarn itself isn't the issue, it is going to be the blankets as I complete them. What do I do with them? Should I ship them home...
  4. JGwinn

    Hello from frozen MI

    A few things about me....My name is Janet and I have known Matt71 for 16 years and have been married to him for 10 of those! My interests include (but not limited to) Scrap booking, reading, crocheting blankets, and sitting on my butt watching tv. Thankfully I can do most of these hobbies while...
  5. JGwinn

    Hello from frozen MI

    I am so ready for this adventure to begin. I have been getting fed up at my job more and more lately. I need a change of pace! As far as what Matt has planned for our trip, I have learned over the years that the long hours of preparation that he puts into our trips usually works out for the...
  6. JGwinn

    Hello from frozen MI

    This is my first time on here, but many of you may know my husband, Matt71. I have lived in Michigan my entire life, even though I can't stand the cold. I am so ready to get out of here into a warmer climate.