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  1. K

    Pre-vanning anxiety

    I have an Indiana van - a 1995 Ford F150 conversion - I bought last May and, yes, it has rust underneath. While I was still in Indiana working on getting her rigged up for travel I decided to take the bench seat out and a custom bed frame put in. When we went to take out the brackets holding...
  2. K

    Slowly coming along - have questions

    Brianpeck = I like your bed idea also and am interested in the price. I'm guessing pipe is cheaper than wood, and a lot less heavy? I also liked all the open space under it. <br>it Thank you for bringing my attention to it!
  3. K

    Slowly coming along - have questions

    Ha! Went to photobucket and "copied" the pic and pasted it here. I really have to get more computer savvy! LOL
  4. K

    Slowly coming along - have questions

    <img class="bbc_img" id="placeHolder_0" style="width: 337px; height: 450px;" src="" rel="lightbox" data-link="id{:placeHolderId}">
  5. K

    Slowly coming along - have questions

    <img class="bbc_img" src="" rel="lightbox">Just did the Bucketphoto thing. IF it worked, here's my van.
  6. K

    Slowly coming along - have questions

    Great idea! Thank you Terry!!
  7. K

    Slowly coming along - have questions

    <img class="bbc_img" rel="lightbox">Hi all<br>First question = how do you post pics on here? I click on 'insert image' and it wants a URL address. ????<br>Anyway, I'm slowly coming along on getting my 1995 Ford E150 road worthy. The asking price was $2000 but a friend&nbsp;&nbsp;I took widdled...
  8. K


    Hi all,<br>I joined the forum a while back but have been off traveling (via planes) but I am back in Indiana and I HAVE JUST BOUGHT MY VAN!! I am so excited!! It is a 95 Ford StarCraft. Now the work and fun begins. My son-in-law&nbsp;has already&nbsp;removed the 2 middle passenger seats. I still...
  9. K

    My new E-350 Extended van

    Love it! It's similar to what I am looking for.<BR><BR>Question - I was looking at a van with a high top like that but then several people told me that being so top heavy (even though it's empty space) can make the van tip over more easily if in an accident. Is this true?<BR><BR>Hope you get it...
  10. K

    FOR WOMEN ONLY: Would like to hear from women soloing on the road

    Hi Tara - help me out here as I'm new. What is RTR?
  11. K

    FOR WOMEN ONLY: Would like to hear from women soloing on the road

    Ho ho, I KNOW it's in my blood! LOL. From what I hear my grandfather on my mother's side was a bit of an 'adventurer', never staying in one place long. And my parents were into roading. We had a Cortez motorhome we took cross country the year of the Montreal World's Fair. In their later years...
  12. K

    FOR WOMEN ONLY: Would like to hear from women soloing on the road

    I have been through this before with my family and friends. In 2000 I took off in my Geo, traveling to different places to house sit for friends, spent time camping at a lake while earning some extra money. They thought I was nuts then, too. But now I am 12 years older and they think I'm...
  13. K

    FOR WOMEN ONLY: Would like to hear from women soloing on the road

    Thank you all for replying. My family is really nervous about my plans but to be able to let them know I'm not the only "crazy" out there is going to be a big help. Lifey - I, too, will be following your blog! I would like to find out how to do one when I take off.<BR><BR>Pets are out of the...
  14. K

    FOR WOMEN ONLY: Would like to hear from women soloing on the road

    Hi ladies,<BR><BR>I am getting more and more into the idea of moving into a conversion van and hitting the road by spring 2013. I am 62, retired&nbsp;and single. Are there many out there like me? Do you feel safe? How to you keep from getting taken by mechanics? I have lots of questions...
  15. K

    Hi from a Wanabe

    Hi all. My name is Kadi. Quite a number of years ago I began to imagine myself living in a van and gypsying around the country.&nbsp;It never happened but now it appears it could. Stumbled upon this site searching for cheap RVing tips and stories of those already doing. I have had some...