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  1. O

    Afraid of judgement?

    I couldn't decide between "no" and "indifferent" so I chose "indifferent". &nbsp;Which is just a way of saying "who cares?" &nbsp;You don't have to color your hair blue or bright red----just gain weight and go grey. &nbsp;That's enough. &nbsp;<br><br>The trouble with this world these days...
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    new and ever so ready

    By the way, keep watching craigslist because I've found some awesome deals on there. &nbsp;When you have the money you need, just see if you can bargain on something if it's a little spendy but usually what you find on there is really well-priced already. &nbsp;I've even seen some awesome free...
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    new and ever so ready

    Take some advice from an old lady who has lived a hard life. &nbsp;It's a wonder I've lived this long. <br><br>Get a gun and then get someone to show you how to use it and go out and practice. &nbsp;Get a concealed carry permit. &nbsp;You don't need a big ol' blunderbuss to protect yourself----a...
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    Looking for Residency Info, Experience, and Suggestions for TX, NC, and OR

    I live southeast of Eugene and I was born and raised here in Oregon (I'm 67) and I've never heard of them doing a smog check anywhere. &nbsp;Granted, they may do it in Portland nowadays. &nbsp;I haven't lived up in that area for a very long time now.<br><br>The RV parks here have gotten like...
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    Trying to get out with limited $$$

    I have a problem with stress causing a bad flare of disease, too, but I had to raise four kids without benefit of child support. &nbsp;Uneducated, I couldn't earn much money. &nbsp;Stress caught up with me after the first bunch of kids were raised and my inflammatory disease flared, but then we...
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    paypal I signed up

    I use Paypal and have the debit card. &nbsp;I love it. &nbsp;The debit card makes it possible to use the money as soon as it hits your Paypal account and that's a very nice feature.<br><br>
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    Social Security - USA - ONLY FISCAL SOURCE

    My daughter and I lived in a converted bus many years ago and it gets into your blood. &nbsp;I've wanted to do it again for years and years now and so has she. &nbsp;Welcome to the party, livinfree! &nbsp;Maybe we can share frugality tips along the way as we both keep to our little tiny...
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    Social Security - USA - ONLY FISCAL SOURCE

    My daughter and I will be moving into a 1979 Winnebago and living on $530 a month that I get from SS. &nbsp;Each of us gets food stamps. &nbsp;I'm on Medicare/Medicaid and she's got OHP coverage. &nbsp;She's working on getting her disability, so till she gets that, this is what we'll both be...
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    Hi, I'm Bob, owner of

    Gosh, 18mpg sounds a little out there for any size motorhome, doesn't it? &nbsp;Maybe for one of the cars in the 60's it might be believable but a motorhome is really heavy to pull around. &nbsp;I don't even think the little Class C we had got that kind of mileage.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;
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    Hi, I'm Bob, owner of

    Well, as my ID states, I'm Ellen and I'm in Oregon. &nbsp;I'm so excited because soon I'll be moving into my 1979 Winnebago with my daughter and grand-daughter. &nbsp;I'm 67, disabled and I've raised four kids as a single parent, plus two grandchildren as a widow. &nbsp;The youngest just turned...