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    how seedy is too seedy?

    ...we bought a seedy motel that was getting 911 calls daily,  the new owner tore it we have a beautiful blank slate to build something worthwhile for the future...
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    Buying my first RV... Gulf Stream Diesel?

    ...Pleasure Way will give you years of pleasure...our Canadian friends know what they are doing...Good day A...
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    How to keep your bed warm.

    ...four bare feet wrestling beneath the sheet...
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    Cummins Canoe (A Stepvan Story) tires so as its not tiresome...Big Tires will thank you ...Freedom isn't free...
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    Romantic Music: What Makes Your Heart Sing?

    ...anything by me in the shower...
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    Selling my car and buying van timing

    I slept in my 79 Honda Civic at spring party however I was just there for the beer...mmm beer....