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  1. W

    recliner v sofa

    Guys, what do you think about recliners in RVs? Worth it or it's better to buy a sofa? I'd like to reorganize my space in the RV and I think about replacing a big sleeping place with a small recliner. I don't sure that buying a recliner is a good idea because I've never tried to sleep in special...
  2. W

    Grill thermometer

    Thanks for your responses. What do you think about waterproof models? Are they really waterproofing or it's just a commercial move? It's said that this model is a folding one. I've never heard about this type of thermometers, but it looks more reliable because it seems to be easier to take it...
  3. W

    If you go without A/C, why do you?

    some people just like suffering, you know :D
  4. W member asking for suggestions..

    I wouldn't consider Quartzsite in your case now. It's really too hot. I wish you good luck and hope you're doing well in Morocco!
  5. W

    Hi everyone

    New to this forum.  I own a Coleman Lantern 250 TQ. I've bought it about a month ago and there is a lot of things I need to discover about RV. Also I'm a member of forum. I hope I'll it like here.  Have a nice day!
  6. W

    Grill thermometer

    Hey guys! I hope you're doing great I have a dilemma about meat thermometers for grilling. I'm a newbie griller and I don't savvy much, that's why I'm asking. Which meat thermometer would you advise? I know that there are leave-in and instant-read ones, which one would be the best? If it has...