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  1. J


    well yes i considered this.. and i did tell him he can buy it. he upped his price considerably. so i'm happy with that. just shy of what i was wanting anyway. so im completely ok with that. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> and yeah i am looking forward to...
  2. J


    ok well i considered all this stuff that everyone said which i thakn all of you for your thoughts and considerations and ideas. so i called the guy this morning and made a counter offer and said i cant go less than that. and he accepted.&nbsp; it wasnt a huge amount difference in reality but its...
  3. J


    sidat. thats the hard part. they're both important to me so i guess i'll just have to wait it out a little bit. see if i can get a better offer.. . and im asking for way below the blue book value of my vehicle. which is between 3600 and 6000, im only asking 2800-3000.&nbsp; .. ill just have to...
  4. J


    I'm so conflicted i don't know what to do. i just got the first and only offer since my truck has been for sale which has been months. and its for 1-2 grand less than what im asking. which was only 3-4 thousand.. I'm so impatient to get out on the road . but everyones giving me sh*t now about...
  5. J

    Where is everyone

    Till then i was thinking of trying to do smaller trips.. and maybe with other people . so I'm not alone just to get a feel for it.. i wrote a "Test run" post about it.
  6. J

    Where is everyone

    ha ha gump, again i'm right there with ya.. once i get my vehicle .. i have NOoooo idea where I'm going to go first.. i have family in Texas. and friends from the internet(some i've met some i haven't) ALL over the country... and they're all teling me to come see them.. SO i was thinking of...
  7. J

    I'm not sure what to do now

    Gump, Amen to that. I'm with you on the last part you wrote. <br /><br /><span id="post_message_1274489510">"So I guess, now I don't know where to go from here. I'm completely alone, and I have no aspirations of money or power or anything. I mostly just want to live out my life in peace. But I...
  8. J


    LOL touche<img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">. but thanks for the help for real. youre right.
  9. J


    well theres the classified adds section. maybe that would be the best place to put them lol. AND HEY I HAVE SEARCH SKILLS!!<img src="/images/boards/smilies/mad.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> i just dont have RV skills and truck knowledge <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif"...
  10. J


    i think because i already posted it numerous times.. i wasn't sure either. but when i went to repost it after it ended it says "you agree to pay the above fee" and it was 50 dollars.. (and i didnt even add any extras to the post or anything. and used the minimum amount of pics (so they dont...
  11. J


    awesome info guys<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; thanks a lot. and&nbsp; , yeah my craigslist post ended for my truck, the only bidder backed out of the bid at the last minute yesterday. it really pissed me off.. so now i have to wait to relist ...
  12. J


    my truck isnt worth crap.. i might be able to get close to 3 grand for it.. if i'm lucky. but there's no way i could get truck AND cargo trailer under 3 grand without it having a billion miles, needing 1000 dollars worth of work, to get out on the road.. at that rate i might as well just sell my...
  13. J


    <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> totally Lol. See? I don't even know what a "Class B" is. that is how little i know. I didn't even think, i'd probably have to "upgrade" my license if i got a different kind of vehicle. Guess that's something to...
  14. J


    No i don't have any desire to be stealth. someone else suggested cargo trailers to me too. the only issue i have i i dont think my truck can tow that weight.. its an s10 xtreme. zq8 suspension. &nbsp; which leads to more issues.. (if i found&nbsp; out differently) I would TOTALLY get a trailer...
  15. J


    haha wow.. thanks for looking into that, that's awesome. lots of good stuff here. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
  16. J


    ah good point nuttcaze i always do the searh from the main page , hence my useless results Hahah.
  17. J


    <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> True <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> . i really want to go to quartzsite i looked at the pics and stuff from the past meetings . went from 40 some odd members to 90 some odd...
  18. J


    I'm looking in the chicagoland area. within 200 miles of chicago. ive looked up all of those things, and alternatives, less cutaway. id like to be able to search actual models like p30 , etc. but thats the only one i know LOL.<br /><br />
  19. J

    Camping / hiking gear

    Yeah i looked into some REI Things. Ill check out CAMPMOR and see what ebays got.. what about amazon? im sketch about buying things on amazon ( i know somethings are new) but it seems a lot are second hand..
  20. J


    I seem to be doing circles in my vehicle searching.&nbsp; As I've stated in numerous&nbsp; places on this forum that I'm looking for a step van, ice cream style truck, or even some school buses. <br /><br />But i fear my searching skills are sub par due to the fact that i don't know model names...