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  1. M

    Aaaaannnddd we're back! Who's in Northern AZ for a W/E hangout?

    Love that 9 lives print, the parrots am sure would not like to hangout on that tee..
  2. M

    The DIY styrofoam "air conditioner"

    Some unconventional methods that normally get used in other hotter countries- knitting ice into your hair, hang a wet cloth similar to Jenny but hang it around the vehicle, take a nap at the hottest point of the day (if you can do it), so on.
  3. M

    ISO Beautiful MINIvan Conversion Inspiration

    There was a story I had read once about a couple in Japan taking a Mazda minivan all over the country with newspaper cutting to avoid being caught by cops, search and see if that is useful.
  4. M

    My Road Tripper

    Sephson- Its wonderful to read through the years where this started till all the modifiications. I have only positives things to say on your mods