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  1. A

    Newbie - Building a New Life

    That's awesome! I've been fascinated with blown glass since the late 90s having seen a full Chihuly exhibit - kinda always wanted to run away to glass school after that! Have you ever been to the Seattle area? Thinking about heading up there after RTR next year. Thanks for the welcome and hope...
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    Newbie - Building a New Life

    Yes, I've heard that the art tribe had a great time at the RTR earlier this year and I'm definitely interested in connecting. Thanks for stopping by to say, "Hi!" ?
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    Newbie - Building a New Life

    Thanks, Deal Breaker! You're absolutely right... I've worked hard my whole life and now that I have only myself to take care of, I need to have some fun. Thanks for the encouragement.  :D
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    Newbie - Building a New Life

    Thanks, Glasschick66! Yes, I see what you mean: it's a little overwhelming, but I'm just going to pace myself and learn as much as I can. Can't wait to get out on the open road...
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    Newbie - Building a New Life

    Thanks for the invite, Riverman; sounds like fun!
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    Newbie - Building a New Life

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome, and for the links. This is exciting and I'm looking forward to delving deeper. Enjoy your day!  :)
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    Newbie - Building a New Life

    Thanks for the welcome, I'm glad to be here! :)
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    Newbie - Building a New Life

    Hi, Everyone! I've been following Bob and Carolyn's YouTube channels for months. Desperate for change, I'm finally able to start putting actions towards my dreams after working hard to overcome some really serious and financial setbacks.  Glad to be here, ready to learn all I can, get into a...