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  1. BeFree58!

    Anyone in Washington State this summer?

    Oh boy I wish I had read this before I took my nephew home from staying with me this summer.  I was in Elma yesterday to hand him over to his big brother before he went on home to the beach and I went to see other family in Puyallup!  We could have had a coffee or pop and said hi - bummer!  I...
  2. BeFree58!

    Hello, how are you, will you be my friend?

    Hi Gardenias,  Thank you for the welcome.  You're so right - in my head and heart I am "living" the tribe and being out there. If I can only do it part-time to begin then so be it.  I have had some short (week or two) summer road trips in my "one woman camper" aka Bluebell, my blue station...
  3. BeFree58!

    Hello, how are you, will you be my friend?

    Brian, This is awesome - you get it!!  :P Thank you for this - I think humor is one of the biggest parts of friendship and this cracked me up!! Debra
  4. BeFree58!

    Hello, how are you, will you be my friend?

    Very cool eDJ! I'll definitely be doing that and thank you for sharing.
  5. BeFree58!

    Hello, how are you, will you be my friend?

    Hi AbuelaLoca,  Thank you for the welcome - it's so great to know there are other ladies out there I can make friends with. I'm in eastern Washington state and can get anywhere in the Cascades of Washington and Northern Oregon easily on my days off. I'm still working full-time to help out my...
  6. BeFree58!

    Hello, how are you, will you be my friend?

    Hi eDJ,  Thank you for this great welcome.  I have used my "one woman camper" i.e. station wagon to road trip to see friends in and done some Walmart camping. It's darn comfy and keeps me dry and safe.  When I get to go full-time in a few years I want to get a van to have a bit more head room...
  7. BeFree58!

    Hello, how are you, will you be my friend?

    Thank you rvwandering.  I'm definitely going to check out Gatherings and Tips & Tricks.  I can't wait to start meeting all of you!
  8. BeFree58!

    Hello, how are you, will you be my friend?

    Thank you for the welcome rvpopeye. I can't wait to be part of the tribe! I hope if any of you are in Washington or Northern Oregon this summer you will give me a heads up so I can try to find friends out there.  :shy:
  9. BeFree58!

    Hello, how are you, will you be my friend?

    Hi Jahmai,  When you do take the leap I will be so jealous LOL!! And wishing you the very best as you start the good life. I'm still looking for the right rig and using the next couple of years to settle family needs before I'm fully free to roam.f I can't wait to get out there and hope to at...
  10. BeFree58!

    Hello, how are you, will you be my friend?

    Hi Everyone,  I'm not out there full-time yet. But I'm exploring my options to be able to do so within the next few years. In the mean time I am dying to meet some of you and am going to try and be out there at least part time in my station wagon with a tent and desire to get closer to nature...
  11. BeFree58!

    Anyone in Washington State this summer?

    Hi Mrcap, I look forward to reading your input about the year out there. I hope you will be sharing. Can you tell me if it was pretty wonderful to find the freedom to go south for the winter?
  12. BeFree58!

    Vandweller Newbie Here!!

    Hi Critic,  I am here wishing you safe and healthy travels! Thank you for your encouragement. I hope to be joining the ranks part-time withing about a year and later (after fulfilling some family needs) full-time.  Keep us all up to date as you go along ok?
  13. BeFree58!

    Anyone in Washington State this summer?

    Hi, I am brand new here and posting for the very first time. Are any of you in the Washington or north-central/eastern Oregon about now? I would like to begin making friends who are already free as I hope to be in varying degrees over the next few years.  :shy: