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  1. XFILE36

    OR - mining in eastern Oregon

    I think Im in but probably w/2 vehicles?
  2. XFILE36


    For your information, some of us were extremely close to the fires.  I guess the "tribe "mentality really doesn't mean family, for SOME people here.  If it doesn't directly concern you, I guess you could care less, by your comments.  I was just asking for good thoughts and prayers.  What did it...
  3. XFILE36


    Actually, it was Anaheim Hills, which isn't in Orange County.
  4. XFILE36


    I saw on the news this morning an arson was caught in Orange County.
  5. XFILE36


    Hi Everyone, Long time no see.  I am asking for your good thoughts and prayers for the people and animals in Southern California.  I believe it highly suspicious that a fire in Ventura county jumped 30 miles to Los Angeles (Sylmar) with no fires in between...Besides losing homes and personal...
  6. XFILE36

    I need to go home to my sick cat

    There are two sides to every story and broken promises made. I had to pay $52 to take a taxi to the airport. I am not rich, far from it. I am poor income wise, just sold something to buy the van. Out of respect for someone here on the forum, I am going away and not divulging more. Just...
  7. XFILE36

    I need to go home to my sick cat

    I cant cut the ziptie on my case because I don't have a knife because I had to throw it away. still dealing with that problem...
  8. XFILE36

    I need to go home to my sick cat

    United airlines charged my account 8 times and then there was a hold put on my account for fraud. I am not able to pay for a flight thru southwest....trying to get this resolved. I had to pay a 30 dollars to deposit on this room and if i don't check out by 11 am they can keep it. Because of...
  9. XFILE36

    I need to go home to my sick cat

    the stupid airlines charged my card 3 or 4 times last night, and I couldn't pay for my flight, tried to resolve it last night was on hold a long time, fell card is not allowing me to charge another flight because of "fraud". I am on hold with my bank trying to get the hold off so...
  10. XFILE36

    I need to go home to my sick cat

    unfortunately they charged me 3 times. I AM STILL ON HOL WITH REGARD YO THIS
  11. XFILE36

    I need to go home to my sick cat

    having problem because the airline charged my account three times, so it didn't do thru. thanks for your help  i am on hold forever with the people who do the banking after hours
  12. XFILE36

    I need to go home to my sick cat

    thank you Caution to the Wind
  13. XFILE36

    I need to go home to my sick cat

    I am in Texas and came here to try to buy a van but it fell through.  I need to go home to my very sick cat. I need help if anyone knows any way for me to go back with a legal firearm and not have to mail it back. I should be able to do so without making special arrangements.  Right now I am in...
  14. XFILE36

    Anyone here that can help me A.S.A.P. choose a good van?

    Southwest airline is completely different than a train ie Amtrak.  Why would I want to sell a gun when my constitutional rights are already being violated?  I can't go you understand, all because I am doing something I have the right to do.  I DO NOT want to debate this or the subject...
  15. XFILE36

    Anyone here that can help me A.S.A.P. choose a good van?

    not only that Robndahood, you said you didn't have a mechanic for me you were just close to getting one. Since time was of the essence and I needed to make a decision, I couldn't wait for yours!
  16. XFILE36

    Anyone here that can help me A.S.A.P. choose a good van?

    the rear air conditioner was pouring out liquid. i dont know if it was....what I dont know, I didn't analyze it under a microscope. I can't deal with this any more. I DONT WANT THAT VAN SO DON'T TRY TO CONVINCE ME ANYONE. I JUST WANT TO GO HOME AND CANNOT FIND A WAY. FOR everyone's...
  17. XFILE36

    Anyone here that can help me A.S.A.P. choose a good van?

    Robndahood, I told you I didn't have a mechanic and you told me you would check with yours. I waited. I found one and you called me and said you only had a tentative one. Since I found one we went from there. I didn't finish reading your last comment beyond that remark. I am not here to...
  18. XFILE36

    Anyone here that can help me A.S.A.P. choose a good van?

    Cant take amtrack because i have a gun.
  19. XFILE36

    Anyone here that can help me A.S.A.P. choose a good van?

    OMG I am so upset and keep being distracted by these scam artist's bull sh**. I returned Jesse/ aka Sean mechanic's call. 8/2/17 1:22 texas time. I told him I will pay the 75 dollars for the inspection he SAID he did, but beyond that, i didnt authorize anything else except what we agreed...
  20. XFILE36

    Anyone here that can help me A.S.A.P. choose a good van?

    NO!!  I expected buyer and mechanic to disclose.  I DO NOT NEED YOUR NEGATIVITY RIGHT NOW!