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  1. D

    inverter question

    I have 2 100 watt solar panels, 2 6volt deep cycle batteries, and a 400/800 inverter, the inverter started beeping in the middle of the night, do i need a bigger inverter?
  2. D


    we have got everything working, I have one more question, how can I tell how much battery i have left?
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    I am sorry you were offended, I was not sure how to answer your questions
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    for sure, hubby says camping is too much work, yeah when we used a tent, not so much work using the popup, what i want to do is camp for 4 or 5 days come home restock, plus hubby has a paper route on sundays. we have not used ours yet, still trying to figure out the wiring hope to go next week
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    yes on the 2 prong, not sure if they are 120 or 110 we hooked up an inverter and they work now, crazy
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    not full time yet, can't convince hubby, so at least we can get out of the heat for 3 or 4 days a week, I want to do full time, it just makes sense
  7. D


    we got it all set up, lights and water pump work but now the outlets don't work, not sure why. Here's what we have. 2 100 watt solar panels connected to a wanderer charge control which is connected to the batteries, wired in series, then we have the existing battery wires wired to the batter...
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    the only wires were a negative and a positive wired to battery, that is the only wire. so if we are wiring the battery for series what do we wire the 2 solar panels series or parallel?
  9. D


    the existing wires were connected to a battery, which we replaced with 2 6 volt deep cycle batteries, I want to use solar to charge the batteries not sure how the old battery charged there is a switch inside the camper that says converter and battery we want to boondock camping which is free so...
  10. D


    we are getting ready to install solar panels today. i want to connect solar to our popup camper. Here is the sequence: panels to charge control, control to batteries (2 6 volt batteries in paralell)here is where i get confused, i want to wire the camper directly to the batteries. Will that work?
  11. D

    need solar power answer

    yes the camper runs 12 volt, not sure on the make and model of the converter, but it is  1989 coleman plantation. the existing batter is only at 11 volts instead of 12, so yeah needs to be replaced. yes we will be putting 2 6 volt deep cycle in the same place as the old battery, hubby is going...
  12. D

    need solar power answer

    Using my original plan how would I supply power to the camper? Also how should I wire them, parallel or series?
  13. D

    need solar power answer

    I posted this in the newcomers corner, they suggested I post it here, here is the post Ok, almost there, kinda understand solar set up. Is it: solar panel connects to charge controller, controller connects to the batteries and the batteries to the inverter? Here is what I have for our popup...
  14. D

    still have solar power questions

    Ok, almost there, kinda understand solar set up. Is it: solar panel connects to charge controller, controller connects to the batteries and the batteries to the inverter? Here is what I have for our popup camper: (2) 100 watt Renlogy solar panels, (2) 6 volt deep cycle batteries, charge...
  15. D

    still need more solar help

    thanks for the info, will buy the 2 6 volt batteries
  16. D

    still need more solar help

    I have (2) 100 Watt solar panels, will (2) twelve volts work for that or should I get the (2) 6 watts, not sure what to do, I thought if i had (2) 12 volt batteries i might get more power.....thoughts?
  17. D

    solar panel help

    thanks, will check them out. We do have a generator we can use on cloudy days. We have a colmen popup and we plan n mounting on the roof
  18. D

    solar panel help

  19. D

    solar panel help

    I bought the Renology 200 watt solar panel kit, I am confused on which batty to use a 12 volt or two 6 volts. Mostly I need electric for a cpap machine a fan and maybe a small tv, any suggestions and tips would be greatly appreciated