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  1. C-Cat

    Bluetti AC200P (all-in-one solar generator / 2000Wh lithium battery pack / 2000w inverter) for sale, only lightly used - SOLD!

    I have a Bluetti AC200P that I'd like to offer for $1200 (firm on the price). I ordered it from Amazon last November (I paid $1752 with tax) and used it sparingly as a backup to our larger RV solar installation. Recently I added a lot more capacity to our main system, so the AC200P is now just...
  2. C-Cat

    Special Closure for the Highway 260 & Salt Mine Road Corridor

    Does anyone have any news about these locations? The closure order was supposed to expire on January 6, 2021... ;)
  3. C-Cat

    I need to seam seal my small trailer. Can anyone offer advise?

    Dicor works... it's the magic bullet for leaky seals, but it's not pretty (not a problem up on an RV roof). The self leveling type is not going to work on vertical seams, but they also have a non-leveling version. For this kind of trailer it would look ugly though... I would maybe consult with...
  4. C-Cat

    What did you, yourself, Repair recently?

    Recently I repaired: - a water pump (where normally you would have replaced it, but the motor was fine, it was just the pressure switch and diaphragm - which was 15 USD instead of 80 for a new pump) - a cordless vacuum (the power switch was the culprit - I didn't even need to replace it, just...
  5. C-Cat

    Coyote Howls?

    If your rig is in good condition with no leaks I believe they would very likely make an exception to the 15 year rule... they just want to keep their option to turn away total trash campers, which is quite understandable...
  6. C-Cat

    Concerns about coming 5G network

    Tin foil hats may also work and are cheap! ;)
  7. C-Cat

    Land deals out there...

    Already pending... that was quick, lol :)
  8. C-Cat

    Land deals out there...

    True, there can be issues... nobody should rush into any of these deals...
  9. C-Cat

    Land deals out there...

    It's a subdivision near Twentynine Palms that was planned mid century but never took off... there are some incredible land deals out there, but yeah, it may be still out of reach for many. Here's some history and data on the area:
  10. C-Cat

    Land deals out there...

    As I mentioned in some other threads before, the government/BLM/Forest Service etc. is starting to clamp down on our community and particularly boondocking. So I proposed (and HOWA is also already on that case) to buy cheap private land all over the US and get a guest exchange going (similar to...
  11. C-Cat

    Emergency. Houseless with $0. Need to trade vehicle for cash+van ASAP

    You said you're a guitar virtuoso... busking is a valid and honorable option to make some additional cash... I would also advise to try to head south (the desert in AZ is great for the winter), but get enough money together to pay for car insurance first!
  12. C-Cat

    A little investment fun

    Mighty impressive... but dang, looking at your portfolio there I should have bought some FIT... I was just standing in front of their products a few weeks ago in a Target and thought, this stuff looks pretty good actually and a few days later Google announced that they want to buy the company...
  13. C-Cat

    young adults + financial responsibity[split] from 250 a month for years Lisa on youtube with Bob

    I hate generalizations and I hear it often from the older generation. If you're only seeing negatives, you're not looking hard enough... I know plenty of younger people who support themselves. Truth is though, the world is getting smaller; when I was born, there were half as many people on this...
  14. C-Cat

    A little investment fun

    Yes, you got to treat this like gambling. This is not investing, it's basically day trading or speculative trading... I will only stock up my initial investment if I can afford to completely lose it!
  15. C-Cat

    A little investment fun

    Here are my results so far: Started with $100 a week ago, got one Zynga at $6.09 for free, did 2 trades so far and now I have $109.81 in my account... still have a lot to learn, but it's a start! ;)
  16. C-Cat

    A little investment fun

    So far I made 6.83 on my $100 initial funding a few days ago. I'd like to learn more about IGBT's trading philosophy! Are you always only holding on to a stock until it's price (hopefully) rises a certain amount? Are you spending a lot of time researching and watching the market? And are you...
  17. C-Cat

    A little investment fun

    So, I got 100 USD in Robinhood to start out with (plus 1 free Zynga for 5 bucks, so I have 105 in theory ;). So IGBT, would you mind maybe telling us when you buy and sell a stock? ;)
  18. C-Cat

    A little investment fun

    Thanks... I just opened a new account with Robinhood and transfered an initial 100... soon more hopefully... I have to wait for the account to be reviewed and the money takes 3 days... then I'll be ready! ;)
  19. C-Cat

    A little investment fun

    Impressive... you really seem to know what you're doing... I might want to start out with a few hundred and follow your trades if you don't mind (and add more capital over time). What is the best site for trading with a smaller start capital?