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  1. ghsebldr

    Anyone in Ehrenburg right now?

    Short lived but a pleasure to have met you all. I was hot on your heels MF. That wind encouraged my early departure. Enjoyed your company while I was there.  ghsebldr/steve#1
  2. ghsebldr

    Anyone in Ehrenburg right now?

    We're only 18 miles away MFrancis. Bob posted instructions and a video earlier in this thread. Not too many folks here yet but the ones that are here are well spaced apart, close enough to walk by their camp but not right out your door. A group of four of us ( all unknown to each other until...
  3. ghsebldr

    Anyone in Ehrenburg right now?

    Made it this afternoon and got a nice hearty wave from the couple in the  first RV I drove by. Thanks for the welcome. I'll make sure to stop and let them know how welcoming that feels. Met a couple of other campers as well, everyone is very friendly so far. Got water and a few last minute...
  4. ghsebldr

    new member, now in Ehrenberg

    Hi Traveler, hope to be down to Ehrenberg in  about a week. Sounds like it's kind of quiet there right now. Just the way I like it. See you sooner than later. ghsebldr
  5. ghsebldr

    Anyone in Ehrenburg right now?

    Reno Pretty sure Bob did a blog on Ehrenberg (sp?), where it's located and what the local amenities are. If I knew how to find it and link it I would but my internet skill set doesn't go that high so just check through his blog. I am planning on being there around the 16th of this month myself...
  6. ghsebldr

    Ehrenberg earlybirds

    slow2day, thanks for the link. I've been thinking about getting there in mid November and that link just confirmed it for me. Looks like the end of the 80 degree days happens in that time frame.
  7. ghsebldr

    Do you caravan with buddies?

    Either way works for me as long as we're stopping at the casino tonight. Speaking of which, anyone heading South from Washington to Ehrenberg before Thanksgiving? I'd like to try it out this year and would like someone to follow or lead down the 5 to Bakersfield then East to Ehrenberg. I usually...
  8. ghsebldr

    I hate to pay for but if she will do it...

    jdenver those panels look huge. Would you mind telling me what size and voltage they are. I'm sure it may be in an older post but I haven't figured out how to search someone's history yet. Thanks
  9. ghsebldr

    That Bob is pretty persuasive.

    You guessed it popeye am now and almost a were. Also reverse the numbers on your C and you will have mine. 2005 style Winnie. Thanks for the welcome.
  10. ghsebldr

    That Bob is pretty persuasive.

    I've been watching the youtube channel for a few months now. Wish now that I had a van for camping but my eyes got all big when I started looking at Class C's and of course bigger is better (not). I do have a sprinter and a express 1500 for the business as well as a trailer just like Bob's but...