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  1. M

    WVO electric generator???

    I figured it would be a way to begin cutting back on my use of grid power.  The real expense here is the battery bank, which im working on right now.  But, once that is in place, there are a ton of options for recharging it.  Solar panels can be added a few at a time as money...
  2. M

    Dumb question

    There must be a way to recharge a battery bank using the alternator of the vehicle without damaging the batteries or shortening their life span.<div><br></div><div>Could someone explain how to set this up in an RV pull trailer, please, in laymen's terms? &nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Yes...
  3. M

    An interesting future fuel

    I did a bit more research on it. &nbsp;Seems it would work best as fuel in a nuclear facility to produce electricity, rather than in a vehicle. &nbsp;Thorium can not be used to manufacture nuclear weapons, does not take as long as uranium to break down after it is used up, and can, pound for...
  4. M

    E-cigarette business?

    <div><br></div><div>Your point is well taken. &nbsp;In truth, there is very little medical research that has been done on e-cigarettes. &nbsp;As for people vaping for a year, there are folks who have been vaping for over a decade. &nbsp;This was popular in Europe long before it was heard of in...
  5. M

    An interesting future fuel

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a><div><br></div><div>The info at this link proposes a possible use...
  6. M

    WVO electric generator???

    I've seen people who use WVO (waste vegetable oil) as fuel for their diesel vehicle. &nbsp;For me, this wouldn't be workable because I drive a lot of miles and I don't think I could lay my hands on enough WVO to cover my driving needs.<div><br></div><div>But, maybe it could work better if I ran...
  7. M

    Lard to lectric

    I think I remember reading that 2 hours on a stationary bike with an attached generator/altenator will produce enough electricity to watch tv for 1 hour.<div><br></div><div>Me, I'd want an easier way. &nbsp;My hairbrained idea is probably not feasabile, but----</div><div><br></div><div>I would...
  8. M

    LPG or CNG

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a><div><br></div><div>That web address gives links to companies that offer LP/duel fuel kits for vehicles, even fuel...
  9. M

    LPG or CNG

    Considering the price of LP, a 20% loss of efficiency isn't bad at all. &nbsp;You should still come out ahead on fuel cost, I think. &nbsp;Duel fuel would seem to make the difficult start on LP a moot point. &nbsp;Start it on gasoline, then switch once the motor is warmed up. &nbsp;LP should...
  10. M

    not just guns: other methods of self-protection

    +1 on the highpoint. &nbsp;Another thing you can do once you have your .45 highpoint is to purchase a .45 Highpoint carbine. &nbsp;You should be able to swap your magazines/ammo between the pistol &amp; carbine, for those who believe a pistol is only good for fighting your way to a...
  11. M

    Camping in a jeep just got simpler

    lampliter, maybe you could design one, then come up with step-by-step DIY plans for others to follow. I'd bet folks would pay you for those plans. Come to think of it, I've never seen complete plans for an RV conversion, either. Not saying there aren't any, just that I've never seen them...
  12. M

    Military RV conversion?

    That is all kinds of aweaome!!!! Exactly what I had in mind when I started this thread.
  13. M

    Storage unit/RV combo?

    I know folks are not allowed to sleep in rented storage units, but can you live in one by day? Could you set up the storage shed like a living room, live in it by day, then leave to sleep in your RV/vehicle at night? If the rent on the storage unit is low, it would be cheaper than an...
  14. M

    Vandwelling & America's failing dollar

    I think you would be better off in an RV during a serious economic crisis than a traditional house, assuming you outright own the RV. It's easier to pay off an RV/vehicle than to pay off a home, in most cases. In a serious economic crisis, a ton of folks are not going to be able to pay their...
  15. M

    Military RV conversion?

    He should start an oil change business! Folks would pay him to fill up his gas tank with their old oil.
  16. M

    Military RV conversion?

    I was looking at used military vehicles for sale, because they're just darn cool, and saw a few ambulances, some of them pretty old. Made me wonder if anyone here has converted one to an RV. Seems like a good idea, though I might be overlooking something, like gas mileage. Also, is there some...
  17. M

    Going to start my first business in about 3 months (hopefully)

    After you have bought the scrap gold, who do you sell it to for a profit? Sounds interesting. Good luck with this new business.
  18. M

    E-cigarette business?

    The thing is, I'm going to do my best to spread the word about e-cigs whether I do it for profit or not. I know for a fact that e-cigs work. It's just confusing when you first get going, between choosing equipment that will deliver a consistent hit of nicotine, choosing between preloaded...
  19. M

    not just guns: other methods of self-protection

    Well, I think I have a pretty good self defense tool. Took me a while and a couple of tries to get it right, but it meets my criteria. It had to be completely innocent looking--something an officer could see me with and think nothing of it. It had to be effective--capable of delivering an...
  20. M

    How to hide

    With my luck, it would be a heat-seeking missile. Honestly, I don't plan to have anyone looking for me. So much easier to hide if no one is seeking you. During retirement, I'd like to have several small pieces of land to park an RV on so I can rotate where I park. I'd be able to winter in...